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Publications de Michele Basseville
Thèses et HDR
- Michèle Basseville, Contribution à la Détection Séquentielle de Ruptures de Modèles Statistiques, Habilitation à diriger des recherches de l'Université de Rennes I, Rennes, FR, Juin 1982.
- Michèle Basseville, Igor Nikiforov, Detection of Abrupt Changes - Theory and Applications, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, US, 1993.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste (eds.), Detection of Abrupt Changes in Signals and Dynamical Systems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, DE, 1985.
Articles de journaux
- Étienne Balmès, Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Houssein Nasser, Handling the temperature effect in vibration-based monitoring of civil structures: a combined subspace-based and nuisance rejection approach, Control Engineering Practice, 17(1):80-87, Janvier 2009.
- Étienne Balmès, Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Houssein Nasser, Wensong Zhou, Statistical model-based damage localization: a combined subspace-based and substructuring approach, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 15(6):857-875, Octobre 2008.
- Étienne Balmès, Michèle Basseville, Frédéric Bourquin, Laurent Mevel, Houssein Nasser, Fabien Treyssède, Merging sensor data from multiple temperature scenarios for vibration-based monitoring of civil structures, Structural Health Monitoring, 7(2):129-142, Juin 2008.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Maurice Goursat, Laurent Mevel, Subspace-based algorithms for structural identification, damage detection, and sensor data fusion, Journal of Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on Advances in Subspace-Based Techniques for Signal Processing and Communications, 2007, 2007.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Maurice Goursat, Laurent Mevel, In-flight monitoring of aeronautic structures: vibration-based on-line automated identification versus detection, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Special Issue on Applications of System Identification, 27(5):27-42, Octobre 2007.
- Laurent Mevel, Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, Bart Peeters, Herman Van der Auweraer, Antonio Vecchio, Input/output versus output-only data processing for structural identification - Application to in-flight data analysis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 295(3):531-552, Août 2006.
- Michèle Basseville, A Discussion on "Detection of intrusions in information systems by sequential change-point methods" by Tartakovsky, Rozovskii, Blazek, and Kim, Statistical Methodology, the Journal of the International Indian Statistical Association, 3(3):299-303, Juillet 2006.
- Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Fast in-flight detection of flutter onset: a statistical approach, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 28(3):431-438, Mai 2005.
- Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Maurice Goursat, Statistical model-based damage detection and localization : subspace-based residuals and damage-to-noise sensitivity ratios, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 275(3):769-794, Août 2004.
- Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Antonio Vecchio, Bart Peeters, Herman van der Auweraer, Output-only subspace-based damage detection - Application to a reticular structure, Structural Health Monitoring, Special Issue on the 1st European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 2(2):161-168, Juin 2003.
- Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, Stochastic subspace-based structural identification and damage detection - Application to the steel-quake benchmark, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Special issue on COST F3 Benchmarks, 17(1):91-101, Janvier 2003.
- Laurent Mevel, Maurice Goursat, Michèle Basseville, Stochastic subspace-based structural identification and damage detection and localization - Application to the Z24 bridge benchmark, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Special issue on COST F3 Benchmarks, 17(1):143-151, Janvier 2003.
- Michèle Basseville, Igor Nikiforov, Fault isolation for diagnosis : nuisance rejection and multiple hypotheses testing, Annual Reviews in Control, 26(2):189-202, Décembre 2002.
- Laurent Mevel, Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, Blind subspace-based eigenstructure identification under nonstationary excitation using moving sensors, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, SP-50(1):41-48, Janvier 2002.
- Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Maurice Goursat, Merging sensor data from multiple measurement setups for nonstationary subspace-based modal analysis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 249(4):719-741, Janvier 2002.
- Michèle Basseville, On fault detectability and isolability, European Journal of Control, 7(6):625-638, 2001.
- Michel Kinnaert, Mattias Nyberg, Michèle Basseville, Discussion of "On fault detectability and isolability", European Journal of Control, 7(6):638-641, 2001.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Maurice Goursat, Luc Hermans, Laurent Mevel, Herman van der Auweraer, Output-only subspace-based structural identification : from theory to industrial testing practice, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Special issue on Identification of Mechanical Systems, 123(4):668-676, Décembre 2001.
- Michèle Basseville, Maher Abdelghani, Albert Benveniste, Subspace-based fault detection algorithms for vibration monitoring, Automatica, 36(1):101-109, Janvier 2000.
