Publications 2013
- Francesco Soldovieri, Nicola Masini, Monica Alvarez de Buergo, Jean Dumoulin. Safety issues in cultural heritage management and critical infrastructures management. Francesco Soldovieri, Nicola Masini, Monica Alvarez de Buergo, Jean DumoulinFrancesco Soldovieri, Nicola Masini, Monica Alvarez de Buergo, Jean Dumoulin (eds.), No 6, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Décembre 2013. (détails) download
Articles de journaux
- Jean Dumoulin, Antoine Crinière, Rodolphe Averty. The detection and thermal characterization of the inner structure of the ‘Musmeci’ bridge deck by infrared thermography monitoring. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 10(6), Décembre 2013. (détails) download
- Michael Döhler, Laurent Mevel. Subspace-based fault detection robust to changes in the noise covariances. Automatica, 49(9):2734-2743, Septembre 2013. (détails) download
- Micha\"el Peigney, Dominique Siegert. Piezoelectric energy harvesting from traffic-induced bridge vibrations. Smart Materials and Structures, 22, Août 2013. (détails) download
- L Alperovich, Lev Eppelbaum, Valery A. Zheludev, Jean Dumoulin, Francesco Soldovieri, Monica Proto, Massimo Bavusi, Antonio Loperte. A new combined wavelet methodology: implementation to GPR and ERT data obtained in the Montagnole experiment. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 10(2), Avril 2013. (détails) download
- Wensong Zhou, Hui Li, Chenxi Mao, Laurent Mevel, Jinping Ou. Seismic Damage Detection for a Masonry Building Using Aftershock Monitoring Data. Advances in Structural Engineering, 16(4):605-618, Avril 2013. (détails) download
- Michael Döhler, Luciano Marin, Dionisio Bernal, Laurent Mevel. Statistical Decision Making for Damage Localization with Stochastic Load Vectors. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 39(1):426-440, Mars 2013. (détails) download
- Michael Döhler, Laurent Mevel. Efficient Multi-Order Uncertainty Computation for Stochastic Subspace Identification. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 38(2):346-366, Mars 2013. (détails) download
- Xavier Chapeleau, Thierry Sedran, Louis Marie Cottineau, Jo\"el CAILLIAU, Frédéric Taillade, Ivan GUEGUEN, Jean-Marie Henault. Study of ballastless track structure monitoring by distributed optical fiber sensors on a real-scale mockup in laboratory. Engineering Structures, 56:0-1757, Janvier 2013. (détails) download
- Michael Döhler, Xuan-Binh Lam, Laurent Mevel. Uncertainty Quantification for Modal Parameters from Stochastic Subspace Identification on Multi-Setup Measurements. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 36(2):562-581, Janvier 2013. (détails) download
- Alireza Esna Ashari, Laurent Mevel. Auxiliary input design for stochastic subspace-based structural damage detection. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 34(1):241-258, Janvier 2013. (détails) download
- Laurédan Le Guen, Florian Huchet, Jean Dumoulin, Philippe Tamagny. Convective heat transfer analysis in aggregates rotary drum reactor. Applied Thermal Engineering, 54(1):0-139, Janvier 2013. (détails) download
- Alexandre Nassiopoulos, Frédéric Bourquin. On-site building walls characterization. Numerical heat transfer, Part A-Applications, 63(3):0-200, Janvier 2013. (détails) download
Articles de journaux nationaux
- Jean Dumoulin, Rodolphe Averty. Monitoring long terme des infrastructures de transport : Conception, réalisation et mise en oeuvre d’un dispositif de mesure par thermographie IR. Journal Contrôles-Essais-Mesures, (43), 2013. (détails) download
Chapitres de livres
- Michael Döhler, Falk Hille, Laurent Mevel, Werner Rücker. Estimation of modal parameters and their uncertainty bounds from subspace-based system identification. In IRIS Industrial Safety and Life Cycle Engineering - Technologies / Standards / Applications, Margit Klocker (ed.), pp. 91-106, VCE, Août 2013. (détails) download
Conférences Internationales
