Direction des Relations Européennes et Internationales (DREI)

INRIA Programme: "Associate Team"



Selected in

Foreign partner
Unité de recherche INRIA : Rennes
Thème INRIA : Cognitive
 University of Central Florida, US
French Coordinator
Foreign Coordinator
Last Name, First Name
 Kadi Bouatouch
  Sumant Pattanaik
Title  Professor   Associate Professor
(précisez le département et/ou le laboratoire)
 IRISA, Université de Rennes 1
Computer Graphics Lab. University of Central Florida,
 School of Computer Science
 Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex
 School of Computer Sciences, University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida, 32816-2362, USA

Tel  02 99 84 72 58
 1 407 823 2638
Fax  02 99 84 71 71
 1 407 823 5419

description of the proposal 

Keywords : High fidelity rendering, real-time, augmented reality, GPU

Topics of the collaboration:  The targetted objective is real time rendering and real-time golbal illumination computation for static and dynamic scenes. The first objective is real-time high fidelity rendering of dynamic scenes. Rendering complex scenes using a classical graphics pipeline (Z-buffering, Phong's shading model, multitexturing, etc.) can be efficiently performed with commodity graphics cards. However, real-time rendering of scenes, for which global illumination is computed, still is a challenge for many researchers. Indeed, global illumination followed by a rendering step (that we call high fidelity rendering) is a demanding process in terms of computing and memory resources. The approch proposed in this collaboration has to intensively exploit the performances of the new graphics cards to meet the real-time constraint. The second objective (which has not been tackled yet in this collaboation) is augmented reality. We aim at combining in real time synthetic and real images. To this end, we propose to: calibrate the real images, extract the light sources which lighted the real scenes, insert synthetic objects in the real scene for which we dispose only of their images captured by a camera, and finally light these synthetic objects with the extracted real light sources. The result will help a user, supplied with a head mounted display, to see a real scene augmented with synthetic objects lit homogeneously.


Presentation of the Associate Team

1. Presentation of the foreign coordinator

Sumant Pattanaik is an associate professor at the  School of  Computer ScienceUniversity of Central Florida , Orlando.  He has been Research Associate at the Cornell Program of Computer Graphics, Cornell University (1995-2001), got an INRIA postdoctoral position to join the SIAMES project at IRISA/INRIA Rennes (1993-1995) and was Senior Staff Scientist at the Graphics Department of NCST, Bombay (1985-1995).
He got his PhD in the Department of Computer Science and Information Science of BITS, Pilani  in November 1993.

2. History of the collaboration

          Sumant Pattanaik spent two years with the SIAMES group at IRISA, from september 1993 to July 1995, as an INRIA post-doctoral researcher. Then, I invited him to join us at IRISA as a visiting professor  (funding of the university of Rennes 1) from the 15th of June2003 to the 16th of July 2003.  Following this last stay at IRISA,  we decided to collaborate. This is why Sumant Pattanaik welcomed in his group two of my students: Pascal Gautron and Jaroslav Krivanek, in octobre 2003 for periods of 4 months and 6 mois respectively. I have also been invited as a visiting professor in Orlando from the 4th of January 2004 to the 11th of  January 2004.  I gave a talk on my research activities in the departement of computer science of the university UCF.

            During the presence of Sumant Pattanaik in IRISA for the period 1993-1995, we have published several papers:

-         Kadi Bouatouch, S.N. Pattanaik and Eric Zeghers, "Computation of Higher Order Illumination with a Non Deterministic Approach",  Eurographics'96, Computer Graphics Forum Conference Issue, Vol. 15(3), pp. C327-C337, 1996.

-         S.N. Pattanaik and Kadi Bouatouch, "Interactive Walk-Through Using Particle Tracing",  CG International 1995, Leeds, UK, 25-30 June, 1995.

-         S.N. Pattanaik and Kadi Bouatouch, "Linear Radiosity with Error Estimation", Eurographics Rendering Workshop'95, Dublin, 12-14 June, 1995.

