Publications de Jean-Christophe LeLann

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Thèses de doctorat

  1. Jean-Christophe Le Lann. Simulation et synthèse de circuits s'appuyant sur le Modèle Synchrone. Thèse de l'Université de Rennes 1, IFSIC, Mars 2002. details

Articles de journaux

  1. Paul Le Guernic, Jean-Pierre Talpin, J.-C. Le Lann. Polychrony for system design. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers. Special Issue on Application Specific Hardware Design, 2002. details
  2. Apostolos Kountouris, Christophe Wolinski, Jean-Christophe Le Lann. High-Level Synthesis Using Hierarchical Conditional Dependency Graphs in the CODESIS System. EUROMICRO Journal of Systems Architecture on Modern Methods and Tools in Digital System Design, 2001. details
  3. A. Kountouris, C. Wolinski, J.C. Le Lann. High-Level Synthesis Using Hierarchical Conditional Dependency Graphs in the CODESIS System. EUROMICRO Journal of Systems Architecture on Modern Methods and Tools in Digital System Design, 2000. details
  4. A. Kountouris, C. Wolinski, J.C. Le Lann. High-Level Synthesis Using Hierarchical Conditional Dependency Graphs in the CODESIS System. EUROMICRO Journal of Systems Architecture on Modern Methods and Tools in Digital System Design, 2000. details

Conférences internationales

  1. J.C. Le Lann, C. Wolinski. Load Balancing and Functional Unit Assignment in High-Level Synthesis. In Proceedings of the SCI'99/ISAS'99, Orlando, Floride, Août 1999. details
  2. J.C. Le Lann. Operand Isolation Using Signal Clock Calculus. In Proceedings of the 1st UK Low-Power Workshop, Sheffield, UK, Septembre 1998. details
  3. J.C. Le Lann. Génération automatique de code VHDL à partir de Signal. In Journées AAA98, CEA, Saclay, Janvier 1998. details

Rapports de recherche

  1. M. Allemand, F. Bodin, A. Kountouris, P. Le Guernic, J.C. Le Lann, A. Seznec, C. Wolinski. A Synchronous Approach for Hardware Design. Rapport de recherche Irisa, No 1131, 1997. details ps

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