S. Donikian, E. Rutten. Reactivity, concurrency, data flow and hierarchical preemption for behavioral animationn. In Proceedings of the 5th Eurographics Workshop on Programming Paradigms in Graphics. R.C. Veltkamp, E.H. Blake (eds.), Programming Paradigms in Graphics, Springer, Computer Science, 169 Maastricht, the Netherlands, September 0.
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Behavioural models offer the ability to simulate autonomous entities like organisms and living beings. Such entities are able to perceive their environment, to communicate with other creatures and to execute some decided actions either on themselves or on their environment. Building such systems requires the design of a reactive system treating flows of data to and from its environment, in a complex way needing modularity, concurrency and hierarchy, and involving task control and preemption. Accordingly, in this paper we address the adequateness to the decisional part of the behavioural model of the following programming paradigms: reactivity, concurrency, data-flow and hierarchical preemption. The reactive languages provide users with complete design environments for such systems. The specification of concurrent behaviours is naturally supported in the synchronous languages, and they address control-intensive applications (sequencing and preempting tasks) as well as computation-intensive applications (data-flow). Signalgti is an extension of the language Signal where data-flow processes can be composed into nested preemptive tasks. An application in the simulation of a transportation system shows how these programming paradigms can be of use, and how Signalgti can support their implementation
Author = {Donikian, S. and Rutten, E.},
Title = {Reactivity, concurrency, data flow and hierarchical preemption for behavioral animationn},
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Eurographics Workshop on Programming Paradigms in Graphics. R.C. Veltkamp, E.H. Blake (eds.), Programming Paradigms in Graphics, Springer, Computer Science, 169 Maastricht, the Netherlands},
Month = {September},
Year = {0}
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