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Dominique Siegert, Stéphanie Staquet, Gwendal Cumunel, Maurice Goursat, François Toutlemonde. Vibration based structural health monitoring of prebended steel-VHPC beams. In Proceedings of the SEM Annual Conference, Paper 302, Saint Louis, Mi, US, Juin 2006.


Maurice Goursat

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   Author = {Siegert, Dominique and Staquet, Stéphanie and Cumunel, Gwendal and Goursat, Maurice and Toutlemonde, François},
   Title = {Vibration based structural health monitoring of prebended steel-{VHPC} beams},
   BookTitle = {Proceedings of the SEM Annual Conference},
   Address = {Saint Louis, Mi, US},
   Month = {June},
   Year = {2006}

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