- Michèle Basseville, An invariance property of some subspace-based detection algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, SP-47(12):3398-3401, Décembre 1999.
- Michèle Basseville, On-board component fault detection and isolation using the statistical local approach, Automatica, 34(11):1391-1416, Novembre 1998.
- Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Fault detection and isolation in nonlinear dynamical systems : a combined input-output and local approach, Automatica, 34(11):1359-1374, Novembre 1998.
- Michèle Basseville, Information criteria for residual generation and fault detection and isolation, Automatica, 33(5):783-803, Mai 1997.
- Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Early warning of slight changes in systems, Automatica, Special issue on Statistical Methods in Signal Processing and Control, 30(1):95-113, Janvier 1994.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Béatrice Gach-Devauchelle, Maurice Goursat, Dominique Bonnecase, P. Dorey, Marc Prevosto, Marc Olagnon, In situ damage monitoring in vibration mechanics : issues in diagnostics and predictive maintenance, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 7(5):401-423, Septembre 1993.
- Marc Prevosto, Marc Olagnon, Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Georges Le Vey, State space formulation, a solution to modal parameter estimation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 148(2):329-342, Juillet 1991.
- Michèle Basseville, Distance measures for signal processing and pattern recognition, Signal Processing, 18(4):349-369, Décembre 1989.
- Michèle Basseville, Detecting changes in signals and systems - A survey, Automatica, 24(3):309-326, Mai 1988.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Optimal sensor location for detecting changes in dynamical behavior, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, AC-32(12):1067-1075, Décembre 1987.
- Anne Rougée, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Optimum robust detection of changes in the AR part of a multivariable ARMA process, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, AC-32(12):1116-1120, Décembre 1987.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Detection and diagnosis of changes in the eigenstructure of nonstationary multivariable systems, Automatica, 23(4):479-489, Juillet 1987.
- Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, George V. Moustakides, The asymptotic local approach to change detection and model validation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, AC-32(7):583-592, Juillet 1987.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Detection and diagnosis of abrupt changes in modal characteristics of nonstationary digital signals, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-32(3):412-417, Mai 1986.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Comments on "Sequential segmentation of nonstationary digital signals using spectral analysis", Information Sciences, 32(3):243-247, Juin 1984.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Sequential detection of abrupt changes in spectral characteristics of digital signals, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-29(5):709-724, Septembre 1983.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Design and comparative study of some sequential jump detection algorithms for digital signals, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ASSP-31(3):521-535, Juin 1983.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Sequential segmentation of nonstationary digital signals using spectral analysis, Information Sciences, Special Issue on Applied Time Series Analysis, 29(1):57-73, Février 1983.
- Michèle Basseville, Bernard Espiau, Jacky Gasnier, Edge detection using sequential methods for change in level - Part I : A sequential edge detection algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ASSP-29(1):24-31, Février 1981.
- Michèle Basseville, Edge detection using sequential methods for change in level - Part II : Sequential detection of change in mean, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ASSP-29(1):32-50, Février 1981.
Chapitres de livres
- Michèle Basseville, Model-based statistical signal processing for change and damage detection, in Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring, Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang, Yozo Fujino (eds.), Pages 677-696, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, GB, Janvier 2009.
- Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, Laurent Mevel, The local approach to change detection, diagnosis, and model validation: application to vibration mechanics, in Forever Ljung in System Identification - Workshop on the occasion of Lennart Ljung's 60th birthday, Torkel Glad (ed.), Pages 3-35, Studentlitteratur, Lund, SE, Septembre 2006.
- Michèle Basseville, Statistical methods for change detection, in Encyclopedia of Control Systems, Robotics and Automation, Heinz Unbehauen (ed.), Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) Publishers, Oxford, GB, 2002.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Bernard Delyon, Diagnostics and monitoring as tightly coupled to identification, in Perspectives in Control - Theory and Applications, D. Normand-Cyrot (ed.), Pages 217-236, Springer-Verlag, New York, NJ, US, 1998.
- Michèle Basseville, Georges Le Vey, Analyse et surveillance vibratoire d'une machine en rotation, in Analysis and Optimization of Systems, A. Bensoussan, J.L. Lions, M. Thoma, A. Wyner (eds.), Volume LNCIS-111, Pages 884-894, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, DE, 1988.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Detection and diagnosis of changes in the AR part of an ARMA model with nonstationary unknown M. A. coefficients, in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, VNU Science Press, Utrecht, NL, 1987.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Detection of abrupt changes in the modal characteristics of nonstationary vector signals, in Modelling, Identification and Robust Control, C.I. Byrnes, A. Lindquist (eds.), Pages 537-547, North Holland, Amsterdam, NL, 1986.
