Publications of Olivier Maffeis

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International Conferences

  1. O. Maffeis, P. Le Guernic. Distributed Implementation of Signal: Scheduling & Graph Clustering. In 3rd International School and Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 863, Pages 547-566, September 1994. details ps
  2. O. Maffeis, P. Le Guernic. From Signal to fine-grain parallel implementations. In Int. Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, Pages 237-246, August 1994. details
  3. O. Maffeis, P. Le Guernic. Combining Dependability with Architectural Adaptability by means of the Signal Language. In 3rd Int. Workshop on Static Analysis, Volume 724 of LNCS, Pages 99-110, 1993. details
  4. O. Maffeis, P. Le Guernic. Graphes dynamiques : Ordonnancement statique maximal qualitatif. In Outils d'aide à la conception et à la programmation d'architectures dédiées au traitemnt du signal et de l'image, actes de conférences Adéquation Algortihmes Architectures, Pages 97-111, 1992. details

Research Reports

  1. T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, O. Maffeis. For a New Real-Time Methodology. Research Report Inria, No 2364, October 1994. details ps
  2. P. Bournai, C. Lavarenne, P. Le Guernic, O. Maffeis, Y. Sorel. Interface SIGNAL-SynDEx. Research Report Inria, No 2206, March 1994. details ps
  3. O. Maffeis, P. Le Guernic. From Synchronous-Flow Dependence Graphs to Reliable and Efficient Implementations. Research Report Ercim, No 2, February 1994. details
  4. O. Maffeis, B. Cheron, P. Le Guernic. Transformations du graphe des programmes Signal. Research Report Irisa, No 619, November 1992. details

PhD Thesis

  1. O. Maffeis. Ordonnancements de graphes de flots synchrones ; application à la mise en oeuvre de SIGNAL. PhD Thesis Université de Rennes I, IFSIC, January 1993. details

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