Research Reports


  1. Virginia Papailiopoulou, Dumitru Potop-Butucaru, Yves Sorel, Robert De Simone, Loic Besnard, Jean-Pierre Talpin. From concurrent multi-clock programs to concurrent multi-threaded implementations. Research Report INRIA, No 0, March 2011. details download


  1. Kenneth Johnson, Loic Besnard, Thierry Gautier, Jean-Pierre Talpin. A Synchronous Approach to Threaded Program Verification. Research Report INRIA, June 2010. details


  1. Yann Glouche, Paul Le Guernic, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Thierry Gautier. A boolean algebra of contracts for logical assume-guarantee. Research Report INRIA, 2008. details


  1. Jean-Pierre Talpin, Julien Ouy, Loïc Besnard, Paul Le Guernic. Compositional design of isochronous systems. 2007. details download


  1. Christian Brunette, Romain Delamare, Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier, Jean-Pierre Talpin. A Modeling Paradigm for Integrated Modular Avionic Design. Research Report INRIA, No 5715, October 2005. details
  2. Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic, Jean-Pierre Talpin. Polychronous Design of Embedded Real-Time Systems. Research Report INRIA, No 5509, March 2005. details


  1. Eric Rutten, Hervé Marchand. Using discrete control synthesis for safe robot programming. Research Report INRIA, 2002. details
  2. Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier. Synchronous Modeling of Modular Avionics Architectures using the SIGNAL Language. Research Report Irisa, No 0, December 2002. details


  1. Mirabelle Nebut, Sophie Pinchinat, Paul Le Guernic. A Model for the Verification of Static Synchronous Data-flow Specifications. Research Report Irisa, No 1402, 2001. details ppt
  2. Jean-Pierre Talpin. A simplified account of region inference. rr Inria, No 4104, September 2001. details ppt


  1. B. Caillaud, J. P. Talpin, J.M. Jezequel, A. Benveniste, C. Jard. BDL: a semantics backbone for UML dynamic diagrams. Research Report Inria, No 4003, September 2000. details ps
  2. B. Caillaud, J.P. Talpin, J.M. Jezequel, A. Benveniste, C. Jard. BDL: a semantics backbone for UML dynamic diagrams. rr Inria, No 4003, September 2000. details ps
  3. H Marchand, O. Boivineau, S. Lafortune. Optimal control of discrete event systems under partial observation. Research Report CGR-00-10, Control Group, College of Engineering, University of Michigan, USA, September 2000. details ps
  4. Y. Wang, J. P. Talpin, A. Benveniste, P. Le Guernic. Pre-order semantics of UML state machines. Research Report Irisa, No 1336, June 2000. details ps
  5. J.P Talpin. Research Report Irisa, No 1305, March 2000. details ps
  6. J. P. Talpin. Synchronous modeling and asynchronous deployment of mobile processes. rr Inria, No 3893, March 2000. details ps


  1. A. Benveniste, P. Caspi. Distributing synchronous programs on a loosely synchronous, distributed architecture. Research Report Irisa, No 1289, December 1999. details ps
  2. A. Benveniste, P. Caspi, S. Tripakis. Distributing synchronous programs on a loosely synchronous, distributed architecture. Rapport de recherche Irisa, No 1289, December 1999. details ps
  3. J.-P. Talpin, A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, P. Le Guernic. Hierarchic Normal Forms for desynchronization. Research Report Irisa, No 1288, December 1999. details ps
  4. S. Tudoret. Signal-Simulink : Hybrid System Co-simulation. Research Report Linköping, No 20, December 1999. details download
  5. S. Pinchinat, H. Marchand, M. Le Borgne. Symbolic Abstractions of Automata and their application to the Supervisory Control Problem. Research Report Irisa, No 1279, November 1999. details ps
  6. M. Kerboeuf, D. Nowak, J.-P. Talpin. The steam-boiler problem in SIGNAL-COQ. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 3773, October 1999. details ps
  7. H. Marchand, M. Le Borgne. The Supervisory Control Problem of Discrete Event Systems using polynomial Methods. Research Report Irisa, No 1271, October 1999. details ps
  8. J.-P. Talpin, A. Benveniste, P. Le Guernic. Asynchronous deployment of synchronous transition systems. Research Report Irisa, No 1269, October 1999. details ps
  9. A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, P. Le Guernic. From synchrony to asynchrony. Research Report Irisa, No 1233, March 1999. details ps


  1. O. Kouchnarenko, S. Pinchinat. Intensional Approaches for Symbolic Methods. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 3448, July 1998. details ps
  2. H. Marchand, O. Boivineau, S. Lafortune. On the Synthesis of Optimal Schedulers in Discrete Event Control Problems with Multiple Goals. Research Report CGR-98-10, Control Group, College of Engineering, Univeristy of Michigan, USA, July 1998. details ps
  3. J.R. Beauvais, R. Houdebine, P. Le Guernic, E. Rutten, T. Gautier. A translation of Statecharts and Activitycharts into Signal equations. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 3397, April 1998. details ps
  4. J.P. Talpin, A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, C. Jard, Z. Bouziane, H. Canon. BDL, a language of distributed reactive objects. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 3353, February 1998. details ps


  1. M. Allemand, F. Bodin, A. Kountouris, P. Le Guernic, J.C. Le Lann, A. Seznec, C. Wolinski. A Synchronous Approach for Hardware Design. Research Report Irisa, No 1131, 1997. details ps
  2. A. Benveniste, P. Le Guernic, P. Aubry. Compositionality in dataflow synchronous languages: specification & code generation. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 3310, November 1997. details ps
  3. H. Marchand, M. Le Borgne. Partial Order Control and Optimal Control of Discrete Event Systems modeled as Polynomial Dynamical Systems over Galois fields. Research Report Irisa, No 1125, October 1997. details ps
  4. P. Bournai, M. Le Borgne, H. Marchand. Environnement de conception d'automatismes discrets basé sur le langage Signal. Research Report Irisa, No 1124, September 1997. details ps
  5. D. Nowak, J.P. Talpin, T. Gautier. Un système de modules avancé pour Signal. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 3176, June 1997. details ps
  6. I. Smarandache, P. Le Guernic. A Canonical Form for Affine Relations in Signal. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 3097, February 1997. details ps


