Publications SIGMA 2 (since 1997)

Articles in Journals

A. Aghasaryan, E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, R. Boubour, C. Jard, Fault detection and diagnosis in distributed systems : an approach by partially stochastic Petri nets, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 8, 2 (Special issue on Hybrid Systems), June 1998, pages 203-231.

A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar, C. Jard, Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control AC-48, 5, May 2003, pages 714-727.

A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar, Markov nets : Probabilistic models for distributed and concurrent systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control AC-48, 11, November 2003, pages 1936-1950.

A. Guyader, E. Fabre, C. Guillemot, M. Robert, Joint source-channel turbo decoding of entropy-coded sources, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications SAC-19, 9 (Special issue on the Turbo Principle : from Theory to Practice II), September 2001, pages 1680-1696.

Articles in Contributed Volumes

A. Aghasaryan, E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, R. Boubour, C. Jard, A hybrid stochastic Petri net approach to fault diagnosis in large distributed systems, in : Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems (MTNS), Padova 1998, A. Beghi, L. Finesso, and G. Picci, editors, Il Poligrafo, Padova, 1998, pages 921-924.

A. Benveniste, F. Le Gland, E. Fabre, S. Haar, Distributed hidden Markov models, in : Optimal Control and PDE's - Innovations and Applications. In honor of Alain Bensoussan on the occasion of his 60th birthday, J.-L. Menaldi, E. Rofman, and A. Sulem, editors, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2001, pages 211-220.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

A. Aghasaryan, E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, R. Boubour, C. Jard, A Petri net approach to fault detection and diagnosis in distributed systems. Part 2 : Extending Viterbi algorithm and HMM techniques to Petri nets, in : 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, IEEE Control Systems Society, pages 726-731, December 1997.

A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar, C. Jard, Distributed and asynchronous discrete event systems diagnosis, in : 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Maui, IEEE Control Systems Society, December 2003.

A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar, Hidden Markov models for distributed and concurrent systems, in : 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Orlando, IEEE Control Systems Society, December 2001. Paper FrP12-6.

A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, S. Haar, Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach, in : Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES), Zaragoza, October 2002.

A. Benveniste, S. Haar, E. Fabre, C. Jard, Distributed monitoring of concurrent and asynchronous systems, in : CONCUR'03, August 2003. Plenary talk.

R. Boubour, C. Jard, A. Aghasaryan, E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, A Petri net approach to fault detection and diagnosis in distributed systems. Part 1 : Application to telecommunications networks, motivations and modelling, in : 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, IEEE Control Systems Society, pages 720-725, December 1997.

E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, C. Jard, L. S. Ricker, M. Smith, Distributed state reconstruction for discrete event systems, in : 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Sydney, IEEE Control Systems Society, pages 2252-2257, December 2000.

E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, C. Jard, Distributed diagnosis for large discrete event dynamic systems, in : 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, IFAC, July 2002.

E. Fabre, A. Guyader, C. Guillemot, Joint source-channel turbo decoding of VLC-coded Markov sources, in : 26th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Salt Lake City, Volume IV, IEEE Signal Processing Society, May 2001.

E. Fabre, A. Guyader, C. Guillemot, Joint source-channel turbo decoding of VLC-encoded Markov sources, in : 18ème Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Toulouse, GRETSI, September 2001.

E. Fabre, A. Guyader, C. Guillemot, Robust decoding of VLC-encoded Markov sources, in : 18ème Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Toulouse, GRETSI, September 2001.

E. Fabre, A. Guyader, Dealing with short cycles in graphical codes, in : IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Sorrento, IEEE Information Theory Society, pages 10, June 2000. Abstract.

E. Fabre, V. Pigourier, Monitoring distributed systems with distributed algorithms, in : 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, IEEE Control Systems Society, December 2002.

E. Fabre, Approximation of Markov random fields, in : HSSS Workshop on Structural Learning for Graphical Models, Tirano, September 1998.

E. Fabre, Mixing probabilities and constraints in conditional independance structures, in : Fields Institute Workshop on Conditional Independence Structures and Graphical Models, Toronto, September 1999. Résumé.

E. Fabre, Compositional models of distributed and asynchronous dynamical systems, in : 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, IEEE Control Systems Society, December 2002.

S. Haar, A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, Partial order diagnosability of discrete event systems using Petri net unfoldings, in : 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Maui, IEEE Control Systems Society, December 2003.

S. Haar, A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, Markov nets : A new probabilistic model for fault diagnosis in concurrent systems, in : Workshop on Concurrency in Dependable Computing, Newcastle, June 2001.

L. S. Ricker, E. Fabre, On the construction of modular observers and diagnosers for discrete event systems, in : 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Sydney, IEEE Control Systems Society, pages 2240-2244, December 2000.

Research and Technical Reports

A. Aghasaryan, R. Boubour, E. Fabre, C. Jard, A. Benveniste, A Petri net approach to fault detection and diagnosis in distributed systems, Publication Interne 1117, IRISA, August 1997, [download !].

A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar, Markov nets : Probabilistic models for distributed and concurrent systems, Publication Interne 1415, IRISA, September 2001, [download !].

A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar, Markov nets : Probabilistic models for distributed and concurrent systems, Publication Interne 1538 (extended version, update of 1415), IRISA, May 2003, [download !].

A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, S. Haar, Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach, Publication Interne 1399, IRISA, May 2001, [download !].

A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, S. Haar, Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach, Publication Interne 1456 (update of 1399), IRISA, May 2002, [download !].

E. Fabre, Convergence of turbo algorithms for systems defined by local constraints, Publication Interne 1510, IRISA, June 2003, [download !].

E. Fabre, Factorization of unfoldings for distributed tile systems. Part 1 : Reduced interaction case, Publication Interne 1529, IRISA, April 2003, [download !].


E. Fabre, MAGDA - Alarm supervision in telecommunication networks, ERCIM News 40 (Special Theme : Control and Systems Theory), January 2000, [download !].

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