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Publications 1986
Journal Papers
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Detection and diagnosis of abrupt changes in modal characteristics of nonstationary digital signals, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-32(3):412-417, May 1986.
- George V. Moustakides, Albert Benveniste, Detecting changes in the AR parameters of a nonstationary ARMA process, Stochastics, 16(1):137-155, 1986.
Book Chapters
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Detection of abrupt changes in the modal characteristics of nonstationary vector signals, in Modelling, Identification and Robust Control, C.I. Byrnes, A. Lindquist (eds.), Pages 537-547, North Holland, Amsterdam, NL, 1986.
International Conferences
- Michèle Basseville, Detection of changes in signals and dynamical systems, in Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, Pages 7-12, Lund, SE, July 1986.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Change detection and diagnosis for vibration monitoring, in Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, Pages 297-302, Lund, SE, July 1986.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Optimum sensor location for detecting changes in dynamical behavior, in Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'86), Volume 2, Pages 1058-1063, Athens, GR, December 1986.
- Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, George V. Moustakides, Modelling and monitoring of changes in dynamical systems, in Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'86), Volume 2, Pages 776-782, Athens, GR, December 1986.
- Marc Prevosto, Marc Olagnon, Albert Benveniste, ARMA modelisation, a solution to modal parameter estimation, in Proceedings of the 11th International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven, BE, 1986.
Research Reports
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Detection and diagnosis of changes in the eigenstructure of nonstationary multivariable systems, No 477, January 1986.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Optimal sensor location for detecting changes in dynamical behavior, No 498, March 1986.
- Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, George Moustakides, The asymptotic local approach to change detection and model validation, No 564, September 1986.
- Anne Rougée, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George Moustakides, Optimum robust detection of changes in the AR part of a multivariable ARMA process, No 478, January 1986.