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Marcin Luczak, Bart Peeters, Wojciech Szkudlarek, Wieslaw Ostachowicz, Laurent Mevel, Michael Dohler, Karolina Martyniuk, Kim Branner. Comparison of the three different approaches for damage detection in the part of the composite wind turbine blade. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, CA, USA, September 2009.


Laurent Mevel http://www.irisa.fr/i4s
Michael Dohler http://www.irisa.fr/i4s

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Luczak, Marcin and Peeters, Bart and Szkudlarek, Wojciech and Ostachowicz, Wieslaw and Mevel, Laurent and Dohler, Michael and Martyniuk, Karolina and Branner, Kim},
   Title = {Comparison of the three different approaches for damage detection in the part of the composite wind turbine blade},
   BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring},
   Address = {Stanford, CA, USA},
   Month = {September},
   Year = {2009}

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