  1. A. Kountouris, C. Wolinski. A real-time hw/sw co-design approach based on the language and its environment. Research Report Irisa, No 1053, October 1996. details ps
  2. G. Paller, C. Wolinski. Springplay : répartition et ordonnancement de tâches pour leur exécution en « pipeline ». Research Report Irisa, No 1052, October 1996. details ps


  1. D. Chauveau, M. Bons. Simulation d'un circuit électro-domestique en Signal. Research Report Irisa, No 971, November 1995. details ps
  2. T. Amagbegnon, P. Le Guernic, H. Marchand, E. Rutten. The Signal data flow methodology applied to a production cell. Research Report Irisa, No 917, March 1995. details ps
  3. H. Marchand, E. Rutten, M. Samaan. Specifying and verifying a transformer station in Signal and Signalgti. Research Report Irisa, No 916, March 1995. details ps


  1. E. Marchand, E. Rutten, F. Chaumette. Applying the Synchronous Approach to Real Time Active Visual Reconstruction. Research Report Inria, No 2383, November 1994. details ps
  2. T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, O. Maffeis. For a New Real-Time Methodology. Research Report Inria, No 2364, October 1994. details ps
  3. A. Benveniste, B.C. Levy, E. Fabre, P. Le Guernic. A calculus of stochastic systems for the specification, simulation, and hidden state estimation of hybrid stochastic/nonstochastic systems. Research Report Irisa, No 837, July 1994. details ps
  4. T. Amagbegnon, L. Besnard, P. Le Guernic. Arborescent Canonical Form of Boolean Expressions. Research Report Inria, No 2290, June 1994. details ps
  5. T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, F. Dupont. SIGNAL V4 : manuel de référence. Research Report Irisa, No 832, June 1994. details ps
  6. B. Houssais, M. Le Borgne, P. Le Guernic. Cours de programmation en langage temps-réel SIGNAL. Research Report Irisa, June 1994. details
  7. P. Bournai, C. Lavarenne, P. Le Guernic, O. Maffeis, Y. Sorel. Interface SIGNAL-SynDEx. Research Report Inria, No 2206, March 1994. details ps
  8. H. Marchand, M. Le Borgne. Typage des graphes de décisions ternaires. Research Report Irisa, No 797, March 1994. details ps
  9. O. Maffeis, P. Le Guernic. From Synchronous-Flow Dependence Graphs to Reliable and Efficient Implementations. Research Report Ercim, No 2, February 1994. details
  10. B. Dutertre, M. Le Borgne. Control of Polynomial Dynamic Systems: an Example. Research Report Inria, No 2193, January 1994. details ps


  1. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette, E. Rutten. Stratégie perceptive d'un environnement statique dans un contexte de vision active. Research Report Irisa, No 775, November 1993. details ps
  2. E. Rutten, P. Le Guernic. Sequencing data flow tasks in SIGNAL. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 2120, November 1993. details ps
  3. A. Benveniste, P. Caspi, P. Le Guernic, N. Halbwachs. Data-flow Synchronous Languages. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 2089, October 1993. details ps
  4. P. Bournai, B. Chéron, T. Gautier, B. Houssais, P. Le Guernic. SIGNAL manual. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 1969, September 1993. details ps
  5. P. Bournai, P. Le Guernic. Un environnement graphique pour le langage SIGNAL. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 2040, September 1993. details ps
  6. C. Wolinski, M. Belhadj. Vers la synthèse automatique de programmes SIGNAL. Research Report Irisa, No 746, July 1993. details ps
  7. C. Wolinski, T. Cholet, D. Derrien, J.P. Guillou, P. Leali, A. Riboult. Une architecture pour l'exécution d'applications SIGNAL. Research Report Irisa, No 704, February 1993. details


  1. T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic. Signal V4: Manuel de Référence. Research Report Irisa, 1992. details
  2. O. Maffeis, B. Cheron, P. Le Guernic. Transformations du graphe des programmes Signal. Research Report Irisa, No 619, November 1992. details
  3. A. Benveniste, M. Le Borgne, P. Le Guernic. Signal as a model for Real-Time and Hybrid Systems. Research Report irisa, No 624, January 1992. details
  4. O. Maler, Z. Manna, A. Pnueli. From Timed to Hybrid Systems. Research Report Stanford University, No 0, January 1992. details


  1. B. Delyon, O. Maler. On Fault-Tolerant Symbolic Computations. Research Report Irisa, No 615, November 1991. details
  2. A. Benveniste. Constructive Probability and the Signalea : language: building and handling random processes via programming. Research Report Inria, No 1532, October 1991. details
  3. B. Dutertre, P. Le Guernic. Description et simulation d'un système de passage niveau en SIGNAL. Research Report Inria, No 1437, May 1991. details
  4. A. Benveniste, G. Berry. The Synchronous Approach to Reactive and Real-Time Systems. Research Report Irisa, No 581, April 1991. details
  5. P. Le Guernic, T. Gautier, M. Le Borgne, C. Le Maire. Programming Real-Time Applications with Signal. Research Report Irisa, No 582, April 1991. details
  6. P. Bournai, B. Chéron, T. Gautier, B. Houssais, P. Le Guernic. Manuel SIGNAL. Research Report Irisa, No 575, February 1991. details

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