Research - Publications on Computational linguistics, information systems
NLPCL Categorial Dependency Grammars extended with barriers (CDG b) yield an Abstract Family of Languages (AFL), with D. Béchet. Accepted at next NLPCL 2024 5th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics (hal version)
Incremental learning of iterated dependencies, with D. Béchet. Machine Learning Journal 113(5): 2841-2875 (2024) (springer link).
Extracting ODRL Digital Right Representations from License Texts using AMR, with Malo Revel, Aurélien Lamercerie, Zoltan Miklos. In: Automated Semantic Analysis of Information in Legal Text (2023).
Iterated Dependencies in a Breton treebank and implications for a Categorial Dependency Grammar, with Denis Béchet, Valérie Bellynck. In: Proceedings of the 4th Celtic Language Technology Workshop within LREC2022. p. 40-46 (2022).
LACompLing2021 Categorial Dependency Grammars: Analysis and Learning (Invited Talk), with D. Béchet.
Journées LIFT (Linguistique Informatique, Formelle et de Terrain), 10-11 Décembre 2020
(Invited Talk)
post proceedings 2019 of LACompLing 2018 On Categorial Grammatical Inference and Logical Information Systems
Journée Axe transverse Arts, Culture & Patrimoine, IRISA, 11 février 2019
Ernst-Schröder-Seminar Mars 2019, "Formal/Logical Concept Analysis and linguistic information units"
(link TermLis prototype)
LACompLing 2018 (Invited Talk) On Categorial Grammatical Inference and Logical Information Systems (slides)
DGLF Breton-français et numérique, projet LangNum-br-fr (phase conception).
In Conférence Langues et numérique 2018, hal.
Convergences du droit et du numérique 09/2017,
Systèmes d'information pour le chercheur en droit (with A. Chauvet)
(article .pdf,
slides .pdf,
demo .webm)
MIREL (MIning and REasoning with Legal texts), ICAIL 06/2017
ICFCA (Formal Concept Analysis) 06/2017
Convergences du droit et du numérique 02/2017
LACL 2016
Categorial dependency Grammars with Iterated Sequences
ICGI 2016
Simple K-star Categorial Dependency Grammars and their Inference
CLTW 2016
Enrichissement de données en breton avec Wordnet
TAL & IA 2016
Analyse de Concepts Logiques (LCA) et Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL)
slides (.pdf)
EGC 2016
Exploration des Données du Défi EGC 2016 à l'aide d'un Système d'Information Logique
TIA 2015 A logical information system proposal for browsing terminological resources
TALN 2015 TermLis : un contexte d'information logique pour des ressources terminologiques (link)
software resources TermLis
Akenou-Breizh, un projet de plate-forme valorisant des ressources et outils informatiques et linguistiques pour le breton
(with V. Bellynck and C. Boitet) (pdf)
LACL 2014
On Harmonic CCG and pregroup grammars. LNCS.
On Associative Lambek Calculus extended with basic proper axioms,
in "Categories and Types in Logic, Language, and Physics"
Essays dedicated to Jim Lambek on the Occasion of this 90th Birthday.
LNCS, Vol. 8222
Habilitation talk, july 5, 2012, Irisa-Rennes :
On some classes of type-logical grammars that model syntax (summary)
LACL 2012
On Categorial Grammars and Logical Information Systems : using CAMELIS with linguistic data, demo (with S. Ferré).
TCS Journal 2012
Categorial grammars with iterated types form a strict hierarchy of k-valued languages, in Press (with D. Béchet, A. Dikovsky)
CAP 2011
Sur les itérations dispersées et les choix itérés pour l'apprentissage incrémental des types dans les grammaires de dépendances (with D. Béchet, A. Dikovsky).
LACL 2011
On Dispersed and Choice Iteration in Incrementally Learnable Dependency Types (with D. Béchet, A. Dikovsky).
CIAA 2011
Categorial grammars with iterated types form a Strict Hierarchy of k-valued Languages (with D. Béchet, A. Dikovsky).
Formal Grammar 2010 (FG)
Two models of learning iterated dependencies (with D. Béchet, A. Dikovsky). LNCS (Vol. 7395).
Journal Information and Computation 2010 :
A modular and parameterized presentation of pregroup calculus.
Information and Computation Journal, Volume 208, Issue 5, Pages 395-604 (May 2010)
ICFCA 2010 :
On categorial grammars as Logical Information Systems (with S. Ferré).
8th International Conference on
Formal Concept Analysis, Agadir, Maroc, Mars 2010.
ESSLLI 2009 :
Ppq : a pregroup parser using majority composition (with D. Béchet).
