- Loïc Hélouët (CR1 INRIA, senior researcher)
Main competences: timed systems, concurrency models, verification.
- Nathalie Bertrand (DR INRIA, senior researcher)
Main competences: quantitative models, quantitative verification.
- Blaise Genest (DR CNRS)
Main competences: control of systems, stochastic systems, quantitative verification.
- Hugo Bazille, SUMO Team, PhD Student (2016-2019),
Topic: Efficient verification of stochastic models.
- Victor Roussanaly, SUMO Team, PhD Student (2017 - 2020),
Topic: Efficient verification of timed models.
IIT Bombay, India :
S.Akshay, IIT Bombay, assistant Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Main competences: stochastic models, timed models, concurrency.
- S. Krishna, IIT Bombay, Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Main competences: Games, Complexity, Formal verification of quantitative systems.
- Sparsa Roychowdhary, IIT Bombay, PhD Student (2016-2020).
Topic: Verification of timed, concurrent and recursive models.
- Khushraj Madnani, IIT Bombay, PhD Student (2013-2018).
Topic: Temporal logics and automata theory