%0 Journal Article %F Derian13a %A Dérian, P. %A Héas, P. %A Herzet, C. %A Mémin, E. %T Wavelets and Optical Flow Motion Estimation %J Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications %V 6 %N 1 %P 116-137 %X This article describes the implementation of a simple wavelet-based optical-flow motion estimator dedicated to continuous motions such as fluid flows. The wavelet representation of the unknown velocity field is considered. This scale-space representation, associated to a simple gradient-based optimization algorithm, sets up a well-defined multiresolution framework for the optical flow estimation. Moreover, a very simple closure mechanism, approaching locally the solution by high-order polynomials, is provided by truncating the wavelet basis at fine scales. Accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method is evaluated on image sequences of turbulent fluid flows. %U http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/73/75/66/PDF/ssvm07.pdf %8 January %D 2013