- Michèle Basseville, On-line detection of jumps in mean, in Detection of Abrupt Changes in Signals and Dynamical Systems, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste (eds.), Volume LNCIS-77, Pages 11-26, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, DE, 1985.
- Michèle Basseville, Two examples of application of the GLR method in signal processing, in Detection of Abrupt Changes in Signals and Dynamical Systems, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste (eds.), Volume LNCIS-77, Pages 50-73, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, DE, 1985.
- Michèle Basseville, The two-models approach for the on-line detection of changes in AR processes, in Detection of Abrupt Changes in Signals and Dynamical Systems, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste (eds.), Volume LNCIS-77, Pages 169-215, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, DE, 1985.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, The local method applied to the robust detection of changes in the poles of a pole-zero system, in Detection of Abrupt Changes in Signals and Dynamical Systems, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste (eds.), Volume LNCIS-77, Pages 259-274, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, DE, 1985.
- Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Detection of abrupt changes in signals and dynamical systems: some statistical aspects, in Analysis and Optimization of Systems, Alain Bensoussan, Jacques-Louis Lions (eds.), Volume LNCIS-62, Pages 145-155, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, DE, 1984.
Conférences internationales
- Rafik Zouari, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Subspace-based damping monitoring, in Preprints of the 15th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Pages 850-855, Saint-Malo, FR, Juillet 2009.
- Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Rafik Zouari, Variations on CUSUM tests for flutter monitoring, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop in Sequential Methodologies (IWSM), Troyes, FR, Juin 2009.
- Gilles Canales, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Transmissibility based damage detection, in Proceedings of the 27th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXVII), Orlando, Fl, US, Février 2009.
- Rafik Zouari, Tim De Troyer, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Patrick Guillaume, Flutter monitoring using a mixed model-based and data-based approach, in Proceedings of ISMA2008 - Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference, Leuven, BE, Septembre 2008.
- Gilles Canales, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, A polyreference least squares complex frequency domain based statistical test for damage detection, in Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Pages 4511-4516, Seoul, KR, Juillet 2008.
- Rafik Zouari, Laurent Mevel, Andrzej Klepka, Michèle Basseville, Adaptive flutter monitoring using wavelet filtering and recursive subspace-based detection, in Proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Pages 1137-1144, Cracow, PL, Juillet 2008.
- Rafik Zouari, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, An adaptive statistical approach to flutter detection, in Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Pages 12024-12029, Seoul, KR, Juillet 2008.
- Houssein Nasser, Arnaud Deraemaecker, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Modal filtering data reduction and subspace detection for handling the temperature effect in structural health monitoring, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES), Porto, PT, Octobre 2007.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Laurent Mevel, Rafik Zouari, On-line detection of aircraft instability precursors, in Proceedings of the 56th ISI session, Special Topics Contributed Paper Meeting on Change-point detection and nonlinear filtering methods: applications, Lisbon, PT, Août 2007.
- Palle Andersen, Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Carlos Ventura, Wensong Zhou, Seismic damage assessment in structures using stochastic subspace-based algorithm, in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computational Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN), Rethymno, Crete, GR, Juin 2007.
- Rafik Zouari, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Mode-shapes correlation and CUSUM test for on-line flutter monitoring, in Proceedings of the 17th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace (ACA), Toulouse, FR, Juin 2007.
- Wensong Zhou, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, Houssein Nasser, Statistical model-based damage localization: implementation within the Scilab toolbox COSMAD, in Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Yokohama, JP, Décembre 2006.
- Rafik Zouari, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, CUSUM test for flutter monitoring of modal dynamics, in Proceedings of ISMA2006 - Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference, Leuven, BE, Septembre 2006.
- Étienne Balmès, Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Houssein Nasser, Handling the temperature effect in vibration-based monitoring of civil structures: a combined subspace-based and nuisance rejection approach, in Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS), Pages 655-660, Beijing, CN, Août 2006.
- Étienne Balmès, Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Houssein Nasser, Wensong Zhou, Statistical model-based damage localization: a combined subspace-based and substructuring approach, in Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, San Diego, Ca, US, Juillet 2006.
