Internship at Inria for international students


(stages d'avril à septembre 2006) / (Internships between April and September 2006)

(renseigner toutes les rubriques en supprimant les mentions inutiles)


Votre courriel/e-mail of the proposer : laurent.mevel@inria.fr

Nom du projet/Research team name :  SISTHEM

Unité de recherche/Research Unit : Rennes 

Thème INRIA/Research theme : Num  C

Nom et prénom du chef de projet/Research team leader name :  Michèle Basseville

Encadrant du stage/Intern tutor : Laurent Mevel

Titre du sujet du stage/Topic of the Internship
 Flutter simulation for the monitoring of aeronautical structures

Type de stage/Intern level : diplôme d'ingénieur-Engineering school / Mastère-Master's thesis.

Durée minimum du stage (en mois)/Internship duration (months) : 4

Ce stage pourrait-il déboucher sur une thèse ou un post-doc ?/Possibility of a follow-up Ph.D or post-doc : yes

Description du sujet du stage/Internship description (une dizaine de lignes/about ten lines) :


The team SISTHEM is actively working on detecting damages in civil structures as well as monitoring aero-elastic phenomena in aeronautical structures under natural or controlled vibration. This work has been conducted under a few european Eureka projects (Flite, Flite2). The team is working on identification and detection of the vibrational characteristics of mechanical structures such as planes under the hypothesis of unknown natural excitation. Previous works include monitoring of the behaviour of a plane (civil or military) using identification or detection techniques applied on the underlying linear system representing the structure. The proposed subject is to study, develop and test a time series simulator. The purpose of this simulator is to produce time series representative of some structural system, namely a plane. This simulator should be able to output a time varying time series, where frequencies and dampings do show some behaviour characteristic of some flutter phenomena. In past works, flutter phenomena was roughly represented by a drop in some damping value of some mode. Due to the coupling between parameters, this is not really realistic and not representative of a real life experiment. Recent works in flutter modelling do exhibit some models for flutter. These models should be analysed and embedded in a time series simulator in order to depict a flutter scenario as realistic as possible.

Préciser les pré-requis nécessaires pour ce stage/Prerequisites :
simulation of stochastic systems
mechanical knowledge 


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