Statistical Inference for STructural HEalth Monitoring

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Publications 1989

Articles de journaux

  1. Michèle Basseville, Distance measures for signal processing and pattern recognition, Signal Processing, 18(4):349-369, Décembre 1989. download

Conférences internationales

  1. Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Elias Wahnon, Model based diagnosis, a case study in vibration mechanics, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Model Based Diagnosis, Paris, FR, Juillet 1989.
  2. Dominique Bonnecase, Marc Prevosto, Albert Benveniste, Application of a multidimensional ARMA model to modal analysis under natural excitation, in Proceedings of the 7th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-VII), Pages 0-0, Orlando, Fl, US, Février 1989.

Conférences nationales

  1. Dominique Bonnecase, Marc Prevosto, Albert Benveniste, Analyse modale des structures en service par utilisation d'un modèle ARMA, in Proceedings of STRUCOME, Pages 0-0, Paris, FR, 1989.

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