- Michèle Basseville, Frédéric Bourquin, Laurent Mevel, Houssein Nasser, Fabien Treyssède, Merging sensor data from multiple temperature scenarios for vibration-based monitoring of civil structures, in Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Pages 499-506, Granada, ES, Juillet 2006.
- Michèle Basseville, Frédéric Bourquin, Laurent Mevel, Houssein Nasser, Fabien Treyssède, Handling the temperature effect in SHM: combining a subspace-based statistical test and a temperature-adjusted null space, in Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Pages 759-766, Granada, ES, Juillet 2006.
- Michèle Basseville, Frédéric Bourquin, Laurent Mevel, Houssein Nasser, Fabien Treyssède, A statistical nuisance rejection approach to handling the temperature effect for monitoring civil structures, in Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, San Diego, Ca, US, Juillet 2006.
- Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, Laurent Mevel, Multiple CUSUM tests for flutter monitoring, in Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Pages 624-629, Newcastle, AU, Mars 2006.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Laurent Mevel, Handling uncertainties in identification and model validation: a statistical approach, in Proceedings of the 24th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXIV), Saint Louis, Mi, US, Janvier 2006.
- Michèle Basseville, Igor V. Nikiforov, Handling nuisance parameters in systems monitoring, in Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC'05), Pages 3832-3837, Seville, ES, Décembre 2005.
- Michèle Basseville, Lessons learned from the theory and practice of change detection, in Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Pages 921-928, Stanford, Ca, US, Septembre 2005.
- Antonio Vecchio, Bart Peeters, Herman Van der Auweraer, Maurice Goursat, Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Monitoring thermally induced structural response modifications in a composite material oil pan, in Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Pages 945-952, Stanford, Ca, US, Septembre 2005.
- Laurent Mevel, Maurice Goursat, Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Aircraft flutter test design using identification and simulation: a Scilab toolbox, in IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Pages 1115-1120, Toronto, CA, Août 2005.
- Laurent Mevel, Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, Using simulations to validate a flutter testing method, in Proceedings of the 23rd International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXIII), Orlando, Fl, US, Janvier 2005.
- Laurent Mevel, Maurice Goursat, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, On-line monitoring of slow to fast evolving aeronautic structures, in Proceedings of ISMA2004 - Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference, Leuven, BE, Septembre 2004.
- Michèle Basseville, On sensor positioning for structural health monitoring, in Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Pages 583-590, Munich, DE, Juillet 2004.
- Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Antonio Vecchio, Bart Peeters, Herman Van der Auweraer, In-operation structural health monitoring: a statistical approach, in Proceedings of the 58th Society for Machine Failure Prevention Technology Meeting, Pages 165-174, Virginia Beach, Va, US, Avril 2004.
- Laurent Mevel, Maurice Goursat, Michèle Basseville, Detection for in-operation structures : a Scilab toolbox use of the GUI for the localization, in 22nd International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXII), Dearborn, Mi, US, Janvier 2004.
- Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Quick detection of flutter onset, a statistical approach, in 22nd International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXII), Dearborn, Mi, US, Janvier 2004.
- Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Statistical approach to flutter monitoring, in Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Pages 713-718, Rotterdam, NL, Août 2003.
- Laurent Mevel, Maurice Goursat, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Subspace-based modal identification and monitoring of large structures, a Scilab toolbox, in Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Pages 1405-1410, Rotterdam, NL, Août 2003.
- Michèle Basseville, Model-based statistical signal processing and decision theoretic approaches to monitoring, in Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS), Pages 1-12, Washington, US, Juin 2003.
- Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Advanced numerical computation of chi2-tests for fault detection and isolation, in Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS), Pages 211-216, Washington, US, Juin 2003.
- Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Robustness of generalized likelihood ratio test for linear regression, in Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS), Pages 223-228, Washington, US, Juin 2003.
- Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, A. Hassim, A subspace detection approach to damage localization, in Proceedings of the 21st International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXI), Kissimmee, Fl, US, Février 2003.
- Michèle Basseville, Igor Nikiforov, Fault isolation for diagnosis : nuisance rejection and multiple hypotheses testing, in Proceedings of the 15th IFAC World Congress, Pages 179-190, Barcelona, ES, Juillet 2002.
- Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Output-only stochastic subspace-based structural identification and damage detection and localization, in Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Pages 229-236, Cachan, FR, Juillet 2002.
