Inference for STructural HEalth Monitoring
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Publications of Rafik Zouari
International Conferences
- Rafik Zouari, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Subspace-based damping monitoring, in Preprints of the 15th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Saint-Malo, FR, July 2009.
- Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Rafik Zouari, Variations on CUSUM tests for flutter monitoring, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop in Sequential Methodologies (IWSM), Troyes, FR, June 2009.
- Tim De Troyer, Rafik Zouari, Patrick Guillaume, Laurent Mevel, A new frequency-domain flutter speed prediction algorithm, in Proceedings of ISMA2008 - Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference, Leuven, BE, September 2008.
- Rafik Zouari, Tim De Troyer, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Patrick Guillaume, Flutter monitoring using a mixed model-based and data-based approach, in Proceedings of ISMA2008 - Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference, Leuven, BE, September 2008.
- Rafik Zouari, Laurent Mevel, Andrzej Klepka, Michèle Basseville, Adaptive flutter monitoring using wavelet filtering and recursive subspace-based detection, in Proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Pages 1137-1144, Cracow, PL, July 2008.
- Rafik Zouari, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, An adaptive statistical approach to flutter detection, in Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Pages 12024-12029, Seoul, KR, July 2008.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Laurent Mevel, Rafik Zouari, On-line detection of aircraft instability precursors, in Proceedings of the 56th ISI session, Special Topics Contributed Paper Meeting on Change-point detection and nonlinear filtering methods: applications, Lisbon, PT, August 2007.
- Rafik Zouari, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Mode-shapes correlation and CUSUM test for on-line flutter monitoring, in Proceedings of the 17th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace (ACA), Toulouse, FR, June 2007.
- Wensong Zhou, Sirine Maalej, Rafik Zouari, Laurent Mevel, Flutter monitoring with the statistical subspace method for the 2-D structure, in Proceedings of the 25th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXV), Orlando, Fl, US, February 2007.
- Rafik Zouari, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, CUSUM test for flutter monitoring of modal dynamics, in Proceedings of ISMA2006 - Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference, Leuven, BE, September 2006.
Theses and HDR
- Rafik Zouari, Détection Précoce d'Instabilité Aéroélastique des Structures Aéronautiques, PhD Thesis Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, FR, November 2008.