Publications of Roland Houdebine

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International Conferences

  1. J.R. Beauvais, R. Houdebine, Y.M. Tang, P. Le Guernic, E. Rutten, T. Gautier. Une modélisation de StateCharts et ActivityCharts en Signal. In Actes du 2ème Congrès sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, MSR'99, Cachan, March 1999. details ps
  2. J.R. Beauvais, T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, R. Houdebine, E. Rutten. A translation of Statecharts into Signal. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (CSD'98), Pages 52-62, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, March 1998. details ps

Research Reports

  1. J.R. Beauvais, R. Houdebine, P. Le Guernic, E. Rutten, T. Gautier. A translation of Statecharts and Activitycharts into Signal equations. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 3397, April 1998. details ps


  1. J.R. Beauvais, R. Houdebine, P. Le Guernic, E. Rutten, T. Gautier. Task I1.1A: StateMate integration - A translation of Statecharts and Activitycharts into Signal equations. Esprit project EP 20897: Sacres, April 1998. details

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Last update Thu Mar 1 13:57:51 2012

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