Publications 2010

Thèses de doctorat

  1. Y. Ma. Compositional modeling of globally asynchronous locally synchronous (GALS) architectures in a polychronous model of compotation. Thèse, 2010. details download


  1. Sandeep K. Shukla, Jean-Pierre Talpin (eds.). Synthesis of Embedded Software. Springer, 2010. details

Articles de journaux

  1. Abdoulaye Gamatie, Thierry Gautier. The Signal Synchronous Multiclock Approach to the Design of Distributed Embedded Systems. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 21(5), 2010. details
  2. Imran Quadri, Huafeng Yu, Abdoulaye Gamatie Samy, Meftali and Jean-Luc Dekeyser, Eric Rutten. Targeting Reconfigurable FPGA based SoCs using the MARTE UML profile: from high abstraction levels to code generation. International Journal of Embedded Systems, 2010. details
  3. Jean-Pierre Talpin, Julien Ouy, Thierry Gautier, Loic Besnard, Paul Le Guernic. Compositional design of isochronous systems. Science of Computer Programming, 2010. details
  4. Huafeng Yu, Abdoulaye Gamatie, Eric Rutten, Jean-Luc Dekeyser. Adaptivity in High-Performance Embedded Systems: a Reactive Control Model for Reliable and Flexible Design. Knowledge Engineering Review, Accepted for publication, 2010. details
  5. Imran Rafiq Quadri, Abdoulaye Gamatie, Samy Meftali, Jean-Luc Dekeyser, Huafeng Yu, …ric Rutten. Targeting Reconfigurable FPGA based SoCs using the MARTE UML profile: from high abstraction levels to code generation. International Journal of Embedded Systems, Septembre 2010. details

Chapitres de livres

  1. Loic Besnard, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic, Jean-Pierre Talpin. Compilation of Polychronous Data Flow Equations. In Synthesis of Embedded Software, Sandeep K. Shukla, Jean-Pierre Talpin (eds.), Springer, 2010. details
  2. A. Cortier, L. Besnard, J.-P. Bodeveix, J. Buisson, F. Dagnat, M. Filali, G. Garcia, J. Ouy, M. Pantel, A. Rugina, M. Strecker, J.-P. Talpin. Synoptic : a domain-specific modeling language for space on-board application software. In Synthesis of Embedded Software, Sandeep K. Shukla, Jean-Pierre Talpin (eds.), Springer, 2010. details
  3. Yann Glouche, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic, Jean-Pierre Talpin. A Module Language for Typing Signal Programs by Contracts. In Synthesis of Embedded Software, Sandeep K. Shukla, Jean-Pierre Talpin (eds.), Springer, 2010. details

Conférences internationales

  1. Kenneth Johnson, Loic Besnard, Thierry Gautier, Jean-Pierre Talpin. A Synchronous Approach to Threaded Program Verification. In Proceedings of the 2010 10th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems, AVOCS '10, Pages 168-183, 2010. details
  2. Yue Ma, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Thierry Gautier. Interpretation of AADL Behavior Annex into Synchronous Formalism using SSA. In Proceedings of the 2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Pages 2361-2366, 2010. details
  3. Julio C. Peralta, Thierry Gautier, Loic Besnard, Paul Le Guernic. LTSs for translation validation of (multi-clocked) Signal specifications. In Proceedings of the 2010 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign (MEMOCODE), Pages 199-208, 2010. details
  4. Jean-Pierre Talpin, Julien Ouy, Thierry Gautier, Loic Besnard, Alexandre Cortier. Modular Interpretation of Heterogeneous Modeling Diagrams into Synchronous Equations Using Static Single Assignment. In Proceedings of the 2010 10th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD '10, Pages 137-146, 2010. details
  5. E. Vecchie, J.-P. Talpin, S. Boisgerault. A higher-order extension for imperative synchronous languages. In Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, SCOPES'10, Pages 168-183, 2010. details
  6. Huafeng Yu, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Lo@c Besnard, Thierry Gautier, Frederic Mallet, Charles Andre, Robert De Simone. Polychronous Analysis of Timing Constraints in UML MARTE. In IEEE International Workshop on Model-Based Engineering for Real-Time Embedded Systems Design, Espagne Parador of Carmona, 2010. details

Rapports de recherche

  1. Kenneth Johnson, Loic Besnard, Thierry Gautier, Jean-Pierre Talpin. A Synchronous Approach to Threaded Program Verification. Rapport de recherche INRIA, Juin 2010. details

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