Proceedings and books
Domain Decomposition Methods in
Science and Engineering XXI
Erhel, J.; Gander, M.; Halpern, L.; Pichot, G.; Sassi,
T. & Widlund, O. (Eds.)
Lecture Notes in Computational
Science and Engineering (LNCSE), Springer, 2014
- High-Performance Scientific Computing - Algorithms and
Berry, M. and Gallivan, K. and Gallopoulos, E. and Grama, A. and
Philippe, B. and Saad, Y. and Saied, F. (ed)
Springer, 2012
- Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2008
D. Tromeur-Dervout and G. Brenner and D. Emerson and J. Erhel (ed)
Lecture Notes in Computational
Science and Engineering (LNCSE), Springer, 2010
Chapters of english books
- Erhel, J. and Sabit, S. and de Dieuleveult, C.
B.H.V. Topping and P. Ivanyi (ed)
Developments in Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud
Computing for Engineering
Solving Partial Differential Algebraic Equations and
Reactive Transport Models
Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2013, Volume 31, 151-169
- L. Berenguer and T. Dufaud and D. Tromeur-Dervout
B.H.V. Topping and P. Ivanyi (ed)
Computational Technology Reviews
Acceleration of Convergence for Domain Decomposition Methods
Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2013, 1-24
- T. Dufaud and D. Tromeur-Dervout
ARAS2 preconditioning technique for CFD industrial cases
Proceedings of international conference on domain decomposition (DD20), 2013
- D. Nuentsa Wakam, J. Erhel and W. Gropp
Parallel Adaptive Deflated GMRES
Proceedings of international conference on domain decomposition (DD20), 2013
- Gallivan, K. and Gallopoulos, E. and Grama, A. and Philippe, B.
and Polizzi, E. and Saad, Y. and Saied, F. and Sorensen, D.
Berry, M. and Gallivan, K. and Gallopoulos, E. and Grama, A. and
Philippe, B. and Saad, Y. and Saied, F. (ed)
High-Performance Scientific Computing - Algorithms and Applications
Parallel Numerical Computing from Illiac IV to Exascale: The
Contributions of Ahmed H. Sameh
Springer, 2012
- J. Erhel
P. Ivanyi and B.H.V. Topping (ed)
Computational Technology Reviews
Some Properties of Krylov Projection Methods for Large Linear Systems
Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2011,
Volume 3, 41-70
- B. Philippe and A. Sameh
D. Padua (ed)
Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing
Numerical linear algebra; Dense
linear system solvers; Linear Least
Squares and Orthogonal Factorization; Eigenvalue and singular-value
Springer, 2010
- Tromeur-Dervout, D.
Magoules, F. & Kako (ed.)
Domain decomposition methods: theory and applications
Aitken-Schwarz method: acceleration of the convergence of the Schwarz
Gakkotosho, Tokyo, 2006, 25, 37-64
- M. Berry, D. Mezher, B. Philippe and A.
Kontoghiorghes, E.J. (ed.)
Handbook on Parallel Computing and Statistics
Parallel Algorithms for the Singular Value Decomposition
Chapman \& Hall/CRC 2006, 117-164
- Canot, É.; Cartellier, A. & Hervieu, É.
Lemmonier, H.; Jamet, D. & Lebaigue, O. (ed.)
Validation of Advanced Computational Methods for Multiphase Flow
Test-Case no 22: Axisymetric body emerging through a free surface
Begell-House, 2005
- Canot, É.; Georgescu, S. & Vincent, S.
Lemmonier, H.; Jamet, D. & Lebaigue, O. (ed.)
Validation of Advanced Computational Methods for Multiphase Flow
Test-Case no 21: Gas bubble bursting at a free surface, with jet
Begell-House, 2005
- Canot, É. & Lubin, P.
Lemmonier, H.; Jamet, D. & Lebaigue, O. (ed.)
Validation of Advanced Computational Methods for Multiphase Flow
Test-Case no 4: Rayleigh-Taylor instability for isothermal,
incompressible and non-viscous fluids
Begell-House, 2005
- Lubin, P. & Canot, É.
Lemmonier, H.; Jamet, D. & Lebaigue, O. (ed.)
Validation of Advanced Computational Methods for Multiphase Flow
Test-Case no 3: Propagation of pure capillary standing wave
Begell-House, 2005
Chapters of french books
- Philippe, B. & Saad, Y.
Brezinski, C. (ed.)
Calcul des valeurs propres
numériques de base - Algèbre numérique, Techniques de
l'Ingénieur, 2008
- Philippe, B. ; Tchuente, M.
Gros, F. (ed.)
Sciences et pays en développement: Afrique subsaharienne francophone
Technologies de l'information et de la communication et fracture
Rapport sur la Science et la Technologie (RST) de l'Académie des
Éditions Tec et Doc Lavoisier, 2006, 59-64