Publications 1995

Thèses de doctorat

  1. T. Amagbegnon. Forme canonique arborescente deshorloges de Signal. Thèse de l'université de Rennes 1, Novembre 1995. details ps
  2. G. Paller. RAFAEL: An Intelligent, Multi-Target Signal-Flow compiler. Thèse de l'Université Technique de Budapest, Septembre 1995. details

Articles de journaux

  1. A. Benveniste, B.C. Levy, E. Fabre, P. Le Guernic. A calculus of stochastic systems for the specification, simulation, and hidden state estimation of hybrid stochastic/nonstochastic systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 2(152):171-217, Décembre 1995. details ps
  2. F. Laroussinie, S. Pinchinat, P. Schnoebelen. Translation Results for Modal Logics of Reactive Systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 40(1), Mars 1995. details

Chapitres de livres

  1. T. Amagbegnon, P. Le Guernic, H. Marchand, E. Rutten. Signal- the specification of a generic, verified production cell controller. In Formal Development of Reactive Systems - Case Study Production Cell, C. Lewerentz, T. Lindner (eds.), Chap. 7, pp. 115-129, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Janvier 1995. details

Conférences internationales

  1. T. Amagbegnon, L. Besnard, P. Le Guernic. Implementation of the Data-flow Synchronous Language Signal. In Programming Languages Design and Implementation, Pages 163-173, 1995. details ps
  2. S. Pinchinat, E. Rutten, R.K. Shyamasundar. Preemption primitives in reactive languages (a preliminary report). In Proceedings of the Asian Computing Science Conference, ACSC '95, Pathumthani, Thailand, Décembre 1995. details ps
  3. J.V. Echagüe, Z. Habbas, S. Pinchinat. Structural Operational Semantics for True Concurrency. In Proc. of the 15th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, SCCC'95, Arica, Chili, Novembre 1995. details
  4. G. Paller, C. Wolinski. SPRINGPLAY A New Class of Compile-Time Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Target Architectures. In Proceedings of the 20th IFIP/IFAC Workshop on Real Time Programming,WRTP '95, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Novembre 1995. details
  5. E. Rutten, P. Le Guernic. Sequencing and preempting data flow tasks. In Proceedings of the 20th IFIP/IFAC Workshop on Real Time Programming,WRTP '95, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Novembre 1995. details
  6. P. Aubry, P. Le Guernic, S. Machard. Distribution synchrone de programmes Signal. In Actes des 2ème Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Systèmes répartis, Octobre 1995. details ps
  7. H. Marchand, E. Rutten, M. Samaan. Synchronous design of a transformer station controller in Signal. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Conference on Control Applications, CCA '95, Albany, New York, Pages 754-759, Septembre 1995. details ps
  8. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette, E. Rutten. Real time active visual reconstruction using the synchronous paradigm. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS '95, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Août 1995. details ps
  9. E. Rutten, F. Martinez. Signalgti: implementing task preemption and time intervals in the synchronous data flow language Signal. In Proceedings of the 7th Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems, Odense, Denmark, Juin 1995. details ps
  10. EP-ATR Project. Signal: a formal design environment for real time systems. In Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development, TAPSOFT '95, AA arhus, Denmark, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 915, Mai 1995. details
  11. P. Aubry, T. Gautier. GC: the Data-Flow Graph Format of Synchronous Programming. In Proceedings ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Intermediate Representations (IR'95), ACM Sigplan Notices, Volume 30, Pages 83-93, Mars 1995. details ps
  12. D. Chauveau, A. Benveniste, B.C. Levy, P. Le Guernic. Simulation et estimation de systèmes stochastiques. In Cinquième atelier d'évaluation de performances, Février 1995. details

Rapports de recherche

  1. D. Chauveau, M. Bons. Simulation d'un circuit électro-domestique en Signal. Rapport de recherche Irisa, No 971, Novembre 1995. details ps
  2. T. Amagbegnon, P. Le Guernic, H. Marchand, E. Rutten. The Signal data flow methodology applied to a production cell. Rapport de recherche Irisa, No 917, Mars 1995. details ps
  3. H. Marchand, E. Rutten, M. Samaan. Specifying and verifying a transformer station in Signal and Signalgti. Rapport de recherche Irisa, No 916, Mars 1995. details ps


  1. M. Le Borgne, H. Marchand. Méthodologie de conception d'automatismes séquentiels. Convention Inria - EdF No M64/7C8321/E5/11, Novembre 1995. details
  2. H. Marchand, M. Le Borgne, M. Samaan. Méthodes de vérification et de synthèse sur des systèmes dynamiques polynômiaux, appliquées au modèle physique d'un poste de transformation électrique. Convention Inria - EdF No M64/7C8321/E5/11, Juillet 1995. details

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