- July 2015 : A joint paper on Timed extension of Petri nets was submitted
- June 2015 : S. Akshay visits the SUMO team for three weeks.
- May-july 2014 : Internship of M. Derwansar (Master student from CMI) on markovian models
- March 2015 L. Hélouët visits CMI
- February 2015 : B. Genest visits NUS
- January 2015 : A joint work was accepted in Fundamenta Informatica
- January 2015 : S. Palaniappan (formerly at NUS) joined the SUMO team as a Post Doc
- November 2014 : G.Aucher visits R. Ramanujam at IMSC
- November 2014 : B.Genest visits P.S. Thiagarajan at N.U.S.
- November 2014 : Joint work on Time Petri nets with urgency submitted
- April-july 2014 D. Raju (CMI) joins SUMO for a Master internship
- May-july 2014 : Internship of R. Garg (IIT Kampur) on Web service modeling using active communicating documents
- June 2014 S. Akshay visits SUMO for a month
- April 2014 A joint paper on models for web Services was accepted at ACSD
- March 2014 L. Hélouët visited CMI
- December 2013 S. Pinchinat & G. Aucher visited IMSC
- October 2013 S. Akshay and M. Mukund visit INRIA Rennes to progress work on session systems.
- June 2013 Blaise Genest visits Professor P.S. Thiagaraje at National University of Singapore.
- May 2013 L. Helouet defended his habilitation. M. Mukund was part of the jury. A work meeting took place at LSV.
- April 2013 Several members of the DISTOL team meet in Delhi during a CEFIPRA Workshop.