Scientific publications

Habilitation to direct research

S. Donikian. Modélisation, contrôle et animation d’agents virtuels autonomes évoluant dans des environnements informés et structurés (Modelling, control and animation of autonomous virtual agents evolving in structured and informed environments). Habilitation to supervise research in computer science, University of Rennes 1, 26 august 2004, 236 pages, Downloadable at the following address:,

Defense video :

PhD thesis

S. Donikian. Une approche déclarative pour la création de scènes tridimensionnelles : application à la conception architecturale. PhD thesis from the University of Rennes I, 1992.


S. Donikian (Coordinator). Les humains virtuels, In Le traité de la réalité virtuelle, 3rd edition, volume 5, 20 chapters, 400 pages, Presses de l’Ecole de Mines de Paris, to appear in March 2009.

M. Cavazza, S. Donikian (Editors). Virtual Storytelling. Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling - Fourth International Conference on Virtual Storytelling, Saint-Malo, France. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4871, December 2007, Springer Verlag.

International Journals

S. Paris, S. Donikian. Activity Driven Populace: a Cognitive Approach for Crowd Simulation. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. To appear in July/August 2009 (accepted with minor revision).

M. Cavazza, S. Donikian, M. Christie, U. Spierling, N. Szilas, P. Vorderer, T. Hartmann, C. Klimmt, E. André, R. Champagnat, P. Petta, P. Olivier. The IRIS Network of Excellence: Integrating Research in Interactive Storytelling. In Interactive Storytelling, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5334, pp 14-19, 2008, Springer Verlag.

S. Donikian, S. Paris. Towards Embodied and Situated Virtual Humans. Motion in Games, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5277, pp 51-62, 2008 (Revised paper from MIG’2008). Pdf

O. Delerue, S. Donikian, G. Clenet. Creating interactive poly-artistic works: the ConceptMove project. Virtual Storytelling. Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4871, pp 210-214, December 2007, Springer Verlag.

R. Thomas, S. Donikian. A spatial cognitive map and a human−like memory model dedicated to pedestrian navigation in virtual urban environments. Spatial Cognition V: Reasoning, Action, Interaction, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4387, pp 421-438, 2008, Springer Verlag (Revised Selected Paper from Spatial Cognition 2006).Pdf

M. Badawi, S. Donikian. The generic description and management of interaction between autonomous agents and objects in an informed virtual environment. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, vol. 18, N° 4-5, 2007, p. 559–569. Pdf

S. Paris, J. Pettré, S. Donikian. Pedestrian Reactive Navigation for Crowd Simulation: a Predictive Approach. Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 26, N° 3, Eurographics’07 Conference Proceedings, September 2007, p. 665-674. Pdf, Video1, Video2, Video3

S.G. Paris, S. Donikian, N. Bonvalet. Environmental Abstraction and Path Planning Techniques for Realistic Crowd Simulation. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, vol. 17, N° 3−4, 2006. Pdf

F. Lamarche, S. Donikian. Crowd of Virtual Humans: a New Approach for Real Time Navigation in Complex and Structured Environments. Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 23 N° 3, Eurographics’2004 Conference Proceedings, 2004. Pdf, Video1, Video2

S. Donikian and J.N. Portugal. Writing Interactive Fiction Scenarii with DraMachina. Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3105, pp 101-112, 2004, Springer-Verlag.Pdf

N. Courty, F. Lamarche, S. Donikian and E. Marchand. A cinematography system for virtual storytelling. Virtual Storytelling: Using Virtual Technologies for Storytelling, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2897, pp 30-34, 2003, Springer-Verlag.

F. Devillers, S. Donikian, F. Lamarche and J. Taille. A programming environment for behavioural animation. The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, Vol. 13 N°5, John Wiley & Sons, 2002. Pdf

G. Thomas, S. Donikian. Modelling Virtual Cities dedicated to Behavioural Animation. Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 19 N° 3, Eurographics’2000 Conference Proceedings, 2000. Pdf

S. Donikian, G. Moreau, G. Thomas. Multimodal Driving Simulation in Realistic Urban Environments. In Progress in System and Robot Analysis and Control Design, S. Tzafestas and G. Schmidt, Editors, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 243, Springer Verlag, 1999.