- Ahmed Jhinaoui, Laurent Mevel, Joseph Morlier. Vibration Monitoring of Operational Wind Turbine. In 9th International workshop on structural health monitoring, Stanford, United States, Septembre 2013. (détails) download
- Vincent Le Cam, Michael Döhler, Mathieu Le Pen, Laurent Mevel. Embedded modal analysis algorithms on the smart wireless sensor platform PEGASE. In 9th International workshop on structural health monitoring, Stanford, United States, Septembre 2013. (détails) download
- Luciano Marin, Michael Döhler, Dionisio Bernal, Laurent Mevel. Statistical Based Decision Making for Damage Localization with Influence Lines. In 9th International workshop on structural health monitoring, Stanford, United States, Septembre 2013. (détails) download
- Ahmed Jhinaoui, Laurent Mevel, Joseph Morlier. Uncertainties Quantification for Subspace Identification of rotating Systems. In 5th IFAC International Workshop on Periodic Control Systems (PSYCO'2013), Caen, France, Juillet 2013. (détails) download
- Abdouramane Moussa Ali, Qinghua Zhang. Fault diagnosis for linear time-varying descriptor systems. In 11th IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing, Giri, Fouad, Van Assche, Vincent (eds.), Volume 11 - part 1, Pages 724-729, Caen, France, Juillet 2013. (détails) download
- Antoine Crinière, Jean Dumoulin, Laetitia Perez, Fréderic Bourquin. Thermographie infrarouge synchronisée avec la mesure de paramètres météorologiques : Application à l'auscultation du tablier d'un pont ouvert au trafic. In SFT 2013, Gérardmer, France, Mai 2013. (détails) download
- Michael Döhler, Luciano Marin, Dionisio Bernal, Laurent Mevel. Comparison of two statistical damage localization approaches. In 5th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal, Mai 2013. (détails) download
- Philippe Mellinger, Laurent Mevel, Claire Meyer. Uncertainty Quantification for Combined Data-Driven Subspace Identification. In 5th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal, Mai 2013. (détails) download
- Bérengère Lebental, Dan ANGELESCU, Tarik Bourouina, Frédéric Bourquin, Costel-Sorin COJOCARU, Fran\c cois Derkx, Jean Dumoulin, Thi Lan HA, Enric Robine, Henri Van Damme. The Sense-City equipment project : insight into the prototyping and validation of environmental micro-and nanosensors for a sustainable urbanization. In European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Austria, Avril 2013. (détails) download
- Luciano Marin, Michael Döhler, Dionisio Bernal, Laurent Mevel. Damage localization using a statistical test on residuals from the SDDLV approach. In 31st International Modal Analysis Conference, Garden Grove, United States, Février 2013. (détails) download
Conférences nationales
- Jordan BROUNS, Alexandre Nassiopoulos, Frédéric Bourquin, Karim Limam. State-parameter identification for accurate building energy audits. In Building Simulation 2013 conference, Chambéry, France, Août 2013. (détails) download
- William CESAR, Alexandre Nassiopoulos, Frédéric Bourquin. Inverse method for flow reconstruction using gas tracers in building environments. In Building Simulation 2013 conference, Chambery, France, Août 2013. (détails) download
- Julien Waeytens, Véronique LE CORVEC, Philippe Lévêque, Dominique Siegert, Frederic BOURQUIN. Modèle inverse pour le monitoring des poutres en béton avec des armatures passives d’acier. In 21ème Congrès Fran\c cais de Mécanique, Bordeaux, France, Août 2013. (détails) download
- Jordan BROUNS, Alexandre Nassiopoulos, Frédéric Bourquin, Karim Limam. Identification de paramètres et séparation de sources thermiques à dynamiques différentes dans le bâtiment en utilisant la variation totale. In Congrès de la SFT 2013, Gérarmer, France, Mai 2013. (détails) download
- Julien Waeytens, Véronique LE CORVEC, Philippe Lévêque, Dominique Siegert, Frédéric Bourquin. Identification of reinforced concrete beam parameters using inverse modeling technique and measured dynamics responses for structure health monitoring. In Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2013), Kos, Greece, Mai 2013. (détails) download
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