Title: MFS: A Mobile File System Using Generic System Services
Authors: M.T. Segarra, and F. André
Authors' address: IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu,
35042 Rennes Cedex,

Abstract: Portable computers using wireless networks enable users to work while on the move but introduce many new technical challenges. The MolèNE project aims at building generic system services to deal with mobility related problems as a middleware between the standard operating system and the applications. Using these services, programmers concentrate on application functionalities and the development and maintenance of code become simpler. In this paper, we present MFS, a NFS version 2.0 protocol compatible file system that uses generic services to deal with disconnections of mobile clients, allows mobile users to access NFS objects despite disconnections, eliminates NFS consistency traffic, and allows a per data blocks consistency management.

Keywords: wireless networks, mobile computing, distributed file systems, NFS.