S. Donikian, G. Hégron. A Declarative Design Method for 3D Scene Sketch Modeling. Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 12 N° 3, Eurographics'93 Conference Proceedings, 1993.

National Journals

S. Donikian. Les modèles comportementaux pour la génération du mouvement d’objets dans une scène. Revue internationale de CFAO and d’infographie, Vol. 9, N°6, Hermes, 1994.

S. Paris, S. Donikian, N. Bonvalet. Vers une architecture pour la simulation microscopique de foule. REFIG, Revue Electronique Francophone d’Informatique Graphique, vol. 1, no 1, 2007, p. 33-43. Pdf

International Conferences

S. Donikian, S. Paris. Towards Embodied and Situated Virtual Humans. Motion in Games 2008, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 2008.

S. Paris, D. Lefebvre, S. Donikian. SIMULEM: Introducing Goal Oriented Behaviours in Crowd Simulation. PED2008, 4th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, University of Wuppertall, Germany, February 2008. Pdf

S. Donikian, O. Delerue, G. Clenet, T. Bianco. Towards a Complete Open Source Software Environment for the Creation of Interactive Poly-Artistic Work. ICMC’07 - Immersed Music, International Computer Music Conference ’07, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2007.

R. Thomas, S. Donikian. A Navigation Architecture for Agents Based on a Human−Like Memory and Cognitive Map Model. CASA’06, the Computer Animation and Social Agent Conference, Geneva, July 2006.

A. Lécuyer, J.-M. Burkhardt, J.M. Hénaff, S. Donikian. Camera Motions Improve the Sensation of Walking in Virtual Environments. IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), March 2006. Pdf

S.G. Paris, S. Donikian, N. Bonvalet, Towards more Realistic and Efficient Virtual Environment Description and Usage. V-Crowds’05, Lausanne, Suisse, Novembre 2005. Pdf

M. Badawi and S. Donikian. Autonomous Agents Interacting With Their Virtual Environment Through Synoptic Objects. CASA’04, the Computer Animation and Social Agent Conference, Geneva, July 2004.

F. Devillers and S. Donikian. A Scenario Language to orchestrate Virtual World Evolution. 2nd ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, San Diego, USA, July 2003 Pdf

R. Thomas and S. Donikian. A model of hierarchical cognitive map and human memory designed for reactive and planned navigation. 4th International Symposium on Space Syntax, University College, London, June 2003. Pdf

S. Donikian. DraMachina: an authoring tool to write interactive fictions. TIDSE'03, 1st International Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, Darmstadt, Germany, March 2003.

D. Margery, B. Arnaldi, A. Chauffaut, S. Donikian, T. Duval. OpenMASK: Multi-Threaded or Modular Animation and Simulation Kernel or Kit : a General Introduction. VRIC 2002, S. Richir, P. Richard, B. Taravel (eds.), pages 101-110, Laval, France, June 2002.

F. Lamarche, S. Donikian. Automatic orchestration of behaviours through the management of resources and priority levels. First ACM International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent systems, Bologna, Italy, July 2002, ACM Press. Pdf

S. Donikian. HPTS: A Behaviour Modelling Language for Autonomous Agents. ACM International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Montreal, Canada, May 2001, ACM Press. Pdf

S. Donikian. A programming environment for behavioral animation. GTEC’01, Hong Kong, January 2001. Pdf

S. Donikian. The use of Spatial Cognition for Behavioural Simulation of Autonomous Pedestrians and Car Drivers evolving in Virtual Cities. International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Roma, Italy, December 2000, Pabst Science Publishers.

S. Donikian. Towards more realistic Autonomous Agents. Workshop 7: "Achieving Human-Like Behavior in Interactive Animated Agents" of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Barcelona, Spain, June 2000.

