Publications of Pascal Aubry

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International Conferences

  1. A. Benveniste, P. Le Guernic, P. Aubry. Compositionality in dataflow synchronous languages: specification and code generation. In Proceedings of the 1997 Workshop on Compositionality, W.P. de Roever and A. Pnueli Eds, Malente, Germany, 1997. details
  2. P. Aubry, P. Le Guernic. On the desynchronization of synchronous applications. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Systems Engineering, ICSE'96, Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), July 1996. details ps
  3. Proj. ASAR, P. Aubry, M. Belhadj, TH. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, P. Quinton, C. Dezan, M. Israël, J. Benzakki, T. Bouguerba, F. Rousseau, M. Auguin, C. Carrière, G. Cogniat, G. Durrieu, M. Lemaître, E. Martin, O. Sentieys, J.L. Philippe, L. Rideau. Vers un Atelier d'accueil générique pour la Synthèse ARchitecturale bâti autour de Centaur : ASAR. In Quatrième Symposium Architectures Nouvelles de Machines, Pages 51-62, Irisa, Rennes, February 1996. details
  4. P. Aubry, P. Le Guernic, S. Machard. Synchronous distribution of SIGNAL programs. In Proc. of the 29th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Volume 1, Pages 656-665, January 1996. details ps
  5. P. Aubry, P. Le Guernic, S. Machard. Distribution synchrone de programmes Signal. In Actes des 2ème Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Systèmes répartis, October 1995. details ps
  6. P. Aubry, T. Gautier. GC: the Data-Flow Graph Format of Synchronous Programming. In Proceedings ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Intermediate Representations (IR'95), ACM Sigplan Notices, Volume 30, Pages 83-93, March 1995. details ps
  7. Proj. Asar, P. Aubry, M. Auguin, M. Belhadj, J. Benzakki, T. Bouguerba, C. Carrière, G. Durrieu, T. Gautier, M. Israël, P. Le Guernic, M. Lemaitre, E. Martin, P. Quinton, L. Rideau, F. Rousseau, O. Sentieys. Framework and Multi-Formalism: the ASAR Project. In Proceedings of the 4th International IFIP 10.5 Working Conference on Electronic Design Automation Frameworks, Gramado (Brésil), November 1994. details
  8. Proj. Asar, P. Aubry, M. Auguin, M. Belhadj, J. Benzakki, T. Bouguerba, C. Carrière, G. Durrieu, T. Gautier, M. Israël, P. Le Guernic, M. Lemaitre, E. Martin, P. Quinton, L. Rideau, F. Rousseau, O. Sentieys. Towards a Multi-Formalism Framework for Architectural Synthesis: the ASAR Project. In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Hardware/Software Codesign, Pages 25-32, Grenoble, September 1994. details ps

Research Reports

  1. A. Benveniste, P. Le Guernic, P. Aubry. Compositionality in dataflow synchronous languages: specification & code generation. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 3310, November 1997. details ps

PhD Thesis

  1. P. Aubry. Mises en oeuvre distribuées de programmes synchrones. PhD Thesis Université de Rennes 1, IFSIC, October 1997. details ps

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