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Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Antonio Vecchio, Bart Peeters, Herman Van der Auweraer. In-operation structural health monitoring: a statistical approach. In Proceedings of the 58th Society for Machine Failure Prevention Technology Meeting, Pages 165-174, Virginia Beach, Va, US, Avril 2004.


Laurent Mevel

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   Author = {Basseville, Michèle and Mevel, Laurent and Vecchio, Antonio and Peeters, Bart and Van der Auweraer, Herman},
   Title = {In-operation structural health monitoring: a statistical approach},
   BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 58th Society for Machine Failure Prevention Technology Meeting},
   Pages = {165--174},
   Address = {Virginia Beach, Va, US},
   Month = {April},
   Year = {2004}

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