
All the publications

Bibliography by years

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Bibliography by authors

Michel Allemand Tocheou Amagbegnon Pascal Aubry Jean-Rene Beauvais
Mohammed Belhadj Albert Benveniste David Berner Loic Besnard
Patricia Bournai Christian Brunette Dominique Chauveau Bruno Chéron
Romain Delamare Bruno Dutertre Abdoulaye Gamatié Thierry Gautier
Yann Glouche Loic Helouet Roland Houdebine Bernard Houssais
Fernando Jiménez Kenneth Johnson Hamoudi Kalla Mickael Kerboeuf
Olga Kouchnarenko Apostolos Kountouris Michel LeBorgne Bernard LeGoff
Paul LeGuernic Jean-Christophe LeLann Pierre LeMaigat Claude LeMaire
Yue Ma Sylvain Machard Olivier Maffeis Vincent Mahé
Oded Maler Herve Marchand Florent Martinez Hugo Metivier
Lionel Morel Mohammad Mousavi Hugo Métivier Mirabelle Nebut
David Nowak Julien Ouy Qiuling Pan Julio Peralta
Sophie Pinchinat Eric Rutten Irina Smarandache Jean-Pierre Talpin
Yan Mei Tang Stephane Tudoret Eric Vecchie Yunming Wang
Christophe Wolinski Huafeng Yu

Bibliography by categories

PhD Thesis
Academic Journals Books Book Chapters
International Conferences
Research Reports Misc

Bibliography by keywords

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Last update Thu Mar 1 13:58:07 2012

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