Luc Hermans, Marc Brughmans, Herman van der Auweraer, Laurent Mevel. Damage diagnosis in a concrete three-span bridge : a case study. In Proceedings of the 1999 SEM Annual Conference on Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Mechanics, Paper 192, Cincinnati, Oh, US, Juin 1999.
Laurent Mevel
Author = {Hermans, Luc and Brughmans, Marc and van der Auweraer, Herman and Mevel, Laurent},
Title = {Damage diagnosis in a concrete three-span bridge : a case study},
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 1999 SEM Annual Conference on Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Mechanics},
Address = {Cincinnati, Oh, US},
Month = {June},
Year = {1999}
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