Publications 2001

Academic Journals

  1. Jean-René Beauvais, Eric Rutten, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic, Yan-Mei Tang. Modelling Statecharts and Activitycharts as Signal equations. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 10(4), 2001. details
  2. Apostolos Kountouris, Christophe Wolinski, Jean-Christophe Le Lann. High-Level Synthesis Using Hierarchical Conditional Dependency Graphs in the CODESIS System. EUROMICRO Journal of Systems Architecture on Modern Methods and Tools in Digital System Design, 2001. details
  3. Hervé Marchand, Eric Rutten, Michel Le Borgne, Mazen Samaan. Formal Verification of Programs specified with Signal: Application to a power transformer Station Controller. Science of Computer Programming, 41(1):85-104, August 2001. details

International Conferences

  1. F. Jiménez, E. Rutten. A synchronous model of IEC 61131 PLC languages in Signal. In Proceedings of the 13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, ECRTS'01, June 13th-15th, 2001, Delft, The Netherlands, Pages 135-142, 2001. details
  2. Albert Benveniste, Patricia Bournai, Thierry Gautier, Michel Le Borgne, Paul Le Guernic, Hervé Marchand. The Signal declarative synchronous language: controller synthesis & systems/architecture design. In 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2001. details
  3. Hervé Marchand, O. Boivineau, S. Lafortune. Optimal control of discrete event systems under partial observation. In 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2001. details
  4. K. Kuchcinski, C. Wolinski. Synthesis of Conditional Behaviors Using Hierarchical Conditional Dependency Graphs and Constraint Logic Programming. In Proceedings of EUROMICRO'01, Varsovie, Pologne, September 2001. details
  5. A. Benveniste. Some synchronization issues when designing embedded systems from components. In First International Workshop on Embedded Software (EMSOFT'2001), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2211, August 2001. details

Research Reports

  1. Mirabelle Nebut, Sophie Pinchinat, Paul Le Guernic. A Model for the Verification of Static Synchronous Data-flow Specifications. Research Report Irisa, No 1402, 2001. details ppt
  2. Jean-Pierre Talpin. A simplified account of region inference. rr Inria, No 4104, September 2001. details ppt


  1. H. Marchand. Utilisation de Signal/Sigali pour la synthèse de séquences d'attaque et la simulation + Synthèse de systèmes hérarchiques. Rapport de convention CASTOR, 2001. details
  2. T. Le Sergent, J.L. Camus, F. Dupont, T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, H. Hungar, K. Winkelmann, O. Shtrichman, M. Cohen. ASDE V1.0 specification. March 2001. details
  3. . Design and Implementation of Architecture Components. February 2001. details
  4. . Component performance evaluation. February 2001. details

PhD Thesis

  1. Y. Wang. UML et technologie synchrone pour les systèmes réactifs distribués. PhD Thesis Ifsic, Université de Rennes 1, December 2001. details
  2. F. Jiménez. Conception sûre des automatismes industriels : modélisation synchrone de langages d'automates programmables de la norme CEI-61131-3. PhD Thesis Université de Rennes 1, IFSIC, March 2001. details

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