In Proceedings of Parsing with Categorial Grammars, ESSLLI
workshop, 20-24 July, 2009 in Bordeaux, France 2009.
Linguistic Analysis Journal :
A pregroup toolbox for parsing and building grammars of natural
languages (with D. Béchet).
Linguistic Analysis Journal, Vol. 36 (en préparation)
Journée ATALA 2009 :
Une boîte à outils pour développer et utiliser les grammaires
de prégroupe (with D. Béchet).
In journée ATALA : Quels analyseurs syntaxiques pour le
français ? Paris, 10 octobre 2009.
LATA 2008
Optional and iterated types for pregroup grammars.
(D. Bechet, A. Dikovsky, A. Foret, and E. Garel).
In Proceedings of
LATA 2008: 2nd International Conference on Language and Automata
Theory and Applications, 2008. (LNCS Vol. 5196)
Polimetrica 2008
Introduction of option and iteration into pregroup grammars.
(D. Bechet, A. Dikovsky, A. Foret, and E. Garel).
In Computational Algebraic Approaches to Natural Language.
Claudia Casadio, J. Lambek editors, Polimetrica.
AFCAS 2008
Analyses et acquisition de grammaires catégorielles et de prégroupes (with D. Béchet). Colloque Prégroupes et grammaires typées.
Journal Studia Logica 2007
: Learnability of Pregroup Grammars,
(par D. Bechet, A. Foret, I. Tellier),
2007, Volume 87, Numbers 2-3.
Revue RLV 2007 :
Modèles algorithmiques de l'acquisition de la syntaxe :
concepts et méthodes, résultats et problèmes (par
D. Béchet, R. Bonato, A. Dikovsky,
A. Foret, Y. Le Nir, E. Moreau,
C. Retoré et I. Tellier),
{Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes},
{Vol. 37, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes},
: Pregroup Calculus as a Logical Functor.
Lncs (Vol. 4576)
: Fully Lexicalized Pregroup Grammars (with D. Béchet).
Lncs (Vol. 4576)
TCS 2006
: k-Valued Non-Associative Lambek Grammars are Learnable from
Generalized Functor-Argument Structures (with D. Béchet)
Vol 355, 2
see also
CAP 2006 (in French)
: On Rigid NL Lambek Grammars Inference from Generalized Functor-Argument
Data. (with D. Béchet)
LACL 2005
: k-Valued Non-Associative Lambek Grammars (without Product)
Form a Strict Hierarchy of Language (with D. Béchet) pdf
LACL 2005
: Dependency Structure Grammars (with D. Béchet,
A. Dikovsky) pdf
see also
on Pregroups and Linear Logic, Chieti.
CG 2004
: On Intermediate Structures for Non-Associative Lambek Grammars
and Learnability (with Denis
Béchet ) pdf
2004 : On learning discontinuous dependencies
from positive data (with D. Béchet, A. Dikovsky, E. Moreau)
2004 : Learnability of Pregroup Grammars (with
D. Béchet, I. Tellier) pdfversion
: On the Computation of Joins for Non Associative Lambek Categorial
Grammars pdf final
2003 : k-Valued Non-Associative
Lambek Categorial Grammars are not Learnable from strings (with Denis
2003 : k-Valued Non-Associative Lambek Grammars are Learnable
from Function-Argument Structures (with Denis Béchet)
2003 (in French) : Apprentissage
des grammaires de Lambek rigides et d'arité bornée pour le
traitement automatique de langues (with Denis Béchet) pdf
see also Taln
2003 pdf
2002 : On limit points for some variants
of rigid Lambek Grammars (with Yannick
Le Nir) pdf
2002 : Lambek rigid grammars are not learnable from strings
(with Yannick Le
Nir) ps
2002 : Les grammaires de Lambek rigides
ne sont pas apprenables a partir des chaines (with Yannick
Le Nir) ps
see also Learning
Algorithms for Lexicalized Grammars Workshop
: The emptiness of intersection problem for k-valued categorial grammars
(classical and Lambek) is undecidable
: Mixing deduction and substitution in Lambek categorial grammars, some
investigations. LNAI
2099 ©Springer-Verlag
Workshop (2001) : Conjoinability and unification in Lambek categorial
grammars. ps versiondvipdf
Association pour le Traitement Automatique des LAngues
GDR TAL: Traitement Automatique des LAngues
GDR LIFT : Linguistique Informatique, Formelle et de Terrain
GDR MADICS: Masses de Données, Informations et Connaissances en Sciences
FOLLI: The Association for Logic, Language and Information
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