
Immersia platform has been funded by a “”Contrat de Projet Etat-Région CPER) 2007-2013”, with Inria, the French state, the Regional Council of Brittany, the General Council of Ille et Vilaine, and Rennes Metropole, for an amount of 940 000 €. University of Rennes 1, INSA of Rennes, and CNRS have participated to the funding of the equipment. The platform is hosted by University of Rennes 1, in the “Espace des Technologies Innovantes”.

Immersia construction

The history of the installation

An accelerated video

Some pictures


The construction of the Immersia room has been mainly achieved by Barco which was the integrator of the installation.

Immersia history

Immersia historic milestones

Immersia 1

In 1999, the team got its first equipment made up of a Sgi Onyx2 with three graphic pipes and of three 1208S  Barco projectors with active stereo.
Projection is done on a curved wall 9m long, 2.4m hight and 3.8m of ray.

In 2004, we added a graphic cluster made up of three DELL 650-bipro with Nvidia FX30O0G graphic cards.

In 2006, onyx2 stopped so it was replaced by a new graphic cluster made up of three DELL 670-bipro with Nvidia FX45O0G graphic cards.


Immersia 2

In 2007, projectors has been replaced by three Galaxy 7+ barco projectors. Infitec stereovision system is now also available.
We added permanently an infrared optical tracking.
We added a dedicated equipment to record sounds and images from the application and the users in a single flux.

Immersia 3

In 2011, we started with a new immersive room.

Some views of the construction steps of Immersia 3.