- Laurent Mevel, Maurice Goursat, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Steelquake modes and modeshapes identification from multiple sensor pools, in Proceedings of the 20th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XX), Pages 49-55, Los Angeles, Ca, US, Février 2002.
- Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, Albert Benveniste, In-operation subspace-based covariance-driven structural identification - Application to the steelquake and Z24 bridge benchmarks, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural System Identification, Pages 519-528, Kassel, DE, Septembre 2001.
- Laurent Mevel, Maurice Goursat, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, In-operation damage detection and localization - Application to the steelquake and Z24 bridge benchmarks, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural System Identification, Pages 529-538, Kassel, DE, Septembre 2001.
- Maurice Goursat, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Laurent Mevel, Output-only modal analysis of the Ariane V launcher, in Proceedings of the 19th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XIX), Pages 1483-1489, Kissimmee, Fl, US, Février 2001.
- Laurent Mevel, Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, Polyreference subspace based modal identification of a concrete three span bridge, in Proceedings of the 19th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XIX), Pages 1133-1138, Kissimmee, Fl, US, Février 2001.
- Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Convergence rates for eigenstructure identification using subspace methods, in Proceedings of the 39th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'00), Pages 1550-1554, Sydney, AU, Décembre 2000.
- Herman Van der Auweraer, Luc Hermans, Laurent Mevel, Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Model based approach to structural damage detection and localization, in Proceedings of the 13th International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Houston, Tx, US, Décembre 2000.
- Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, Laurent Mevel, Subspace algorithms for data from varying sensor locations, in Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on System Identification and System Parameter Identification (SYSID), Volume 1, Pages 115-120, Santa Barbara, Ca, US, Juin 2000.
- Laurent Mevel, Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, In-operation structural damage detection and diagnosis, in Proceedings of the European COST F3 Conference on System Identification and Structural Health Monitoring, Pages 641-650, Madrid, ES, Juin 2000.
- Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, Laurent Mevel, Luc Hermans, Herman van der Auweraer, Polyreference version of subspace method for structural identification, in Proceedings of the 18th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XVIII), Pages 620-624, San Antonio, Tx, US, Février 2000.
- Maurice Goursat, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Laurent Mevel, A Scilab toolbox for output only modal analysis and diagnosis, in Proceedings of the 18th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XVIII), Pages 800-806, San Antonio, Tx, US, Février 2000.
- Laurent Tromp, Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Fault detection and isolation in hybrid systems - A Petri net approach, in Proceedings of the 14th IFAC World Congress, Volume 11, Pages 79-84, Beijing, CN, 1999.
- Qinghua Zhang, Mazen Samaan, Michèle Basseville, Detection and isolation of faults in a thermal power plant, in Proceedings of the 14th IFAC World Congress, Volume 17, Pages 133-138, Beijing, CN, 1999.
- Michèle Basseville, On fault detectability and isolability, in Proceedings of the 5th European Control Conference (ECC'99), Karlsruhe, DE, Septembre 1999.
- Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Local approach to FDI in nonlinear dynamical systems, in Proceedings of the 5th European Control Conference (ECC'99), Karlsruhe, DE, Septembre 1999.
- Maher Abdelghani, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Laurent Mevel, Etienne Balmès, Luc Hermans, Herman van der Auweraer, Assessment of subspace fault detection algorithms on a realistic simulator-based example, in Proceedings of the 17th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XVII), Pages 249-255, Kissimmee, Fl, US, Février 1999.
- Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Maurice Goursat, Maher Abdelghani, Luc Hermans, On the application of a subspace-based fault detection method, in Proceedings of the 17th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XVII), Pages 35-41, Kissimmee, Fl, US, Février 1999.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Laurent Tromp, Diagnosing hybrid dynamical systems, fault graphs, statistical residuals and Viterbi algorithms, in Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'98), Pages 3757-3762, Tampa, Fl, US, Décembre 1998.
- Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Monitoring nonlinear dynamical systems : a combined observer and local approach, in Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'98), Pages 1149-1154, Tampa, Fl, US, Décembre 1998.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Bernard Delyon, Diagnostics and monitoring as tightly coupled to identification, in Colloque Perspectives en Automatique : Théorie et Applications (on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Ioan Doré Landau), Paris, FR, Juin 1998.
- Maher Abdelghani, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Luc Hermans, Herman van der Auweraer, A subspace-based fault detection algorithm with application to in-operation monitoring and diagnostics of vibrating structures, in Proceedings of the 16th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XVI), Pages 753-759, Santa Barbara, Ca, US, Février 1998.
