Publications of David Berner

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Academic Journals

  1. Syed Suhaib, Deepak Mathaikutty, David Berner, Sandeep Shukla. Validating Families of Latency Insensitive Protocols. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 55(11):1391-1401, 2006. details
  2. Hiren D. Patel, Deepak Mathaikutty, David Berner, Sandeep Shukla. ARH: service-oriented architecture for validating system-level designs. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, 25(8):1458-1474, 2006. details
  3. Syed Suhaib, Deepak Mathaikutty, David Berner, Sandeep Shukla. XFM :An Incremental Methodology for Developing Formal Models. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) Special Issue on Validation of Large Systems, October 2005. details

Book Chapters

  1. J.P. Talpin, D. Berner, S. Shukla, P. Le Guernic, A. Gamatié, R. Gupta. Behavioral type inference for compositional system design, chapter in Formal Methods and Models for System Design. In Formal Methods and Models for System Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. details
  2. D. Berner, S. Suhaib, S. Shukla, J.P. Talpin. Capturing formal specifications into abstract models, chapter in Formal Methods and Models for System Design. In Formal Methods and Models for System Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. details

International Conferences

  1. Hamoudi Kalla, Jean-Pierre Talpin, David Berner, Loïc Besnard. Automated translation of C/C++ programs into a synchronous formalism. In Engineering of Computer Based Systems, IEEE Press, March 2006. details
  2. Syed Suhaib, Deepak Mathaikutty, David Berner, Sandeep Shukla. Validating Families of Latency Insensitive Protocols. In To be published in Proceedings of the IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop (HLDVT), Napa Valley, California, USA, November 2005. details
  3. David Berner, Hiren Patel, Deepak Mathaikutty, Sandeep Shukla. Automated Extraction of Structural Information from SystemC-based IP for Validation. In Proc. of 6th International Workshop on Microprocessor Test and Verification (MTV'05), Austin Texas, USA, November 2005. details
  4. David Berner, Hiren Patel, Deepak Mathaikutty, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Sandeep Shukla. SystemCXML: An Extensible SystemC Front End Using XML. In Proceedings of the Forum on specification and design languages (FDL), Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2005. details
  5. Syed Suhaib, David Berner, Deepak Mathaikutty, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Sandeep Shukla. A Functional Programming Framework for Latency Insensitive Protocol Validation. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Formal Methods for Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Design (FMGALS), Verona, Italy, July 2005. details
  6. D. Berner, J.P. Talpin, P. Le Guernic, S. K Shukla. Modular design through component abstraction. In International conference on compilers, architectures and synthesis for embedded systems, 2004. details
  7. J.P. Talpin, D. Berner, S. K. Shukla, A. Gamatié, P. Le Guernic, R. Gupta. A behavioral type inference system for compositional system-on-chip design. In Application of Concurrency to System Design, 2004. details
  8. Syed Suhaib, Deepak Mathaikutty, David Berner, Sandeep Shukla. Extreme Formal Modeling (XFM) for Hardware Models. In 5th International Workshop on Microprocessor Test and Verification, September 2004. details

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