Annie Morin- Associate Professor

IRISA-Université de Rennes 1

Rennes cedex 35042 

Phone: +33 (0)2 99 84 72 22
Secretary: +33 (0)2 99 84  71 86
Fax: +33 (0)2 99 84 71 71


Research Interests


  • Factorial data analysis
  • Clustering methods
  • Classification and discrimination
  • Text and data mining
  • Visualization
  • Statistical education



·         Master degree in Computer Science and Operational Research , university of Montreal  , Quebec, Canada,1978
             Dissertation :  Analyse des séries de données à valeurs non numériques

·         Ph D. in mathematics, option statistics from the university of Rennes 1 , 1981
             Dissertation :  Recherche d'une métrique optimale en analyse de données: application en lexicométrie

·         Doctorat es sciences en mathématiques, university of  Rennes 1, 1989
                   Dissertation :  Arbres pour données multinomiales



From october 1973 to now : Associate Professor at   IFSIC( Institut de Formation en Informatique et Communication)   and statistician at IRISA (Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires), university of Rennes 1  


  • from october 1976 to october 1978, researcher at CRM Montreal, Canada  centre de recherches en mathématiques of Montreal university  ,
  • from september 1991 to august 1993,  associate professor at  ENSAE (école nationale de statistique et de l'administration économique), Malakoff, France


 I am an applied statistician and most of the research problems I deal with, have their origin in real data problems.  I started working in an institute of research in agronomy as a young student in 1972 and in 1973, I got a position of lecturer then of associate professor at the university. The first years, I kept on doing my research in the agronomy field. After my return from Canada, I defended my Ph D thesis. Then for many years (1985-1995), I used to work with researchers in speech processing and I developed algorithms for speech segments recognition. For that, I used mainly principal component analysis, decision trees, discriminant analysis  and classification.
More recently, I started working on text mining : how to process the information which is contained in texts, how to perform information retrieval in bibliographical bases or on the web?  I keep on using factorial analysis mainly factorial correspondence analysis with some success.  In my research project, we work on efficient exploitation of multimedia documents  that is exploration , indexing and access  to very large databases.
I organized a school on databases and statistics for researchers and coorganized an international conference on textual data analysis.
I am also consultant and have some contracts in applied statistics with different clients : medical doctors,  computer science companies …




recent publications


Articles de Journaux

  1. Rodolphe Priam, Annie Morin. Visualisation des corpus textuels par Treillis de Multinomiales Auto-organisees - Propriété, Navigation Interactive Multicritère.  Revue RSTI-ECA (Actes EGC'2003), Hermès, 17(1-2-3):549-550, 2003.
  2. Rodolphe Priam, Annie Morin. Visualisation des corpus textuels par treillis de multinomiales auto-organisees - Généralisation de l'analyse factorielle des correspondances.  Revue RSTI-ECA (Actes EGC'2002), Hermès, 1(4):407-412, 2002.

Conférences Internationales

  1. Rodolphe Priam, Annie Morin. Visualisation des données textuelles.  6ièmes journées internationales d'analyse statistique des données textuelles, JADT'2002, Saint-Malo, France, , P.Sébillot (eds.), pages 629-640, Mars 2002.
  2. Annie Morin. Deux exemples d'analyse de données textuelles.  Premier colloque sur la statistique et l'analyse des données dans les sciences appliquées et économiques, Beyrouth, Liban, À paraître.
  3. Annie Morin. Factorial Correspondence Analysis: a Dual Approach for Semantics and Indexing.  Proceedings of the Conference Compstat 2002 - Short communications and posters, 2002.

Conférences Nationales

  1. Rodolphe Priam, Annie Morin. Cartographie par Champ de Markov. Application aux données textuelles.  XXXIVèmes Journées de Statistique, JSBL 2002, pages 328-329, Belgique, Bruxelles, Mai 2002.


  1. A. Morin, P. Bosc, G. Hébrail, L. Lebart : Bases de données et statistique , Collection Sciences Sup. , Ed. Dunod
  2. A. Morin,, P. Sébillot : Actes des JADT 2002, Ed INRIA


 I mainly teach statistics and data analysis but  I have a double competency in mathematics and computer science, and therefore  it happens that I also teach applied mathematics or programming languages.  
Undergraduate students :
First year of university (students in physics and mathematics) : symbolic computation, Mathematica (30h)
Second year of university (student in management and computer sciences) :
·  Mathematics : analysis, linear algebra, (44hours)
·  Probability and statistics , applications with SAS  ( 36h)
Graduate students :
·  In mathematics :  I teach data analysis : principal component analysis, correspondence analysis, multiple correspondence analysis, discriminant analysis, segmentation, classification and clustering (40hours). We use the software SPAD for the applications
·  In electronics, I teach experimental designs (12 hours) , statistical process control (20 hours) and reliability theory (12hours)
Permanent education  :
·  For engineers : statistics and data analysis, operational research (40 hours)
·  For researchers and Ph D students : data mining (6 hours)
·  For mathematics (secondary school)  teachers : introduction to statistics (multiple sessions)
Miscellaneous :
·  Classification course in Craiova, Romania (in french)  in 1992- 6-18 july,  Tempus program
·  Idams software course in Abuja Nigeria (in english) in 2000,16-30 september, and in 2001, 7-17 july
·  Exploratory data analysis courses in   Londrina, Brasil, 1999 6-14 may   and in Bogota, Colombia  1999 26-30 july (both in Spanish)
Distance learning projects:
With the CNED (centre national d’enseignement à distance), realisation of a basic statistics course devoted to people working in quality control.
Course of statistics on line using IDAMS software, ITAG,  Unesco, Paris,
3 Descriptive statistics for  the Agricultural office of Morbihan (Chambre d'Agriculture du Morbihan)
Course of data mining for the project e-miage.
Publications  linked to teaching:
1  L'enseignement de la statistique en France. Publication collective ASU/IRISA, Ed  A. Morin, 1991
2  Introducing data analysis in the schools~: the situation in France. Présenté à la Task force de l'ISI  (international statistical institute), Lennoxville, Québec, publié par ISI/Unesco, Ed. L. Pereira.Statistique au collège. IREM de Rennes, publication du groupe "Statistique", 1992.
Statistique et probabilité pour le citoyen de demain. Présenté à Québec/ICME., august 1992
Evaluation au lycée: devoir classique ou QCM présenté au Colloque international sur les questionnements automatisables. ESIEE, Marne-la-Vallée., march 1992
Beyond control charts, the use of graphical methods in training statistics. August 1991, 48th meeting ISI, Cairo
Computer assisted training in statistics : internet and multimedia : a survey of existing tools, A. Morin, G. Saporta, A. Spinakis Pre- Proc. NTTS 1998, 4-6 novembre 1998 Sorrento pp 339-344.,
Elaboration de QCM, Publication de l'IREM de Rennes, auteurs  M. Charpentier, J. Chever, E. Douvier, A. Larher, F. Le Corre, A. Morin,  M.T. Sachet septembre 1998, 130 pages,
 Discussion on Professor Yue Wei 's invited paper "On some issues of the reform in statistical education in China" ,vol  4 Bulletin of the International Institute of  statistics, Proc. 50th meeting of ISI , august 1995, Beijing.
8.                        Statistical education in France, RSS News p3, january 1995.
 Evaluation au lycée Devoir classique et/ou QCM, Publication de l'IREM de Rennes , avril 1995.
Organisation et gestion des données au collège. Pub IREM Rennes 1991
Teaching Statistics at the secondary school level in France. Proc.  ICOTS 3, Dunedin, 1990