Workshop Program [top]
This year, the BDMC workshop will be hold jointly with the CoreGRID/ERCIM Workshop on Grids, Clouds and P2P Computing (CGWS), offering a joint program.
- 09:30 - 11:00 (BDMC) + (CGWS)
- Amit Sangroya, Damian Serrano and Sara Bouchenak. MRBS: Towards Dependability Benchmarking for Hadoop MapReduce (BDMC)
- Guthemberg Silvestre, Sébastien Monnet, Pierre Sens and Ruby Krishnaswamy. Cajú: a content distribution system for edge networks (BDMC)
- Alexandra Carpen-Amarie, Kate Keahey, John Bresnahan and Gabriel Antoniu. Evaluating Cloud storage services for tightly-coupled applications (CGWS)
- 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break
- 11:30 - 13:00 (BDMC) + (CGWS)
- Marco Aldinucci Invited talk: Turning Big Data into Knowledge: Techniques and Tools for Parallel Computing on Online Data Streams in Systems Biology and Epidemiology (BDMC)
- Marco Aldinucci, Campa Sonia, Danelutto Marco, Kilpatrick Peter and Torquati Massimo. Targeting Distributed Systems in FastFlow (CGWS)
- 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Break
- 14:30 - 16:00 (CGWS)
- Anne Benoit, Mathias Coqblin, Jean-Marc Nicod, Laurent Philippe and Veronika Rehn-Sonigo. Throughput Optimization for Pipeline Workflow Scheduling with Setup Times (CGWS)
- Gabriela Andreea Morar, Felix Schüller, Simon Ostermann, Radu Prodan and Georg Mayr. Meteorological Simulations in the Cloud with the ASKALON Environment (CGWS)
- Rafael Ferreira Da Silva and Tristan Glatard. A science-gateway workload archive to study pilot jobs, user activity, bag of tasks, task sub-steps, and workflow executions (CGWS)
- 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break
- 16:30 - 18:00 (CGWS)
- Frédéric Suter Invited talk (Title TBA) (CGWS)
- Mayank Raj, Krishna Kant and Sajal Das. Energy Adaptive Mechanism for P2P File Sharing Protocols (CGWS)
- Adrian Copie, Teodor-Florin Fortis and Victor Ion Munteanu. Data security perspectives in the framework of Cloud Governance (BDMC)
Invited Talk [top]
Marco Aldinucci, Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, University of Torino
Turning Big Data into Knowledge: Techniques and Tools for Parallel Computing on Online Data Streams in Systems Biology and Epidemiology
Parallel computing is central to Systems Biology. This talk will describe streaming and online data filtering in parallel computing as way to both ameliorate the I/O bottleneck and to raise the abstraction level in software construction, enhancing performance portability and time-to-solution. The design of a parallel simulator with parallel online data analysis is discussed as a paradigmatic example to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach in multi-scale problems such as modeling infectious diseases (e.g. HIV, flu and tuberculosis) at individual and population levels.
Workshop Description [top]
As data volumes increase at exponential speed in more and more application fields of science, the challenges posed by handling Big Data in the Exabyte era gain an increasing importance. High-energy physics, statistics, climate modeling, cosmology, genetics or bio-informatics are just a few examples of fields where it becomes crucial to efficiently manipulate Big Data, which are typically shared at large scale. With the emergence of highly scalable infrastructures, e.g. for Cloud computing, multiple application classes that perform complex data processing (data mining, online transaction record management, etc.), initially reserved to governments and large corporations that could afford the underlying infrastructures to run them, now become accessible to a large public. While Clouds provide huge amounts of storage space and customizable computing resources, users find themselves at the mercy of their Cloud service providers for the availability and integrity of their data. Although outsourcing data into the Cloud is economically attractive for the cost and complexity of long-term large-scale data storage, its lacking of offering strong assurance of data integrity and availability may impede its wide adoption by both enterprise and individual Cloud users. Such needs require simultaneous investigation of important aspects related to dependability, security and quality of service.
The BDMC workshop provides a platform for the dissemination of recent research efforts that explicitly aim at addressing these challenges, and supports the presentation of advanced solutions for the efficient management of Big Data in the context of Cloud computing. The workshop aims to provide a venue for researchers to present and discuss results on all aspects of data management in Clouds, new development and deployment efforts in running data-intensive computing workloads. In particular, we are interested in how the use of Cloud-based technologies can meet the data intensive scientific challenges of HPC applications that are not well served by the current supercomputers or grids, and are being ported to Cloud platforms. The goal of the workshop is to support the assessment of the current state, introduce future directions, and present architectures and services for future Clouds supporting data intensive computing.
Call for Papers [top]
Formats: PDF, DOC.
You are welcome to send this CFP to your friends and colleagues working in the field.
Workshop Topics [top]
The BDMC workshop calls for contributions that address fundamental research and system issues in Cloud data management including but not limited to the following:
- Cloud storage architectures for Big Data
- Reliability of data intensive applications and services running on the Cloud
- Query processing and indexing in Cloud computing systems
- Data privacy and security in Clouds
- Cloud storage resource management
- Data-intensive Cloud-based applications
- Content delivery networks using storage Clouds
- Data intensive scalable computing on Clouds
- Data management within and across multiple data centers
- Data handling in MapReduce based computations
- Data management in HPC Clouds
- Programming models for data-intensive Cloud computing
- Elasticity for Cloud data management systems
Organizing Comitee [top]
Workshop Co-Chairs
Alexandru Costan
KerData Team, INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique, France,
alexandru.costan [at]
Ciprian Dobre
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania,
ciprian.dobre [at]
Program Committee Members
Gabriel Antoniu, Inria, France
Luc Bougé, ENS, France
Toni Cortes, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Valentin Cristea, University Politehnica Bucharest, Romania
Frédéric Desprez, Inria, France
David Menga, EDF, France
Maria S. Pérez, Universidad Politecnica De Madrid, Spain
Guillaume Pierre, VU University, Netherlands
Judy Qiu, Indiana University, USA
Leonardo Querzoni, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
Domenico Talia, University of Calabria, Italy
Osamu Tatebe, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Cristian Zamfir, EPFL, Switzerland
Submission Guidelines [top]
Authors are invited to submit research and application papers not exceeding 10 pages following the Springer LNCS format. You can download LNCS Latex style here
We solicit the submission of academic workshop papers representing original, previously unpublished work. Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Papers should be prepared as the .pdf files and submitted electronically to the BDMC 2012 online submission system. Submission of the paper implies that should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors must REGISTER and present the paper at the workshop.
Authors of accepted papers will be given guidelines in preparing and submitting the final manuscript(s) together with the notification of acceptance. Proceedings of the Workshop will be published by Springer.
Alexandru Costan
KerData Team, INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique, France
alexandru.costan [at]
Ciprian Dobre
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
ciprian.dobre [at]