Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing, Verification and Analysis Co-located with CP'06 September 25-29, 2006 - Cité des Congrès - Nantes, France
Overview In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the application of constraint solving techniques to the testing and analysis of software systems. A significant body of constraint-based techniques have been proposed and investigated in program analysis (static and dynamic), structural testing, model-based testing, property-oriented testing, etc. The central idea behind these techniques is designing constraint solvers to deal with boolean, integer and floating-point data types, enumerated types, control structures, method calls and so on. In static analysis, dedicated linear constraints (polyhedra, octagons) and existing solvers (simplex) have been exploited whereas finite domains and set solvers (floating-point constraint solvers, CLP(FD), CLPS, ) have been successfully used in automatic test case generation. The constraint systems that result from these analyses usually share some common features such as being heterogeneous and highly dynamic. This also led to the design of domain-specific heuristics able to exploit the structure of programs or specification models. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers working in constraint-based program analysis and testing, as well as researchers working on constraint programming or program analysis and testing, to investigate future developments in this research field. |
workshop will focus on the following topics without excluding others related
The Proceedings are available on line
Extending a CP Solver with Congruences as Domains for Program Verification Michel Leconte and Bruno Berstel Generating random values using Binary Decision Diagrams and Convex Polyhedra Erwan Jahier and Pascal Raymond Requirements for Constraint Solvers in Verification of Data-Intensive Embedded System Software Qiang Fu, Maurice Bruynooghe, Gerda Janssens, and Francky Catthoor Confinement Analysis with Graph Reachabilty Constraints Fred Spiessens, Luis Quesada, Peter Van Roy A Symbolic Intruder Model for Hash-Collision Attacks Yannick Chevalier and Mounira Kourjieh Strategy for flaws detection based on a service-driven model for group protocols Najah Chridi and Laurent Vigneron |
13h45 - 13h50 Introduction
14h30 - 15h30 Session: Constraints for software testing and analysis |
Benjamin Blanc CEA - Paris Arnaud Gotlieb INRIA - Rennes (Arnaud.Gotlieb@irisa.fr) Claude Michel University of Nice |