Inference for STructural HEalth Monitoring
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Publications 2009
Articles de journaux
- Étienne Balmès, Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Houssein Nasser, Handling the temperature effect in vibration-based monitoring of civil structures: a combined subspace-based and nuisance rejection approach, Control Engineering Practice, 17(1):80-87, Janvier 2009.
Chapitres de livres
- Michèle Basseville, Model-based statistical signal processing for change and damage detection, in Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring, Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang, Yozo Fujino (eds.), Pages 677-696, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, GB, Janvier 2009.
Conférences internationales
- Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Rafik Zouari, Variations on CUSUM tests for flutter monitoring, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop in Sequential Methodologies (IWSM), Troyes, FR, Juin 2009.
- Gilles Canales, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Transmissibility based damage detection, in Proceedings of the 27th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXVII), Orlando, Fl, US, Février 2009.
- Gilles Canales, Laurent Mevel, Output-only frequency-domain local approach on damage detection, in Preprints of the 15th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Pages 197-202, Saint-Malo, FR, Juillet 2009.
- Maurice Goursat, Laurent Mevel, Algorithms for covariance subspace identification: a choice of effective implementations, in Proceedings of the 27th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXVII), Orlando, Fl, US, Février 2009.
- Dominique Siegert, Laurent Mevel, Edwyn Reynders, Guido De Roeck, Maurice Goursat, Variation of modal parameter estimates of a prestressed concrete bridge, in Proceedings of the 27th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXVII), Orlando, Fl, US, Février 2009.
- Rafik Zouari, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Subspace-based damping monitoring, in Preprints of the 15th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Pages 850-855, Saint-Malo, FR, Juillet 2009.
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