G. Thomas, S. Donikian. Virtual Humans Animation in Informed Urban Environments. Computer Animation’2000, Philadelphia, USA, May 2000, IEEE Computer Society Press. Pdf

S. Donikian, G. Thomas. Modelling Virtual Urban Environments for Multimodal Driving Simulation. Urban 3D/Multimedia Mapping UM3’99, Tokyo, Japan, September 1999.

D. Maurel, M. Parent, S. Donikian. Influence of ACC in Stop and Go mode on traffic flow.  SAE Future Transportation Technology Conference, Costa Mesa, California, USA, August 1999.

J. Kearney, P. Willemsen, S. Donikian, F. Devillers. Scenario languages for driving simulations. DSC’99, Paris, France, July 1999.

S. Donikian. Towards scenario authoring for semi-autonomous entities. In S.P. Mudur, J.L. Encarnacao, and J. Rossignac, editors, International Conference on Visual Computing (ICVC’99), Goa, India, February 1999.

M. Cremer, C. Demir, S. Donikian, S. Espie, M. McDonald.Investigating the Impact of AICC Concepts on Traffic Flow Quality. 5th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Seoul, South Korea, October 1998.

S. Donikian, S. Espié, M. Parent, G. Rousseau. Simulation Studies on the impact of ACC. 5th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Seoul, South Korea, October 1998.

S. Donikian, A. Chauffaut, R. Kulpa, T. Duval. GASP: from Modular Programming to Distributed Execution. Computer Animation'98, IEEE Computer Society Press, Philadelphia, USA, June 1998.

S. Donikian. Towards the Realism of Driving Simulation in Urban Environments. Virtual Reality in Industry and Research, Euro-VR mini-conference'97, Amsterdam, Netherland, November 1997.

S. Donikian. Driving Simulation in Virtual Urban Environments. Driving Simulation Conference DSC'97, A. Kemeny (ed.), ETNA, Lyon, France, September 1997.

B Arnaldi, S. Donikian, A. Chauffaut, R. Cozot and G. Thomas. Real Time Simulation Platform for Dynamic Systems. IROS'97 (International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) Workshop on Dynamic Simulation: Methods and Applications, Grenoble, France, September 1997.

A. Chauffaut, S. Donikian. GASP: a General Animation and Simulation Platform. ISMCR'97, XIV IMEKO World Congress, Tampere, Finland, June 1997.

S. Donikian. VUEMS: a Virtual Urban Environment Modeling System. Computer Graphics International’97, IEEE Computer Society Press, Hasselt-Diepenbeek, Belgium, June 1997.

S. Donikian. Multilevel Modeling of Virtual Urban Environments for Behavioural Animation. Computer Animation’97, IEEE Computer Society Press, Geneva, Switzerland, June 1997.

B. Arnaldi, R. Cozot, S. Donikian and M. Parent. Simulation Models for the French Praxitele Project. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, January 1996.

S. Donikian. Driving Simulation in Realistic Urban Environments. Workshop on Scenario and Traffic Generation in Driving Simulation, Orlando, USA, December 1996.

S. Donikian. Realistic Driving Simulations in Virtual Urban Environments. SIVE95, the First Workshop on Simulation and Interaction in Virtual Environments, University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA, July 1995.

Book Chapters

C. Andriot, S. Donikian, P. Fuchs. Introduction générale. In Le traité de la réalité virtuelle, 3ème édition, chapitre 1, volume 5, Presses de l’Ecoles de Mines de Paris, to appear in March 2009.

F. Lamarche, S. Donikian. La sélection de l’action. In Le traité de la réalité virtuelle, 3ème édition, chapitre 12, volume 5, Presses de l’Ecoles de Mines de Paris, to appear in March 2009.

M. Denis, S. Donikian. Navigation et cognition spatiale : de l'étude de l'humain réel à la simulation de l'humain virtuel. In Le traité de la réalité virtuelle, 3ème édition, chapitre 13, volume 5, Presses de l’Ecoles de Mines de Paris, to appear in March 2009.

