Web page of Long Li


Web page of Long Li

| Contact | Background | Research | Publications | Presentations |
Picture of Long Li

Contact mailto

Address : INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes cedex - France
Tel : +33 2 99 84 25 21


After a bachelor degree (2012-2015) of Mathematics in University of Jean Monnet France, I continued to obtain the Master (2015-2017) of Science in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (MSIAM) in University of Grenoble Alpes France. During my masters, I specialised in the applied aspects of probability and statistics, such as global sensitivity analysis for high-dimensional problems, Bayesian parametric and nonparametric method in statistical learning. Since October 2017, I'm doing a PhD within the Fluminance team of INRIA Rennes, on stochastic modelling of oceanic dynamics for ensemble forecasting, uncertainty quantification and data assimilation.


My current research is focused on a stochastic parametrization of oceanic mesoscale eddies, particularly in the quasi-geostrophic regime. The aim is to better understand their physical effects on large-scale circulation, to identify their contributions on energy transfer and to characterize the low-frequency variability in realistic ocean models. In general, I also have strong interests in the applications of uncertainty quantification and ensemble data assimilation. Rencently, I participated in the French national LEFE MANU project - Mutiple Scale Ocean Model (MSOM) and in the International ERC program - Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics (STUOD).

Keywords: stochastic modelling, oceanic dynamics, uncertainty quantification, data assimilation