-         Kadi Bouatouch and S.N. Pattanaik, "Discontinuity Meshing and Hierarchical MultiWavelet Radiosity",  Graphics  Interface'95, May 15-19, 1995, Quebec City.

-         S.N. Pattanaik and Kadi Bouatouch, "Haar Wavelet : A Solution to Global Illumination With General Surface Properties", 5th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Darmstadt, Germany, June 1994.

-         S.N. Pattanaik and Kadi Bouatouch, "Fast Wavelet Radiosity Method", Eurographics'94. Computer Graphics Forum Conference Issue, Vol. 13(3), pp. C407-C420,1994.

      -         S.N. Pattanaik and Kadi Bouatouch, "Adjoint Equations and Particle Tracing for Global Illumination", Technical  Report  IRISA-903, 1994.


        To my knowledge, there is no other collaborations between INRIA and the University of Central Florida.

3. Impact : 

  • 3.1.  On the already existing collaboration with your partner
  The association with our partner is of high importance since we already published 10  papers (two of them published in the IEEE Trans. CGV journal and one in the IEEE CG&A journal),  4  IRISA/INRIA research reports  (see below) and  5 Siggraph sketches. One of my student is doing a PhD jointly supervised by Sumant Pattanaik and myself. He registered as a PhD student at the university of Central Florida and the university of Rennes 1.   
  • 3.2. On the collaboration with other INRIA projects
Yes, with the LAGADIC and TEMICS INRIA projects located in IRISA.
  • 3.3. On the collaboration with other teams of  the partner

Yes, with Professor Charles Hughes from the UCF . He is involved in virtual and augmented reality. I have invited him for two weeks in our group.

4. Miscellaneous : toute autre information que vous jugerez utile d'ajouter.

II. OUTCOME of 2007 and Balance Sheet

This year has been very rich in terms of publications:  3 journal papers, one has already appeared in  the IEEE  TVCG  journal and  another  (accepted) will appear in the  IEEE CG&A journal before the end of this year.  The third  paper has just been accepted for publication in the IEEE CG&A journal

Scientific report for 2007

In 2007 we have addressed the following topics : (1) real-time rendering of complex natural scenes with dynamic lighting and shadow casting, (2) Real-time rendering of globally illuminated natural scenes lit by the sun and the sky.

            Publications in 2007 

       Publications to appear in  2008 

           PhD supervision

       One PhD student (Kévin Boulanger) is currently jointly supervised by  Sumant Pattanaik and myself.

Financial report for 2007

1. EA Expenses (performed by the Associate Team)
Budget allocated to  Associate Team
Spent amount
Welcome 4000 € (including Missions)   1733 €    
Missions      2110 € 
(a) 4000 € (b) 3843 €
Used rate of credits allocated to  Associate Team (b/a %)


2. External expenses  (supported by other institutions)
Budget allocated to Associate Team
Expense amount
Name of the institution 1 (*):  INRIA Rennes (to finance Kévin Boulanger's thesis for 4 months)
Welcome  11600 €  11600 €
    11600 €  11600 €
Name of the institution 2 (*) :  University of Central Florida, USA (to finance Kévin Boulanger's thesis for 8 months)
Welcome  11000 €  11000 €
 11000 €  11000 €

Total of  external funding

allocated: (c) 22600

expenses: 22600 €

(*) Ajouter ou supprimer des lignes au tableau ci-dessus de façon à faire figurer tous les organismes ayant contribué au financement de l'équipe associée

Total of  Associate Team and external fundings

allocated : (d) 26600

expenses: 26443

Rate of  joint funding (c /d %)

      84.86 % 

Summary of exchanges performed in 2007

1. Seniors :

statut (1)
objet (2)
durée (en semaines)
Coût (EA)
Coût (externe)
Kadi Bouatouch
participation in Kevin's candidacy
5 days
2110 €  0 €


Total in weeks
(1) DR / CR / professeur
(2) colloque, thèse, stage, visite....