S. Donikian, D. Thalmann. Les comportements collectifs et sociaux. In Le traité de la réalité virtuelle, 3ème édition, chapitre 14, volume 5, Presses de l’Ecoles de Mines de Paris, to appear in March 2009.

N. Bonvalet, S. Donikian. La place de l’humain virtuel dans l’architecture et urbanisme. In Le traité de la réalité virtuelle, 3ème édition, chapitre 20, volume 5, Presses de l’Ecoles de Mines de Paris, to appear in March 2009.

R. Boulic, S. Donikian, F. Multon. chap. Animation d’humains virtuels, dans la collection Techniques de l’Ingénieur, ETI - Sciences et Techniques, January 2007.

S. Donikian. Animation comportementale. Chapter 10 of the book entitled « Informatique graphique, modélisation géométrique et animation », Hermès.

S. Donikian. De l’écriture à la réalisation d’une fiction interactive : simplification de la chaîne allant de la création à l’adaptation. Chapter of the book « Créations de récits pour les fictions interactives », Hermès, October 2006.

S. Donikian. Scénarios adaptatifs : le paradoxe du contrôle d’agents autonomes. In Le traité de la réalité virtuelle, 3rd edition, chapter 8, volume 3, Presses de l’Ecoles de Mines de Paris, March 2006.

R. Boulic, S. Donikian, F. Multon. Modèles pour les humanoïdes. In Le traité de la réalité virtuelle, 3rd edition, chapter 10, volume 3, Presses de l’Ecoles de Mines de Paris, March 2006.

B. Arnaldi, A. Chauffaut, S. Donikian et T. Duval. OpenMask. In Le traité de la réalité virtuelle, 3rd edition, chapter 12, volume 3, Presses de l’Ecoles de Mines de Paris, March 2006.

S. Donikian. L'interactivité sensorielle au service de la création artistique contemporaine. In Le traité de la réalité virtuelle, 3rd edition, chapter 12, volume 4, Presses de l’Ecoles de Mines de Paris, March 2006.

B. Arnaldi, A. Chauffaut, S. Donikian and T. Duval. Openmask : une plate-forme logicielle open source pour la réalité virtuelle. In volume 2 du traité de la réalité virtuelle, Presses de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris, July 2003.

F. Lamarche, S. Donikian. The orchestration of behaviours using resources and priority levels. Computer Animation and Simulation’01, D. Thalmann and N. Magnenat- Thalmann, Editors, Eurographics Collection, Springer Verlag, 2001.

D. Maurel, S. Donikian. Intelligent Vehicle Technologies. Chapitre : ACC Systems – Overview and examples. L. Vlacic,  F. Harashima and M. Parent, Editors, Arnold Publisher Limited, 2001.

S. Donikian, F. Devillers, G. Moreau. The Kernel of a Scenario Language for Animation and Simulation. Computer Animation and Simulation’99, D. Thalmann and N. Magnenat- Thalmann, Editors, Eurographics Collection, Springer Verlag, 1999.

G. Moreau, S. Donikian. From Psychological and Real-Time Interaction Requirements to Behavioural Simulation. Computer Animation and Simulation’98, B. Arnaldi and G. Hégron, Editors. Eurographics Collection, Springer Verlag, 1998.

S. Donikian and E. Rutten. Reactivity, concurrency, data-flow and hierarchical preemption for behavioural animation. Programming Paradigms in Graphics, R.C. Veltkamp and E.H. Blake, Editors. Eurographics Collection, Springer Verlag, 1996.

S. Donikian, R. Cozot. General Animation and Simulation Platform. Computer Animation and Simulation'95, pages 197--209, Eurographics Collection, Springer Verlag, 1995.

S. Donikian, G. Hégron. Constraint Management in a Declarative Design Method for 3D Scene Sketch Modeling. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, V. Saraswat, P. Van Hentenryck (eds.), MIT Press, 1995.

S. Donikian, B. Arnaldi. Complexity and Concurrency for Behavioral Animation and Simulation. Computer Animation and Simulation’94. Eurographics Collection, Springer Verlag, 1994.


