Publications of Guillaume Feuillade

Phd thesis

  1. G. Feuillade, Logical specification of Petri nets, PhD of the Université de Rennes 1, December 8th 2005.

Academic Journals

  1. G. Feuillade, T. Genet, V. Viet Triem Tong, Reachability Analysis over Term Rewriting Systems, Journal of Automated Reasoning,Volume 33 (3-4), 2004.


  1. G. Feuillade, S. Pinchinat Modal Specifications for Contol Theory of Discrete-Event Systems, submited to Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems.

  2. G. Feuillade, The satisfiability of the alternation-free mu-calculus over Petri-nets is undecidable, submited to RAIRO Theoretical Informatics and Applications.

Conferences and workshops

  1. G. Feuillade, S.Pinchinat, Modal spécifications for Petri nets (in french), Modélisation de Systèmes Réactifs, 2005.

  2. G. Feuillade, T. Genet, Reachability in Conditional Term Rewriting Systems, in FTP 2003, International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving, I. Dahn, L. Vigneron (eds.), Volume 86, Valencia, Spain, June 2003.

Other publications

  1. G. Feuillade, The SAT Problem of Mu-Calculus over Petri Nets, Modelling and Verifying parallel Processes, 2004.

  2. G. Feuillade, Modal specifications are a syntactic fragment of the Mu-calculus, research report, INRIA Rennes, No 5612, June 2005.

  3. G. Feuillade, T. Genet, V. Viet Triem Tong, Reachability Analysis over Term Rewriting Systems, research report, INRIA Rennes, No 4970, October 2003.

  4. G. Feuillade, Tree automata for reachability analysis over conditional term rewriting systems (in french), master thesis, June 2002.

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