- Maher Abdelghani, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Modal model validation for vibrating structures under non-stationary operating conditions, in Proceedings of the 16th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XVI), Pages 1030-1034, Santa Barbara, Ca, US, Février 1998.
- Michèle Basseville, On robustness in statistical FDI methods, in Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS), Pages 160-165, Kingston upon Hull, GB, Août 1997.
- Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Monitoring dynamic systems with polynomial nonlinearities, in Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS), Pages 1015-1020, Kingston upon Hull, GB, Août 1997.
- Maher Abdelghani, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Model-based monitoring and diagnostics of vibrating structures under operating conditions, in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, Pages 0-0, Southampton, GB, Juillet 1997.
- Michèle Basseville, Statistical approaches to industrial monitoring problems: fault detection and isolation, in Proceedings of the 11th IFAC/IFORS Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation (SYSID), Pages 423-442, Fukuoka, JP, Juillet 1997.
- Maher Abdelghani, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, In-operation damage monitoring and diagnostics of vibrating structures, with applications to offshore structures and rotating machinery, in Proceedings of the 15th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XV), Pages 1815-1821, Orlando, Fl, US, Février 1997.
- Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Monitoring nonlinear dynamical systems, a combined input-output and local approach, in Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'96), Volume 1, Pages 622-627, Kobe, JP, Décembre 1996.
- Michèle Basseville, Discussion of the invited session on Change-point Models in Industrial Statistics, in Proceedings of the 1996 Joint Statistical Meetings, Pages 57-59, Chicago, Il, US, Août 1996.
- Michèle Basseville, Information criteria for FDI, in Proceedings of the 13th IFAC World Conference, Volume N, Pages 61-66, San Francisco, Ca, US, Juillet 1996.
- Claire Cussenot, Michèle Basseville, Frédéric Aimard, Monitoring the vehicle emission system components, in Proceedings of the 13th IFAC World Conference, Volume Q, Pages 111-116, San Francisco, Ca, US, Juillet 1996.
- Michèle Basseville, Jean-François Cardoso, On entropies, divergences and mean values, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Pages 330-330, Whistler, CA, Septembre 1995.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Qinghua Zhang, Detection versus identification issues in fault detection/isolation for predictive maintenance, in Proceedings of the 10th IFAC/IFORS Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation (SYSID), Volume 2, Pages 1063-1068, Copenhagen, DK, Juillet 1994.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Ga\"el Mathis, Qinghua Zhang, Monitoring the combustion set of a gas turbine, in Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS), Pages 397-402, Helsinki, FI, Juin 1994.
- Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Laurent El Ghaoui, Ramine Nikoukhah, Alan,S. Willsky, On the use of descriptor systems for failure detection and isolation, in Proceedings of the 12th IFAC World Congress, Pages 499-502, Sydney, AU, 1993.
- Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Early warning of slight changes in systems and plants with application to condition based maintenance, in Proceedings of the 12th IFAC World Congress, Pages 531-534, Sydney, AU, 1993.
- Michèle Basseville, Igor V. Nikiforov, Statistical change detection theory for monitoring, in Proceedings of the Tooldiag Workshop, Pages 453-466, Toulouse, FR, Avril 1993.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Ga\"el Mathis, Qinghua Zhang, Detection and diagnosis of small changes in nonlinear systems - Application to the monitoring of a gas turbine, in Proceedings of the Tooldiag Workshop, Pages 487-494, Toulouse, FR, Avril 1993.
- Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Detection of slight changes using reduced models and biased identification, in Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'92), Pages 32-37, Tucson, Az, US, Décembre 1992.
- Michèle Basseville, Igor V. Nikiforov, A unified framework for statistical change detection, in Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'91), Pages 2586-2591, Brighton, GB, Décembre 1991.
- Béatrice Devauchelle, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Diagnosing mechanical changes in vibrating systems, in Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS), Volume 1, Pages 85-89, Baden-Baden, DE, Septembre 1991.
- Elias Wahnon, Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, On failure detection and identification, an optimum robust min-max approach, in Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS), Volume 1, Pages 319-324, Baden-Baden, DE, Septembre 1991.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Signal processing techniques for vibration monitoring in mechanical engineering, in Proceedings of the 1st European Control Conference (ECC'91), Pages 0-0, Grenoble, FR, Juillet 1991.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Elias Wahnon, Model based diagnosis, a case study in vibration mechanics, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Model Based Diagnosis, Paris, FR, Juillet 1989.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Optimum sensor location for detecting changes in dynamical behavior, in Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'86), Volume 2, Pages 1058-1063, Athens, GR, Décembre 1986.
- Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, George V. Moustakides, Modelling and monitoring of changes in dynamical systems, in Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'86), Volume 2, Pages 776-782, Athens, GR, Décembre 1986.
- Michèle Basseville, Detection of changes in signals and dynamical systems, in Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, Pages 7-12, Lund, SE, Juillet 1986.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Change detection and diagnosis for vibration monitoring, in Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, Pages 297-302, Lund, SE, Juillet 1986.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Detection and diagnosis of changes in the vibrating characteristics of a structure subject to nonstationary unknown excitation, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Pages 0-0, Brighton, GB, Juin 1985.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Detection and diagnosis of changes in the AR part of an ARMA model with nonstationary unknown MA coefficients, in Proceedings of the 4th Vilnius International Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Pages 0-0, Vilnius, USSR, Juin 1985.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Detection of abrupt changes in the modal characteristics of nonstationary vector signals, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Pages 0-0, Stockholm, SE, Juin 1985.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George V. Moustakides, Anne Rougée, A step towards vibration monitoring, in Proceedings of the 16th European Meeting of Statisticians, Marburg, DE, Septembre 1984.
- Michèle Basseville, Sequential detection of abrupt changes in spectral characteristics of digital signals, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Pages 0-0, Les Arcs, FR, Juin 1982.
- Michèle Basseville, Detection of jumps in mean and adaptive filtering, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Pages 1092-1095, Paris, FR, Mai 1982.
Conférences nationales
- Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Houssein Nasser, Méthodes sous-espaces pour la surveillance vibratoire sous contraintes thermiques, in Proceedings of the 21st Colloque GRETSI, Troyes, FR, Septembre 2007.
- Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Maurice Goursat, Identification aveugle de structure propre sous excitation non-stationnaire, in Proceedings of the 18th Colloque GRETSI, Toulouse, FR, Septembre 2001.
- Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Luc Hermans, Diagnostic vibratoire embarqué, in Proceedings of the 17th Colloque GRETSI, Pages 143-146, Vannes, FR, Septembre 1999.
Rapports de recherche
- Michèle Basseville, Traitement des paramètres de nuisance : orthogonalité et insensibilité, Rapport de recherche IRISA, No 1860, Juillet 2007.
- Étienne Balmès, Michèle Basseville, Frédéric Bourquin, Laurent Mevel, Houssein Nasser, Fabien Treyssède, Merging sensor data from multiple temperature scenarios for vibration-based monitoring of civil structures, Rapport de recherche INRIA, No 1824, Novembre 2006.
- Laurent Mevel, Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, Bart Peeters, Herman Van der Auweraer, Antonio Vecchio, In-flight structural identification: input/output versus output-only data processing, Research Report INRIA, No 5108, Février 2004.
- Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Fast in-flight detection of flutter onset - A statistical approach, Research Report INRIA, No 4982, Février 2003.
- Michèle Basseville, Igor Nikiforov, Fault isolation for diagnosis : nuisance rejection and multiple hypotheses testing, Research Report INRIA, No 4438, Avril 2002.
- Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Maurice Goursat, Statistical model-based damage detection and localization : subspace-based residuals and damage-to-noise sensitivity ratios, Research Report INRIA, No 4645, Février 2002.
- Laurent Mevel, Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, Maurice Goursat, Blind subspace-based eigenstructure identification under nonstationary excitation using moving sensors, Research Report INRIA, No 4024, Octobre 2000.
- Michèle Basseville, On fault detectability and isolability, Research Report IRISA, No 1240, Avril 1999.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Laurent Tromp, Diagnosing hybrid dynamical systems: Fault graphs, statistical residuals and Viterbi algorithms, Research Report IRISA, No 1199, Octobre 1998.
- Michèle Basseville, Maher Abdelghani, Albert Benveniste, Subspace-based fault detection and isolation methods - Application to vibration monitoring, Research Report INRIA, No 3299, Novembre 1997.
- Michèle Basseville, On-board component fault detection and isolation using the statistical local approach, Research Report INRIA, No 3252, Septembre 1997.
- Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Fault detection and isolation in nonlinear dynamic systems, a combined input-output and local approach, Research Report INRIA, No 3120, Janvier 1997.
