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The polyhedral theory derives from the theory of linear and
integer programming.
A convex polyhedron has two dual representations:
it can be seen as the intersection of
a finite number of half spaces, or as a combinations of vertices,
rays and lines. The first representation is also called implicit
representation while the second one is
called the generators representation (as
every point in a polyhedral domain can be generated by a linear
combination of its generators).
Motzkin [MRTT] introduced this double
representation, and Chernikova [Che65]
showed how to pass from one form to the
other one. Chernikova's algorithm
received successive improvements
which resulted
eventually in an efficient computation kernel
that forms the basis for polyhedra computations.
Polylib uses a double description form for representing
polyhedra (actually, finite unions of polyhedra). The computation of
one representation from the other is realized with Chernikova's
algorithm. Based on this algorithms,
Polylib implements a variety of polyhedra operations, such
as intersection, complement, etc.
However, Polylib does more. First, it extends the
concept of polyhedra to Z-polyhedra,
that is to say, the intersection of
polyhedra and lattices. This object was first introduced by
Corinne Ancourt in her PhD thesis ("Génération de code pour multiprocesseurs à mémoires locales").
Polylib implements Ehrhart polynomials to
compute the number of integer points in a union of rational convex
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Sorin Olaru