Inference for STructural HEalth Monitoring
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Publications 1993
- Michèle Basseville, Igor Nikiforov, Detection of Abrupt Changes - Theory and Applications, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, US, 1993.
Articles de journaux
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Béatrice Gach-Devauchelle, Maurice Goursat, Dominique Bonnecase, P. Dorey, Marc Prevosto, Marc Olagnon, In situ damage monitoring in vibration mechanics : issues in diagnostics and predictive maintenance, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 7(5):401-423, Septembre 1993.
Conférences internationales
- Michèle Basseville, Igor V. Nikiforov, Statistical change detection theory for monitoring, in Proceedings of the Tooldiag Workshop, Pages 453-466, Toulouse, FR, Avril 1993.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Ga\"el Mathis, Qinghua Zhang, Detection and diagnosis of small changes in nonlinear systems - Application to the monitoring of a gas turbine, in Proceedings of the Tooldiag Workshop, Pages 487-494, Toulouse, FR, Avril 1993.
- Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Laurent El Ghaoui, Ramine Nikoukhah, Alan,S. Willsky, On the use of descriptor systems for failure detection and isolation, in Proceedings of the 12th IFAC World Congress, Pages 499-502, Sydney, AU, 1993.
- Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Early warning of slight changes in systems and plants with application to condition based maintenance, in Proceedings of the 12th IFAC World Congress, Pages 531-534, Sydney, AU, 1993.
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