The virtual Museum is an application which has been developed for a
museum in Paris (Cité
des Sciences et de l'Industrie), and has been inaugurated in June
as part of the new permanent exhibition on images of this museum. This
application has the advantage to integrate a lot of recent research
of the team. It consists of a museum visited by a group of autonomous
and it is also inhabited by a cloud of suribirds. The humanoid motion
integrates three kinds of technics: a bio-mechanical model for
inverse kinematics algorithm for grasping or climbing and motion
for specific gestures. Different motions can be applied simultaneously
to separate parts of the human body. As for Urban Environment, an
environment has been specified to model the structure of the building
the interior architecture (cf map of the museum below).
Figure: map of the museum
Figure: Architecture of the Museum Application.
Screenshots from the Virtual Museum
Video Sequences
Collision Avoidance (video1, video2 in MPEG)
Life in the museum (video
in MPEG)
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