Fluminance Page of Tudor Bogdan Airimițoaie


Web page of Tudor Bogdan Airimițoaie

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Address : IRISA / INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes cedex - France
Tel : +33 2 99 84 71 67
Fax : +33 2 99 84 71 71
Assistant : +33 2 99 84 72 28
(Huguette Béchu)
Picture of Tudor Airimițoaie

Background and Position

I received an Automatic Control Engineering Degree from the University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania, in 2008. After completing my research under a co-directorship of thesis, I was awarded the PhD degree from both the University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania, and the University of Grenoble, France, in 2011 and 2012 respectively.

Research areas

My current topic of research is the design of reduced models and adaptive control laws for fluid flow control by visual servoing. My prior research interests have been system identification and adaptive and robust control techniques for active vibration control systems.

Thesis summary

In this thesis, solutions for the design of robust Active Vibration Control (AVC) systems are presented. The thesis report is composed of two parts. In the first one, feedforward adaptive methods are developed. They are dedicated to the suppression of large band disturbances and use a measurement, correlated with the disturbance, obtained upstream from the performance variable by the use of a second transducer. The algorithms presented in this thesis are designed to achieve good performances and to maintain system stability in the presence of the internal feedback coupling which appears between the control signal and the image of the disturbance. The main contributions in this part are the relaxation of the Strictly Positive Real (SPR) condition appearing in the stability analysis of the algorithms by use of "Integral + Proportional" adaptation algorithms and the development of feedforward compensators for noise or vibration reduction based on the Youla-Kucera parameterization. The second part of this thesis is concerned with the negative feedback rejection of narrow band disturbances. An indirect adaptation method for the rejection of multiple narrow band disturbances using Band-Stop Filters (BSF) and the Youla-Kucera parameterization is presented. This method uses cascaded Adaptive Notch Filters (ANF) to estimate the frequencies of the disturbances' sinusoids and then, Band-stop Filters are used to shape the output sensitivity function independently, reducing the effect of each narrow band signal in the disturbance. The algorithms are verified and validated on an experimental setup available at the Control Systems Department of GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France.


I received the best EEA thesis award for my works untitled "Robust design and tuning of active vibration control systems".

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