2. Juniors

statut (1)
objet (2)
durée (en mois)
Coût (EA)
Coût (externe)
 Kévin Boulanger
 PhD student
 UCF  Rennes    internship
 1.5  1733 €  0

Total in months
(1) post-doc / doctorant / stagiaire
(2) colloque, thèse, stage, visite....




The objective for 2008 is the following:
         We have devised fast methods (theory and implementation aspects) for handling  indirect global illumination in natural scenes. We have obtained encouraging results. We need to bring some  improvements to our methods and make more experiments to validate our choices.

The mid-term objective is the following:


          My  partenar Sumant Pattanaik and myself  (Kadi Bouatouch) would wish to include a new partner in our Associate Team  RTR2A, the computer graphics group of the university of UTAH, US. The two professors who would be included are Charles Hansen and Steven Parker. 
Charles Hansen
School of Computing, University of UTAH
50 S. Central Campus Drive, RM 3190 MEB
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Voice: (801)-581-3154
Fax: (801)-581-5843
          Charles Hansen is a Full Professeur at the university of UTAH (United States). He is working in the following topics : Large Scale Scientific Visualization, Rendering Techniques and Computer Graphics, Parallel Algorithms, Distributed Computation, 3D Shape representation, Computer Vision.
         Including Charles Hansen will allow us to take benefit from his long experience in data visualization (volume rendering, scientific data etc.), parallel algorithms and computer graphics. We would like to extend our global illumination algorithms to volumetric data such as medical images and other semi-transparent objects.  Light transport in such objects must account for:  multiple scattering, attenuation effects, etc. Computing and rendering these effects amounts to solve the radiative transfer equation which is very time consuming. Realistic and fast approximations are needed. Charles Hansen and his group have a long experience in this field of research. His group has, for example, proposed a new volumetric lighting model which is fast and efficient. Another skill of Charles Hansen's group, that could be beneficial for us, is parallel algorithms for graphics and scientific visualisation.
        Charles Hansen spent 6 weeks at IRISA as a visiting professor from june 1st to july 15th 2007.  This visit has allowed to start  a collaboration between our two groups.

         Steven G. Parker
        School of Computing, University of UTAH
        50 S. Central Campus Drive, RM 4803 WEB
        Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
        Voice: (801)-585-1504
        Fax: (801)-585-6513
        web:  Steven G. Parker is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computing as well as a member of the Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute.  He performs research in software architectures for scientific computing, and in interactive ray tracing for large-scale scientific visualization and computer graphics applications.  He is the chief software architect for the Center of Accidental Fires and Explosions, where he has helped create a problem solving environment for a complex multi-physics simulation running on thousands of processors.  He is also the initial developer of the SCIRun problem-solving environment, the SCIJump distributed component environment, and the Manta interactive ray tracing system.  Primary research interests for Steven Parker are scientific visualization, computational steering, high performance computing, interactive ray tracing, computer graphics, problem solving environments, and component architectures.

To sum up, Charles Hansen and Steven PArker, as a new partners in the Associate Team, will allow us to extend our algorithms to volumetric data and to parallelism, enhance our collaboration through new opinions, new skills, new ideas.


             As we are asking for the inclusion of  a new partner, we  request for a renewal  of our Associate Team RTR2A for 3 years. We are asking for a budget similar to that of a newly created Associate Team if possible.

Expected Budget for 2008

1. Joint funding (external funding)

 University of Central Florida, USA
Not this year
 IRISA (to finance Kévin Boulanger's thesis)
 26100 €
 University of Utah
 Not this year
 IRISA, SIAMES/BUNRAKU Project (university contracts managed by  Kadi Bouatouch)  6000 €
 32100 €

2. Exchanges

EXPENSE ESTIMATION  (including the new partner)
Senior  3  2 (new partner included)
 1  9000 €
PhD students
 3  2  1  12000 €  (+ 26100 € to finance Kévin Boulanger's thesis from January 2007 to the end of september 2008)


 2  1  1  7000 €
 8  5  3  54100 €
- total of external funding
 32100 €
Grant requested for the"Associate Team"
 22000 €




© INRIA - mise à jour le 18/08/2004