Publications 2002


  1. B. Caillaud, P. Darondeau, L. Lavagno, Xiaolan Xie (eds.). Synthesis and Control of Discrete Event Systems. Kluwer Academic Press, 2002. details download
  2. FATES'02, Formal Approaches to Testing of Software, A Satellite Workshop of CONCUR'02. R. Hierons, T. Jéron (eds.), Inria Report, August 2002. details pdf

Academic Journals

  1. Eric Badouel, Benoît Caillaud, Philippe Darondeau. Distributing Finite Automata Through Petri Net Synthesis. Formal Aspects of Computing, 13(6):447-470, 2002. details
  2. L. Hélouet. Distributed system requirements modeling with Message Sequence Charts. International Journal of Information and Software Technology, 2002. details
  3. L. Hélouet, C. Jard, B. Caillaud. An Event Structure Semantics for Message Sequence Charts. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (MSCS) journal, 12(4):377-403, 2002. details
  4. T. Jéron. TGV: théorie, principes et algorithmes. Techniques et Sciences Informatiques, numéro spécial Test de Logiciels, (21), 2002. details
  5. H. Marchand, O. Boivineau, S. Lafortune. On Optimal Control of a class of partially-Observed Discrete Event Systems. Automatica, 38(11):1935-1943, October 2002. details doi pdf

Book Chapters

  1. M. Bednarczyk, P. Darondeau. Looking for diamonds. In Synthesis and Control of Discrete Event Systems, B. Caillaud, P. Darondeau, L. Lavagno, X. Xie (eds.), pp. 214-219, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. details download

International Conferences

  1. D. Clarke, T. Jéron, V. Rusu, E. Zinovieva. STG: a Symbolic Test Generation tool. In (Tool paper) Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'02). Volume 2280 of LNCS, 2002. details ps
  2. B. Genest, A. Muscholl. Pattern Matching and Membership for Hierarchical Message Sequence Charts. In LATIN, Volume LNCS 2286, Pages 326-340, 2002. details
  3. B. Genest, A. Muscholl, H. Seidl, M. Zeitoun. Infinite-State High-Level MSCs: Model-Checking and Realizability. In ICALP, Volume LNCS 2380, Pages 657-668, 2002. details
  4. E. Fabre. Compositional models of distributed and asynchronous dynamical systems. In 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, December 2002. details
  5. E. Fabre, V. Pigourier. Monitoring distributed systems with distributed algorithms. In 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, December 2002. details
  6. H. Marchand, B. Gaudin. Supervisory Control Problems of Hierarchical Finite State Machines. In 41th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Pages 1199-1204, Las Vegas, USA, December 2002. details doi pdf
  7. S. Pickin, C. Jard, Y. Le Traon, T. Jéron, J.-M. Jezequel, A. Le Guennec. System Test Synthesis from UML Models of Distributed Software. In Forte 2002, 22nd IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems. Volume 2529 of LNCS, Houston, Texas, November 2002. details pdf
  8. A. Benveniste, P. Caspi, P. Le Guernic, H. Marchand, J.P. Talpin, S. Tripakis. A Protocol for Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures. In Embedded Software Conference (EMSOFT '02), LNCS, Volume 2491, Pages 252-265, Grenoble, France, October 2002. details doi pdf
  9. A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, S. Haar. Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach. In Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES), Zaragoza, October 2002. details
  10. P. Caspi, A. Benveniste. Toward an Approximation Theory for Computerised Control. In Embedded Software, Second International Workshop, EMSOFT 2002, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, J. Sifakis (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2491, Pages 294-304, Grenoble, October 2002. details download
  11. H. Marchand, E. Rutten. A case study in applying discrete control synthesis to excavator operation. In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC), Hammamet, Tunisia, October 2002. details doi pdf
  12. A. Aghasaryan, C. Dousson, E. Fabre, A. Osmani, Y. Pencolé. Modeling Fault Propagation In Telecommunications Networks for Diagnosis Purposes. In World Telecommunication Congress, September 2002. details
  13. A. Benveniste. Non-massive, Non-high Performance, Distributed Computing. In Euro-Par 2002, Parallel Processing, B. Monien, R. Feldmann (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Plenary talk, Volume 2400, Pages 29-48, Paderborn, Germany, August 2002. details download
  14. T. Guionnet, C. Guillemot, E. Fabre. Soft Decoding of Multiple Descriptions. In International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, August 2002. details
  15. E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, C. Jard. Distributed diagnosis for large discrete event dynamic systems. In 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, July 2002. details
  16. C. Jard, T. Jéron. TGV: theory, principles and algorithms. In The Sixth World Conference on Integrated Design & Process Technology (IDPT'02), Pasadena, California, USA, June 2002. details ps
  17. H. Marchand, E. Rutten. Managing multi-mode tasks with time cost and quality levels using optimal discrete control synthesis. In 14th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS'02), Pages 241-248, June 2002. details doi pdf

National Conferences

  1. H. Marchand, L. Rozé. Diagnostic de pannes sur des systèmes à événements discrets : une approche à base de modèles symboliques. In 13ème Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Pages 191-200, Angers, France, January 2002. details pdf

Research Reports

  1. Eric Badouel, Philippe Darondeau. The Petri net synthesis problem for automatic graphs. Research Report INRIA Rennes, No 4661, December 2002. details
  2. A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, S. Haar. Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach. Publication Interne IRISA, No 1456, May 2002. details
  3. E. Rutten, H. Marchand. Task-level programming for control systems using discrete control synthesis. Research Report INRIA, No 4389, February 2002. details pdf

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