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Bérengère Lebental, Dan ANGELESCU, Tarik Bourouina, Frédéric Bourquin, Costel-Sorin COJOCARU, Fran\c cois Derkx, Jean Dumoulin, Thi Lan HA, Enric Robine, Henri Van Damme. The Sense-City equipment project : insight into the prototyping and validation of environmental micro-and nanosensors for a sustainable urbanization. In European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Austria, April 2013.


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BibTex Reference

   Author = {Lebental, Bérengère and ANGELESCU, Dan and Bourouina, Tarik and Bourquin, Frédéric and COJOCARU, Costel-Sorin and Derkx, Fran\c cois and Dumoulin, Jean and HA, Thi Lan and Robine, Enric and Van Damme, Henri},
   Title = {{The Sense-City equipment project : insight into the prototyping and validation of environmental micro-and nanosensors for a sustainable urbanization}},
   BookTitle = {{European Geosciences Union General Assembly}},
   Address = {Austria},
   Month = {April},
   Year = {2013}

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