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Référence d'un article dans les actes d'une conférence

M Ben, F Bimbot, and G Gravier (2005).
A model space framework for efficient speaker detection
In: Proc. Interspeech'05, edited by Eurospeech, Lisbonne.

M Collet, D Charlet, and F Bimbot (2005).
A Correlation metric for speaker tracking using anchor models
In: Proc. IEEE-ICASSP (International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing), edited by 2005, pages 713-716.

M Collet, Y Mami, D Charlet, and F Bimbot (2005).
Probabilistic Anchor Models Approach for Speaker Verification
In: Proc. Interspeech'05, edited by Eurospeech, Lisbonne.

M Delakis, G Gravier, and P Gros (2005).
Multimodal segmental-based modeling of tennis video broadcasts
In: Intl. Conf. on Multimedia and Exhibition, edited by 2005.

M Delakis, G Gravier, and P Gros (2005).
Multimodal Segmental-Based Modeling of Tennis Video Broadcasts
In: Meeting of the MUSCLE Network of Excellence, edited by 2005.

S Galliano, E Geoffrois, D Mostefa, K Choukri, J- Bonastre, and G Gravier (2005).
The ESTER Phase II Evaluation Campaign for the Rich Transcription of French Broadcast News
In: European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, edited by 2005.

G Gravier, F Yvon, and M Ben (2005).
IRENE, le système IRISA ? ENST d'indexation d'émissions radiophoniques
In: Atelier ESTER Phase II, edited by 2005.

S Krstulovic, M Ben, G Gonon, D Moraru, G Gravier, R Gribonval, and F Bimbot (2005).
The IRISA/METISS systems for NIST SRE 2005
In: Proc. of the NIST, edited by Speaker Recognition Workshop.

S Krstulovic, F Bimbot, D Charlet, and O Boëffard (2005).
Focal speakers : a speaker selection method able to deal with heterogeneous similarity criteria
In: Proc. Interspeech'05, edited by Eurospeech, Lisbonne, pages 3057-3060.

D Moraru, M Ben, and G Gravier (2005).
Experiments on speaker tracking and segmentation in radio broadcast news
In: European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, edited by 2005.

X Naturel, G Gravier, and P Gros (2005).
Etiquetage automatique de programmes de télévision
In: Compression et Représentation des Signaux Audiovisuels (CORESA), edited by 2005.

J- Bonastre, S Galliano, E Geoffrois, KM Tait, K Choukri, and G Gravier (2004).
The ESTER evaluation campaign of Rich Transcription of French Broadcast News
In: Language Evaluation and Resources Conference, edited by 2004.

J Bonastre, F Bimbot, L Boë, J Campbell, DA Reynolds, and I Magrin-Chagnolleau (2003).
Person authentication by voice : a need for caution
In: Proceedings Eurospeech, edited by Genève, Suisse. N/A.