Schneider's Short CV
- I am currently a Researcher (Chercheur
CNRS, CDD) in the Lande group
at IRISA-INRIA, Rennes, France. Working in the
project, on Verification of Java smart cards.
- Fellow (09/1997 - 03/1998) at UNU/IIST (United Nations
University / International Institute for Software Technology), Macau.
("Semantics of the HDL Verilog using Duration Calculus").
- M.Sc. in Computer Science (1996). UFRGS (Universidade Federal
do Rio Grande do Sul), Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- System Engineer (03/1993). UTN (Universidad
Tecnológica Nacional). Argentina.
- System Analyst (02/1991). UTN(Universidad
Tecnológica Nacional). Argentina.
- Started studies at ESLAI (Escuela
Superior Latino-Americana de Informática), La Plata (Argentina)
in 1990 but they were not completed because the School was closed.
- Assistant Professor (Professor Adjunto, 08/1997 -
08/1998). UCPel (GBMC
of Computer Science Departament, Universidade Católica de
Pelotas). Pelotas, Brazil.
- Visiting Lecturer (Professor Visitante, 03/1997 -
08/1997). UCPel (GBMC
of Computer Science Departament, Universidade Católica de
Pelotas). Pelotas, Brazil.
- Assistant Professor (Professor Adjunto, 03/1996 -
02/1997). UCS
(Computer Science Departament, Universidade de Caxias do Sul). Caxias
Sul, Brazil.
- Worked as System Analyst (02/1991 - 02/1994). Paylana S.A.
(Textile Industry). Paysandú, Uruguay.
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