S. Donikian, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, J. Pettré, D. Thalmann. Full-Day Tutorial: Modeling Individualities in Groups and Crowds. Eurographics 2009, Munchen, Germany, March 2009.

D. Thalmann, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, S. Donikian. Half-Day Tutorial: Automatic Generation of Animated Population in Virtual Environments. Eurographics 2004, Grenoble, France, September 2004.

C. Pelachaud, N. Badler, D. DeCarlo, S. Donikian, T. Rist, K. Thorisson, M. Stone. Tutorial 6: Virtual Characters. 16th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, May 2003, IEEE.

G. Breton, S. Donikian, B. Lambert de Diesbach, C. Pelachaud. Tutorial 3: Virtual Humans. Web3D 2003, 8th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Saint-Malo, France, March 2003, ACM

Invited Conferences

S. Donikian. Perception, decision and action of real and virtual humans in virtual environments and impact on real environments. First American-French Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium, Roscoff, November 2008.

S. Donikian. Exploiting Virtual Humans in Digital Factories. Imagina’08, Monaco, February 2008.

S. Donikian. Parametric Models of locomotion and reactive navigation based on motion capture data, CUSO2007, EPFL, Lausanne, November 2007

S. Donikian. MKM: Manageable Kinematics Motions. Imagina’05, Monaco, February 2005.

S. Donikian. Informed Virtual Environments. Imagina’05, February 2005.

S. Donikian. In-house tools vs. Middleware. Industrial Track, Eurographics’04, Grenoble, France,  September 2004.

S. Donikian. Towards Believable Autonomous Characters. Imagina’03, Special Session on Video Games, Monaco, February 2003.

S. Donikian. Towards believable autonomous actors in real-time applications. The International Festival for Digital Image, Imagin@’02, Monaco, February 2002.

G. Thomas and S. Donikian. The synthetic world : the virtual pedestrian case. Professional Conference, Laval Virtual, Laval, May 2001.

Invited Seminars

S. Donikian. Comment s’inspirer des comportements humains pour réaliser des créatures humanoïdes virtuelles. Invited seminar in the seminar cycle « Le cerveau, le réel, le virtuel / Brain, Real and Virtual » organized by Alain Berthoz, Professor at Collège de France, February 2008.

S. Donikian. Virtual Humans for Interactive Environments, China-EU Virtual Reality Initiative: Foundational Meeting, LIAMA, Beijing, China, June 2007.

S. Donikian. Environmental abstraction and path planning techniques combined to a spatial cognitive map and a human-like memory model: some solutions for the simulation of pedestrian navigation in virtual environments, Séminaire invité, SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition / IQN Colloquium, Brème, Allemagne, 18 décembre 2006.

S. Donikian. Virtual Humans for Interactive Environments, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, October 2006.

S. Donikian. SIAMES Project. Sino−French Seminar, Nanjing, China, June 2006.

S. Donikian. Virtual Humans for Interactive Environments. Invited Talk, Digifrance, Helsinki, Finland, June 2006.

S. Donikian. Virtual Humans for Virtual Reality. France−Asia VR Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, April 2006.

S. Donikian. OpenMASK: a Middleware for Cooperative VR Experiences. First STIC-Asia workshop on Virtual Reality, Seoul, Korea, January 2005.

S. Donikian. From Writing to Interactive Fiction: Simplification of the Adaptation Process. Invited talk in the Seminar « Jouer avec une histoire : un défi pour les média interactifs / Play with a Story: a Challenge for Interactive Media », , CNAM, Paris, December 2004.

S. Donikian. Virtual Reality and Virtual Humans Research Activities at IRISA, invited seminar, NTHU, Taiwan, November 2004.

S. Donikian. From Motion Control to Crowd Simulation: a Unified Architecture for Real Time Virtual Humans, invited seminar, NTU, Taiwan, November 2004.

S. Donikian. From Motion Control to Crowd Simulation: a Unified Architecture for Real Time Virtual Humans. Invited seminar, ZGDV, Darmstadt, Germany, June 2004.