- Michèle Basseville, Information: entropies, divergences et moyennes, Research Report IRISA, No 1020, Mai 1996.
- Michèle Basseville, Information criteria for residual generation and fault detection and isolation, Research Report INRIA, No 2890, Avril 1996.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Qinghua Zhang, Surveillance d'installations industrielles, démarche générale et conception de l'algorithmique, Research Report INRIA, No 2889, Avril 1996.
- Michèle Basseville, Marie-Odile Cordier, Surveillance et diagnostic de systèmes dynamiques, approches complémentaires du traitement de signal et de l'intelligence artificielle, Research Report INRIA, No 2861, Janvier 1996.
- Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Early warning of slight changes in systems and plants with application to condition based maintenance, Research Report INRIA, No 1750, Janvier 1992.
- George V. Moustakides, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Georges Le Vey, Diagnosing mechanical changes in vibrating systems, Research Report INRIA, No 942, Octobre 1988.
- Michèle Basseville, Distance measures for signal processing and pattern recognition, No 899, Septembre 1988.
- Michèle Basseville, Detecting changes in signals and systems, No 658, 1987.
- Albert Benveniste, Michèle Basseville, George Moustakides, The asymptotic local approach to change detection and model validation, No 564, Septembre 1986.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Optimal sensor location for detecting changes in dynamical behavior, No 498, Mars 1986.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George Moustakides, Anne Rougée, Detection and diagnosis of changes in the eigenstructure of nonstationary multivariable systems, No 477, Janvier 1986.
- Anne Rougée, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George Moustakides, Optimum robust detection of changes in the AR part of a multivariable ARMA process, No 478, Janvier 1986.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, George Moustakides, Detection and diagnosis of abrut changes in modal characteristics of nonstationary digital signals, No 348, Novembre 1984.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Détection séquentielle de changements brusques des caractéristiques spectrales d'un signal numérique, No 129, Avril 1982.
- Michèle Basseville, Changes in statistical models : various approaches in automatic control and statistics, No 72, Mai 1981.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, An example of failure detection : design and comparative study of some algorithms, No 73, Mai 1981.
- Michèle Basseville, Surveillance en fonctionnement, détection et diagnostic de pannes : traitement statistique de l'information multi-capteurs sur la base de modèles physiques, Séminaire du Département Informatique et Télécommunications, Antenne de Bretagne de l'ENS-Cachan, Ker-Lann, FR, Avril 2006.
- Michèle Basseville, Traitement statistique de signaux pour la surveillance d'intégrité de structures, Réunion du GT S3 du GDR MACS, Paris, FR, Mars 2006.
- Michèle Basseville, Advanced sensor data processing for structural health monitoring, Final SAMCO Workshop, Zurich, CH, Mars 2006.
- Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste, Laurent Mevel, Handling uncertainties in identification and model validation: a statistical approach, FWO Research Network ICCoS Workshop, Brussels, BE, Février 2006.
- Michèle Basseville, Advanced sensor data processing for structural health monitoring, 10th SAMCO Workshop, Berlin, DE, Avril 2005.
- Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Albert Benveniste, Inférence statistique pour la surveillance d'intégrité de structures, Journées de la STAtistique Rennaise, Rennes, FR, Octobre 2004.
- Michèle Basseville, Détecter des anomalies cachées, INédit 43 (Spécial statistique), Mars 2004.
- Michèle Basseville, Gilles Celeux, Les Statistiques au Secours de la Sûreté Industrielle, INédit 27 (Spécial mathématiques), Décembre 2000.
- Michèle Basseville, In-Operation Modal Analysis and Vibration Monitoring, ERCIM News 40, Special section on Control and Systems Theory, Janvier 2000.
- Michèle Basseville, Méthodes statistiques pour la surveillance en fonctionnement, Cours dans le cadre du module Outils d'aide au diagnostic, de l'option Automatique et Informatique Industrielle, de la dernière année, École des Mines de Nantes, FR, 1999.
- Michèle Basseville, Analyse et surveillance vibratoires - Projet Eurêka SINOPSYS, INédit 15, Juillet 1998.
- Michèle Basseville, Statistical approaches to monitoring problems : segmentation of signals, fault detection and isolation in dynamical systems, Invited Ph.D. Course within the doctoral program Fault Detection for Control and Signal Processing, Aalborg Universitet, DK, Avril 1998.
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