Publications 2006
Articles de journaux
- Hiren D. Patel, Deepak Mathaikutty, David Berner, Sandeep Shukla. ARH: service-oriented architecture for validating system-level designs. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, 25(8):1458-1474, 2006.
- Syed Suhaib, Deepak Mathaikutty, David Berner, Sandeep Shukla. Validating Families of Latency Insensitive Protocols. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 55(11):1391-1401, 2006.
- Jean-Pierre Talpin, Paul Le Guernic. An algebraic theory for behavioral modeling and protocol synthesis in system design. Formal Methods in System Design, 2006.
Conférences internationales
- S Suhaib, D Mathiakutty, Sandeep Shukla, Jean-Pierre Talpin. Polychronous methodology for system design, a true concurrency approach. In High-level design, validation and test workshop, IEEE Press, Novembre 2006.
- Christian Brunette, R Delamare, Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier, Jean-Pierre Talpin. A modeling paradigm for integrated modular avionics design. In Software Engineering and Advanced Application, IEEE Press, Septembre 2006.
- Jean-Pierre Talpin, Christian Brunette, Thierry Gautier, Abdoulaye Gamatié. Polychronous mode automata. In Embedded Software Conference, ACM Press, Septembre 2006.
- Loïc Besnard, Hervé Marchand, Eric Rutten. The Sigali Tool Box Environment. In WODES'06, 8th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Sessions on Software Tools for DES, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, Juillet 2006.
- François Vernadat, Christian Percebois, Patrick Farail, R Vingerhoes, Alain Rossignol, Jean-Pierre Talpin, David Chemouil. The Topcased project - a toolkit in open-source for critical application and system development. In International Space System Engineering Conference, Eurospace, Mai 2006.
- Christian Brunette, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Loïc Besnard, Thierry Gautier. Modeling multi-clocked data-flow programs using the Generic Modeling Environment. In Synchronous Languages, Applications, and Programming, Elsevier, Mars 2006.
- Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic. Toward Static Analysis of SIGNAL Programs using Interval Techniques. In Synchronous Languages, Applications, and Programming, SLAP 2006, Florence Maraninchi, Marc Pouzet (eds.), Vienna, Austria, Mars 2006.
- Hamoudi Kalla, Jean-Pierre Talpin, David Berner, Loïc Besnard. Automated translation of C/C++ programs into a synchronous formalism. In Engineering of Computer Based Systems, IEEE Press, Mars 2006.
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