Publications SIGMA 2 (since 1997)

Articles in Journals

A. Aghasaryan, E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, R. Boubour, C. Jard, Fault detection and diagnosis in distributed systems : an approach by partially stochastic Petri nets, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 8, 2 (Special issue on Hybrid Systems), June 1998, pages 203-231.

M. Basseville, On-board component fault detection and isolation using the statistical local approach, Automatica 34, 11, November 1998, pages 1391-1416.

A. Benveniste, Compositional and uniform modelling of hybrid systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control AC-43, 4, April 1998, pages 579-584.

D. Brigo, B. Hanzon, F. Le Gland, A differential geometric approach to nonlinear filtering : the projection filter, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control AC-43, 2, February 1998, pages 247-252.

Q. Zhang, M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, Fault detection and isolation in nonlinear dynamical systems : a combined input-output and local approach, Automatica 34, 11, November 1998, pages 1359-1374.

Articles in Contributed Volumes

A. Aghasaryan, E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, R. Boubour, C. Jard, A hybrid stochastic Petri net approach to fault diagnosis in large distributed systems, in : Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems (MTNS), Padova 1998, A. Beghi, L. Finesso, and G. Picci, editors, Il Poligrafo, Padova, 1998, pages 921-924.

M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, B. Delyon, Diagnostics and monitoring as tightly coupled to identification, in : Perspectives in Control. Theory and Applications, D. Normand-Cyrot, editors, Springer Verlag, New York, 1998.

Q. Zhang, Single side scaling wavelet frame and neural networks, in : Time Frequency and Wavelets in Biomedical Signal Processing, M. Akay, editors, IEEE Press Series on Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Press, New York, 1998, ch. 26, pages 645-684.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

M. Abdelghani, M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, L. Hermans, H. Van der Auweraer, A subspace-based fault detection algorithm with application to in-operation monitoring and diagnostics of vibrating structures, in : 16th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XVI), Santa Barbara, SEM, Inc., pages 753-759, February 1998.

M. Abdelghani, M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, Modal model validation for vibrating structures under non-stationary operating conditions, in : 16th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XVI), Santa Barbara, SEM, Inc., pages 1030-1034, February 1998.

M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, L. Tromp, Diagnosing hybrid dynamical systems : fault graphs, statistical residuals and Viterbi algorithms, in : 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Tampa, IEEE Control Systems Society, pages 3757-3762, December 1998.

E. Fabre, Approximation of Markov random fields, in : HSSS Workshop on Structural Learning for Graphical Models, Tirano, September 1998.

J.-J. Fuchs, Detection and estimation of superimposed signals, in : 23rd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seattle, Volume III, IEEE Signal Processing Society, pages 1649-1652, May 1998.

L. Hermans, H. van der Auweraer, M. Abdelghani, P. Guillaume, Evaluation of subspace identification techniques for the analysis of flight test data, in : 16th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XVI), Santa Barbara, SEM, Inc., pages 300-306, February 1998.

L. Hermans, H. van der Auweraer, M. Abdelghani, Model testing and analysis of a car under operational conditions, in : 16th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XVI), Santa Barbara, SEM, Inc., pages 1000-1006, February 1998.

L. Hermans, H. van der Auweraer, A. Benveniste, M. Goursat, D. Haerens, P. Mourey, Estimation of in-flight structural dynamics models of a spacecraft launcher, in : ISMA23, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Louvain, September 1998.

V. Krishnamurthy, F. Le Gland, State and parameter estimation from boundary-crossings, in : 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Tampa, IEEE Control Systems Society, pages 3954-3959, December 1998.

J.-L. Le Calvez, B. Delyon, A. Juditsky, An algorithm for tracking a random walk with unknown drift, in : 23rd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seattle, Volume IV, IEEE Signal Processing Society, pages 2177-2180, May 1998.

F. Le Gland, C. Musso, N. Oudjane, An analysis of regularized interacting particle methods for nonlinear filtering, in : Preprints of the 3rd IEEE European Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing, Prague, J. Rojícek, M. Valeckova, M. Kárný, K. Warwick, editors, pages 167-174, September 1998.

M. Maurizot, P. Bouthemy, B. Delyon, 2D fluid motion analysis from a single image, in : Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Santa Barbara, IEEE Computer Society, June 1998.

N. Moal, J.-J. Fuchs, Sinusoids in white noise : a quadratic approach, in : 23rd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seattle, Volume IV, IEEE Signal Processing Society, pages 2221-2224, May 1998.

Q. Zhang, M. Basseville, Monitoring nonlinear dynamical systems : a combined observer and local approach, in : 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Tampa, IEEE Control Systems Society, pages 1149-1154, December 1998.

Q. Zhang, Criterions for single index parameter estimation, in : 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Tampa, IEEE Control Systems Society, pages 2329-2334, December 1998.

Research and Technical Reports

M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, L. Tromp, Diagnosing hybrid dynamical systems : fault graphs, statistical residuals and Viterbi algorithms, Publication Interne 1199, IRISA, October 1998, [download !].


A. Aghasaryan, Formalisme HMM pour les réseaux de Petri partiellement stochastiques : application au diagnostic de pannes dans les systèmes répartis, Thèse de doctorat, université de Rennes 1, December 1998, [download !].

S. Dufour, Inférence dynamique de chaînes de Markov cachées. Application à la reconnaissance multilocuteur en milieu bruité, Thèse de doctorat, université de Rennes 1, June 1998.


M. Basseville, Analyse et surveillance vibratoires - Projet Eurêka SINOPSYS, INédit 15, July 1998, [download !].

M. Basseville, Statistical approaches to monitoring problems : segmentation of signals, fault detection and isolation in dynamical systems, Cours invité dans le cadre du programme doctoral Fault Detection for Control and Signal Processing, Aalborg Universitet, April 1998.

Q. Zhang, M. Basseville, B. Delyon, Application des techniques d'estimation et de détection pour l'aide à la conduite des centrales, Rapport de contrat EDF/DER/CCC, March 1998.

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