LastWave Package Mp 2.0 Authors Description Examples



Package allowing to perform Matching Pursuit of 1d signals.


Let's run the Demo DemoMPRegAlgo

Let's run the Demo DemoMPFastAlgo

A more complex example (the Demo DemoMPSound)

Let's run the Demo DemoMPRegAlgo
In this demo, a signal made of a sinusoid plus a dirac plus white noise is analyzed using Matching Pursuit. By keeping only long (resp. short) atoms, one can reconstruct the sinusoid (resp. dirac):

One can zoom (using the mouse or the command line) any of the above graphs, all the other graphs will zoom accordingly. Moreover one can use the circle cursor mode (just type c tice while the mouse is on the matching pursuit graph), so that LastWave, circles in real-time the atom the mouse is the closest to. Morever, all the coordinates of this atom is displayed at the bottom of the window:

Let's run the Demo DemoMPFastAlgo
In this demo, the same signal (as in the DemoMPRegAlgo) is analyzed. However a fast algorithm is used. On the left you can see the error when reconstruction is performed using 100 atoms. On the riht you can compare the energy decay of the error versus the atom number.

A more complex example (the Demo DemoMPSound)

In this demo, a piano signal is analyzed. It is a single note that is played on a piano. The result of the matching pursuit is

You can zoom (using the mouse or the command line) any of the above graphs, the other will zoom accordingly. Moreover, you can navigate among the atoms of the matching pursuit representation using either the mouse (the closest atom is circled when you are in the circle cursor mode) or the arrow keys (to go from the first chosen atom to the last one)

You can interact with the representation a lot more. For instance

Moreover, you can move/rescale/change the value of any atom in real-time using the mouse ! For instance. To move the (above) circled atom, you just need to hold down the shift key, and move the mouse accordingly with the middle button down. Here is the result: