%O Report %F Derian10b %A Dérian, P. %A Héas, P. %A Herzet, C. %A Mémin, E. %T {W}avelet {E}xpansion and {H}igh-order {R}egularization for {M}ultiscale {F}luid-motion {E}stimation %N 7348 %I INRIA %X {W}e consider a novel optic flow estimation algorithm based on a wavelet expansion of the velocity field. {I}n particular, we propose an efficient gradient-based estimation algorithm which naturally encompasses the estimation process into a multiresolution framework while avoiding most of the drawbacks common to this kind of hierarchical methods. {W}e then emphasize that the proposed methodology is well-suited to the practical implementation of high-order regularizations. {T}he powerfulness of the proposed algorithm and regularization schemes are finally assessed by simulation results on challenging image sequence of turbulent fluids. %U http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00505780/PDF/RR_7348.pdf %D 2010