S. Donikian. From Motion Control to Crowd Simulation: a Unified Architecture for Real Time Virtual Humans, Séminaire invité, NTU, Singapore, May 2004.

S. Donikian. Motion Synchronization and Blending Behaviour Coordination. Seminar « Gesticons for Expressive Embodied Conversational Characters », OFAÏ, Vienna, Austria, December 2003.

S. Donikian. Virtual Worlds : Design and Execution. Invited Seminar, University College London, London, UK, June 2003.

S. Donikian. Behavioural Animation in Realistic Virtual Environments. UNISINOS, Porto Alegre, Brasil, October 2001.

S. Donikian. Behavioural Animation in Informed Urban Environments. University of Iowa, USA, May 2001.

National Conferences

S. Donikian. Un modèle dynamique de description de scènes architecturales. 9ème congrès RFIA, Paris, January 1994.

S. Donikian, B. Arnaldi. Un système multi-agent temps réel pour l'animation comportementale.  Deuxième Journées Francophones Intelligence Artificielle Distribuée et Systèmes Multi-Agents, Grenoble, May 1994.

B. Arnaldi, R. Cozot, G. André, S. Donikian and C. Lecerf. Plate-forme générique pour l'animation et la simulation de scènes complexes.  Troisième séminaire du groupe de travail Animation et Simulation, Villeneuve d'Ascq, October 1994.

R. Cozot, S. Donikian. Simulation d'un flot de circulation urbain dans le cadre du projet Praxitèle. Troisième séminaire du groupe de travail Animation et Simulation, Villeneuve d'Ascq, October 1994.

A. Bachy, S. Donikian, J.-L. Nougaret. Du modèle générateur au modèle comportemental : les différents niveaux du contrôle automatique d'une entité. Quatrième séminaire du groupe de travail "Animation et Simulation" du GDR-PRC AMI, Strasbourg, Janvier 1996.

S. Donikian. Modélisation d'environnements urbains virtuels pour la simulation de conduite.  Cinquièmes journées du groupe de travail "Réalité Virtuelle" du GDR-PRC Communication Homme-Machine, Toulouse, October 1996.

S. Donikian, G. Moreau, G. Thomas. Vers le réalisme de la simulation de conduite en environnement urbain.  6èmes journées du Groupe de Travail Réalité Virtuelle, Issy-les-Moulineaux, 1998.

G. Moreau, S. Donikian. Modélisation du comportement : de la psychologie comportementale à la simulation du trafic routier. Groupe de travail Animation-Simulation-Systèmes Dynamiques, PRC ALP, Toulouse, October 1998.

S. Donikian. Modélisation du comportement du conducteur and du piéton en milieu urbain. Ecole thématique du CNRS, Modélisation de la ville 2, Nantes, September 1999.

S. Donikian. Evolution de notre discipline : l’interdisciplinarité avant tout. Groupe de travail Animation-Simulation-Systèmes Dynamiques, Grenoble, March 2000.

S. Donikian. L’animation comportementale. Exposé invité lors de la journée AFIG du colloque ASTI’2001, Paris, April 2001.

S. Donikian. Les niveaux de comportement : le grand écart entre le contrôle des tâches bas niveau et le raisonnement en langage naturel. 8èmes journées du Groupe de travail Animation-Simulation de l’AFIG et du GDR/PRC ALP, Rennes, July 2001.

S. Donikian. Tour d’horizon sur l’animation comportementale. 14èmes journées de l’AFIG, Limoges, November 2001.

S. Donikian. Contrôle du mouvement, spécification des comportements et scénarisation d’acteurs virtuels autonomes au sein d’univers virtuels. Ecole thématique interdisciplinaire du CNRS « Réalité Virtuelle et Sciences du Comportement », Marseille, May 2003

P. Bessière, S. Donikian. Modèles bayésiens pour la génération de mouvement, journées ROBEA, January 2004, Toulouse.

S. Donikian. Environnement logiciel open source pour la création d’œuvres artistiques interactives. Atelier « Formations transdisciplinaires en interaction sensorielle pour la création artistique » In 17ème conférence francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine, IHM’05, Toulouse, 27 September 2005.


