Publications SIGMA 2 (since 1997)

Articles in Journals

M. Basseville, L. Mevel, A. Vecchio, B. Peeters, H. van der Auweraer, Output-only subspace-based damage detection - Application to a reticular structure, Structural Health Monitoring 2, 2, June 2003, pages 161-168.

A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar, C. Jard, Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control AC-48, 5, May 2003, pages 714-727.

A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar, Markov nets : Probabilistic models for distributed and concurrent systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control AC-48, 11, November 2003, pages 1936-1950.

B. Gaujal, S. Haar, J. Mairesse, Blocking a transition in a free choice net, and what it tells about its throughput, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 66, 3, May 2003, pages 515-548.

F. Le Gland, N. Oudjane, A robustification approach to stability and to uniform particle approximation of nonlinear filters : the example of pseudo-mixing signals, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 106, 2, August 2003, pages 279-316.

L. Mevel, M. Goursat, M. Basseville, Stochastic subspace-based structural identification and damage detection - Application to the steel-quake benchmark, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 17, 1 (Special issue on COST F3 Benchmarks), January 2003, pages 91-101.

L. Mevel, M. Goursat, M. Basseville, Stochastic subspace-based structural identification and damage detection and localization - Application to the Z24 bridge benchmark, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 17, 1 (Special issue on COST F3 Benchmarks), January 2003, pages 143-151.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

M. Basseville, Model-based statistical signal processing and decision theoretic approaches to monitoring, in : 5th Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS), Washington, IFAC / IMACS, pages 1-12, June 2003. Plenary talk.

A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar, C. Jard, Distributed and asynchronous discrete event systems diagnosis, in : 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Maui, IEEE Control Systems Society, December 2003.

A. Benveniste, S. Haar, E. Fabre, C. Jard, Distributed monitoring of concurrent and asynchronous systems, in : CONCUR'03, August 2003. Plenary talk.

G. Besançon, Q. Zhang, H. Hammouri, Adaptive high-gain observer for a class of nonlinear systems affine in unknown parameters, in : Multiconference on Computational Engineering in Systems Applications (CESA), Lille 2003, July 2003. Paper S1-TA1-A2.

N. Caylus, A. Guyader, F. Le Gland, Particle filters for partially observed Markov chains, in : IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Saint-Louis, IEEE-SPS, September 2003.

J.-J. Fuchs, Estimation in the presence of interferences, in : 13th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Rotterdam 2003, IFAC / IFORS, pages 1160-1164, August 2003.

J.-J. Fuchs, More on sparse representations in arbitrary bases, in : 13th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Rotterdam 2003, IFAC / IFORS, pages 1357-1362, August 2003.

J.-J. Fuchs, Selecting the best among several estimates in DOA estimation, in : 28th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Hong-Kong, Volume V, IEEE Signal Processing Society, pages 201-204, April 2003.

J.-J. Fuchs, Solution parcimonieuse pour des systèmes linéaires sous déterminés, in : 19ème Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Paris, I, GRETSI, pages 189-192, September 2003.

A. Guyader, F. Le Gland, N. Oudjane, A particle implementation of the recursive MLE for partially observed diffusions, in : 13th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Rotterdam, IFAC / IFORS, pages 1305-1310, August 2003.

A. Guyader, L. Mevel, Covariance-driven subspace methods : input/output vs. output-only, in : 21st International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXI), Kissimmee, SEM, Inc., February 2003.

A. Guyader, Q. Zhang, Adaptive observer for discrete time linear time varying systems, in : 13th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Rotterdam 2003, IFAC / IFORS, pages 1743-1748, August 2003.

S. Haar, A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, Partial order diagnosability of discrete event systems using Petri net unfoldings, in : 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Maui, IEEE Control Systems Society, December 2003.

S. Haar, Distributed semi-Markov processes in stochastic T-timed Petri nets, in : 10th Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM), Urbana-Champaign, September 2003.

F. Le Gland, Filtrage particulaire, in : 19ème Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Paris, II, GRETSI, pages 1-8, September 2003. Plenary talk.

L. Mevel, M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, Statistical approach to flutter monitoring, in : 13th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Rotterdam 2003, IFAC / IFORS, pages 713-718, August 2003.

L. Mevel, M. Basseville, M. Goursat, A. Hassim, A subspace detection approach to damage localization, in : 21st International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXI), Kissimmee, SEM, Inc., February 2003.

L. Mevel, M. Goursat, M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, Subspace-based modal identification and monitoring of large structures, a SCILAB toolbox, in : 13th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Rotterdam 2003, IFAC / IFORS, pages 1405-1410, August 2003.

L. Mevel, M. Goursat, A. Benveniste, Using subspace on flight data, a practical example, in : 21st International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXI), Kissimmee, SEM, Inc., February 2003.

L. Mevel, M. Goursat, Une boîte à outils SCILAB pour l'analyse et la surveillance vibratoires, in : 19ème Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Paris, III, GRETSI, pages 383-386, September 2003.

B. Peeters, L. Mevel, S. Vandanluit, P. Guillaume, M. Goursat, A. Vecchio, H. van der Auweraer, Online vibration based crack detection during fatigue testing, in : 5th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS), Southampton, July 2003.

Q. Zhang, M. Basseville, Advanced numerical computation of c2-tests for fault detection and isolation, in : 5th Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS), Washington, IFAC / IMACS, pages 211-216, June 2003.

Q. Zhang, M. Basseville, Robustness of generalized likelihood ratio test for linear regression, in : 5th Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS), Washington, IFAC / IMACS, pages 223-228, June 2003.

Q. Zhang, A. Xu, G. Besançon, An efficient nonlinear adaptive observer with global convergence, in : 13th Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Rotterdam 2003, IFAC / IFORS, pages 1737-1742, August 2003.

Research and Technical Reports

A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar, Markov nets : Probabilistic models for distributed and concurrent systems, Publication Interne 1538 (extended version, update of 1415), IRISA, May 2003, [download !].

E. Fabre, Convergence of turbo algorithms for systems defined by local constraints, Publication Interne 1510, IRISA, June 2003, [download !].

E. Fabre, Factorization of unfoldings for distributed tile systems. Part 1 : Reduced interaction case, Publication Interne 1529, IRISA, April 2003, [download !].

S. Haar, Distributed semi-Markov processes in stochastic T-timed Petri nets, Publication Interne 1518, IRISA, March 2003, [download !].

S. Haar, Probabilistic cluster unfoldings for Petri nets, Publication Interne 1517 (update of 1428), IRISA, March 2003, [download !].

L. Mevel, M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, Fast in-flight detection of flutter onset - A statistical approach, Publication Interne 1541, IRISA, November 2003, [download !].


O. Perrin, Modélisation et diagnostic de pannes dans des organes de véhicules automobiles à basse consommation, Thèse de doctorat, université de Rennes 1, December 2003, [download !].

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