B. Arnaldi and S. Donikian. OpenMASK : an Open-Source Middleware for Virtual Reality. ERCIM News, N°57, April 2004.

S. Donikian. La réalité virtuelle à l’IRISA : du moteur d’exécution aux outils d’édition. Culture & recherche, N°99, November 2003.

Softwares (with IDDN)

  • OpenMASK (, available in open-source under QPL licence. APP deposit number IDDN.FR.001.510008.00.S.P.2001.000.41200
  • HPTS++. APP deposit number IDDN.FR.001.290017.000.S.P.2003.000.10400
  • PhD and Master Supervisor

  • Full supervisor of the PhD thesis of Guillaume Moreau: Modélisation du comportement pour la simulation interactive : application au trafic routier multimodel / Behaviour Modelling for interactive simulation: application to multimodal road traffic (defended in November 1998)

  • Full supervisor of the PhD thesis of Gwenola Thomas: Environnements virtuels urbains : modélisation des informations nécessaires à la simulation de piétons / Virtual Urban Environments: modelling necessary informations for the simulation of pedestrians. (defended in December 1999) ;
  • Full supervisor of the PhD thesis of Frédéric Devillers: Langage de scénario pour des acteurs semi-autonomes / A scenario language for semi-autonomous virtual characters (defended in September 2001) ;
  • Full supervisor of the PhD thesis of Fabrice Lamarche: Prise en compte des aspects cognitifs and réactifs d’un modèle de comportement humain / Joint management of cognitive and reactive features for the human behaviour modelling (defended in December 2003) ;
  • Full supervisor of the PhD thesis of Romain Thomas: Modélisation fine de la navigation en environnement urbain : prise en compte des cartes cognitives spatiales et d’un modèle de mémoire / Fine modelling of pedestrian navigation inside urban environments by using a spatial cognitive map and a memory model (defended in February 2005) ;
  • Full supervisor of the PhD thesis of Marwan Badawi: Entre la perception et l’action : un modèle d’actualisation pour acteurs virtuels autonomes / Between perception and action: a model of activity for autonomous virtual characters (defended in december 2006) ;

  • Full supervisor of the PhD thesis of Sébastien Paris: Caractérisation des niveaux de service et  modélisation des circulations de personnes dans les lieux d’échanges / Quality of service inside public mobility areas : modelling and simulation of pedestrian flows (defended in October 2007) ;,
  • Co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of Yari Rad (Iranian PhD student in Fine Arts at the University of Rennes 2 and doing its practice in virtual reality under my supervision): Esthétique de la réalité virtuelle / Esthetics of Virtual Reality (started in November 2002) ;
  • Co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of Julien Perret: Modélisation d'environnements virtuels urbains / Modelling Urban Virtual Environments. (defended in December 2006) ;

  • Supervisor of fifteen Masters of science.
  • Phd Thesis Jury Member (External Examiner)

    Soraia Raupp Musse, EPFL Lausann, Switzerland, January 2000

    Nathalie Farenc, EPFL, Lausann, Switzerland, September 2001

    Gaspard Breton, FT R&D, November 2002

    François Bertel, FT R&D, December 2003

    Vincent Rodin, CERV, December 2004

    Branislav Ulicny, EPFL, Lausann, Switzerland, January 2005

    Sébastien Fournier, Ecole Navale, November 2005

    Ludovic Sternberger, ULP, Strasbourg, November 2006

    Hau Trung Tran, IRIT, Toulouse, December 2007

    Yann Chevriaux, Ecole Navale, January 2008

    Jean-Marie Normand, LINA, Nantes, January 2008

    Maurizio Mancini, University of Paris 8, February 2008

    Fred Charles, University of Teesside, June 2008

    Wafaa Abou Moussa, IRIT, Toulouse, December 2008